How to tell the wife?

You have two routes:

1) the three D's: Deny Deny Deny

2) just be open and honest when people ask, whether it's your wife or not.

I'm about to start my first cycle....and I'm already in good shape as it will be obvious. I'd rather be known as an honest person than a liar. And by admitting that you are on them I feel like it demonstrates an awareness of who you are and that you are secure and free from the judgement of others.
Honestly, I am really torn on this. My wife knows I am on but then again, that is a big difference between a wife and a girlfriend. I like being honest but at the same time, you always have to watch your bottom line. Sometimes what people don't know, doesn't hurt them. Think about when you were a teenager or in college. When you would grab a few drinks and drive, would you call your parents and tell them you are drinking and driving?? Hell no you wouldn't. If they found out, then that is different but you wouldn't go out of your way and tell them. You don't want everyone to know you are on gear. Let them form opinions but you have to remember at the end of the day, steroids are illegal and can cause a load of legal trouble for you. So if people have asked me in the gym if I am juicing, I tell them I just lift different and eat different than most people. Sure they probably think I am a liar but then again, I don't owe some random fuck an answer in to my personal life either. If everyone knows you are on and you piss off the wrong people, you could land yourself in some legal trouble. There was a guy posting on here a while back that had his GF call the cops on him when they were fighting and told the cops he was juicing and showed the cops where his stash was. Just something to think about.
You have two routes:

1) the three D's: Deny Deny Deny

2) just be open and honest when people ask, whether it's your wife or not.

I'm about to start my first cycle....and I'm already in good shape as it will be obvious. I'd rather be known as an honest person than a liar. And by admitting that you are on them I feel like it demonstrates an awareness of who you are and that you are secure and free from the judgement of others.

I would choose no2
Don't go and tell the whole world! Telling the wife, sure, secrets can come back to bite the ass hard, but randoms or close friends no way.

Tell them your on the paleo swole man diet.
HA... I told wife that my friend bought my gear for me - she then channeled her anger towards him ..... Then I told her that i'm not asking for her support, permission or for her to condone my AAS use I just wanted her to know cause I didn't want to hide it from her. Then I made the promise that if I do anything or act really fuked up mean in any way I will quit. This made her some what accepting but she still throws it in my face every now and again... but truth was the best route. Imagine her walking in on you with a syringe hanging out of your as cheek and she didn't know. holy shit I would never hear the end of that one...
Her latest complaint is that I am looking like a meat head... funny - she cant imagine why at 40 years of age I would want to do this.... and my mom called me fat yesterday at mothers day dinner... shit I'm 10% BF 197 on Sustanon (sust) and mast and believe me i'm not fat. just not as lean as I was before my cycle that's all. But i'll get there... bust out the TREN !!! Women....
^ Yeah, you don't want to get walked in on while doing a pin. That would be tough to explain. If you do want to hide it, then just lock yourself in the bathroom during your shower time. If you're experienced at pinning, then sanitizing, prepping, shooting, and clean up shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes anyway.

Oh, and women are phucking retarded. Never forget that.
Mine thought that I was a vagina until I showed her blood work, 203 @ 26, aww poor honey....

Once she stopped freaking out she understands now. The social taboo with this stuff is redicious! She is on birth control, key to aging well, blah blah, same fooking thing.

I second the women being tard also.
My wife asked me if I was "doping" the other day because of the recent increase in the volume of my semen. The inch in bicep size in the last 2 months didnt tip her off. It was semen. I wanted to comment on how intuitive she is (and she is) but I just let it go with "no baby, its the creatine just like the porn stars use". She half bought that one.

Wev'e been married 20 years and she knows I'm honest with her sometimes. We get along.
I agree with 3J.....I'm never going to marry a woman I feel like I have to lie to.....I usually get my AAS and recreational drug use out in the open after about a month of dating...either they phase out or they stick around
Yeah, well go through a few decades of marriage and then come back with an update of how your idealism has been working for you. People don't tell each other everything. Either you get someone who feels like they have to know every freaking detail of everything you do all the time or you get a wife that you can keep and doesnt have to know everything and gives you room to be your own person. I have the latter. I have had the former. The latter is MUCH better.
My now x wifee call cops when she opened my package...

You can fight that in court, and have her sent to federal prison. It's illegal to open someone else's mail, and the charges would be dropped if you where hit with any as the evidence would of never been found had someone not broken the law.

Same logic applies to police officers; if they find drugs on you, but search you illegal you get a "get out of jail free card".
Get a lawyer, you may be able to get out of it. As said above it is a felony to open another person mail, even if it's an EX wife!
You can fight that in court, and have her sent to federal prison. It's illegal to open someone else's mail, and the charges would be dropped if you where hit with any as the evidence would of never been found had someone not broken the law.

Same logic applies to police officers; if they find drugs on you, but search you illegal you get a "get out of jail free card".

That's only applicable to LEO. If she was not operating under instruction of LE than the evidence will not get thrown out but she could face charges herself.
This has the potential to go bad. Tell her it's important to you, that you wouldn't do it without her permission and that you love her. If that fails, don't do it. Happy wife, happy life.
Should have been open enough with her right off the bat. Perhaps opening up so far down the line could have consequences.