HRT and drug testing


New member
I have been out of varsity sports for a couple of years and have recently had the chance to play with a team again. I have recently been put on temporary hormone replacement therapy and it may become permanent if my normal test ranges don't come back. So my question is will they be able to detect the drug in my system if I am not out of the normal range? I am getting test cypinate injections every two weeks. If my doses go up will they be able to detect the test? Or if they do find out because it is a medical condition will I be able to get away with it? This will be an influencing factor in wether I play again, I do not want to get caught but I don't want to come off the replacement therapy because I'm pretty sure my normal test production has been pemenantly shut down.

Please help with this any info would be great.
If you don't have normal levels of test production then you have a legitimate health problem that needs to be treated. As long as your levels are within "normal" ranges I would think you would be ok. I don't know if steroid tests check total test levels or they can detect esters. This would determine if you would fail a test or not. Anyone know??
If you're getting legitimate Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) from a doctor how in the hell would they have a case?

It's like kicking a kid with ADDHD off a team for testing positive for amphetamines when his doctor has him on adderall...there's no way in hell they'd get away with it. The school would get their ass sued big time.
I'd tell them your on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) your script is from the Dr. there shoildn't be a problem, but if they find something other ther cypionate you can forget it.

so couldnt a sneeky athlete get a script for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and run a dosage to keep there test at the top of the "normal" range? seems to easy to get a little extra edge in a tested sport
bronco944 said:
so couldnt a sneeky athlete get a script for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and run a dosage to keep there test at the top of the "normal" range? seems to easy to get a little extra edge in a tested sport

It's possible. I would think the hardest part is finding a doc that doesn't care about their license to practice enough that they would go ahead and prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to an athlete who most likely doesn't have low testosterone.

God knows there's enough people around here that manage to get their doctors to prescribe them Oxandrin for "muscle wasting" (and they probably weigh 225 lbs). ...never quite understood that one myself...
DTOX said:
It's possible. I would think the hardest part is finding a doc that doesn't care about their license to practice enough that they would go ahead and prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to an athlete who most likely doesn't have low testosterone.

God knows there's enough people around here that manage to get their doctors to prescribe them Oxandrin for "muscle wasting" (and they probably weigh 225 lbs). ...never quite understood that one myself...

getting a script for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a lot easier than you would think.
bronco944 said:
getting a script for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a lot easier than you would think.

I doubt it...I'm on HRT.

I was actually referring to the LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THIS AND OTHER FORUMS that have managed to get their doc to prescribe them oxandrin for "muscle wasting".
You don't need serum T levels below normal range to get TRT! Well, at least not from a real Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doc. We recognize that men are healthiest and happiest at the top of normal range, so that is where we take you.

I might suggest that you go to weekly doses, though. There is less chance of producing peaks above normal range that way (and also troughs between shots), plus it reduces the slim possibility of developing polycythemia.
So to bump a super old thread, will taking 1/2 CC x 250mg Enanthate every 5 days cause you to fail a urine test?

Your Hormone levels will fall within the normal range but will the ester be detected and cause you to fail?
Define can be found through urine but only as a pass/fail..actual level s recquire bloud work to much and of what compound...
Define can be found through urine but only as a pass/fail..actual level s recquire bloud work to much and of what compound...

By fail will they be able to detect that I am using somthing.

I mean if my level of test are on the high but acceptable levels due to my being on HRT and I take a urine test will I raise any major flags?