I am not seeing ANY results whatsoever!!


New member
Ok, so I'm taking gear but I'm not growing AT ALL!!

This is my short story...

I have been dabbling around with gear for about 1-2 years now. I have never really been on a proper cycle as at first I wasn't keen on using it.

So I have tried a few things (test enanthate, deca, test cypionate, tren, dianabol and anadrol amongst a few others) for about 6 weeks at a time each, but even then, I didn't get any gains... I have also used proviron, nolvadex and clomid intermittently after every small cycle I tried. I also tried long-acting insulin for a month and still nothing...

3 weeks ago I started taking testoviron depot 250, sustanon 250 and deca durabolin 100 by Organon. I have been taking 1ml of each three times a week along with 1 proviron tab a day. I also frontloaded with british dispensary dinabol 40mg/day.

And I know this stuff is real because the guy I buy from supplies at least another 5 gyms in my city and ALOT more people I know buy from him and have gotten the results.

The only problem is, all I am seeing and feeling right now are the androgenic affects such as an extremely high libido and unbelievable hair growth. Other than that, a small increase in strength. I'm also looking a bit leaner...

I weigh 154 lbs.. Including my 5-7 meals I eat daily and my protein shakes, I consume between 250-300 grams of protein a day. From what I know, this amount of protein is sufficient for my body weight?
For breakfast, I have a bowl of oats. Throughout the day I'm eating, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, chicken, tuna and steak and I eat till I'm full... I don't eat carbs after 3 though.

I train quite hard although I reckon I'm not pushing myself to my limits... Per exercise, I do 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6 reps.. I'm currently doing a training program which is: Day 1 - Biceps, Back. Day 2 - Chest, Triceps. Day 3 - Shoulders, Legs.

Now, I am really a n00b when it comes to juice. All I am asking for is some advice... If you want to know anything else, just ask me and I will try my best to give you an answer.

Is it possible that my body could be rejecting the gear and just pissing it all out? What should be my next move?

Any advice at this point is much appreciated...
as far as long ester test goes..six weeks is not long enough, i dont see results until about the 6th week or so. also the timing of your meals is just as important, if not more important than how much you accutaly eat.. i could go on and on. i'll be back later good luck
you need cals bro, at your weight eat at least 2 whoppers or a pizza or eat all the junk food you can....thats the problem,your welcome jt
Your only in week 3, give it some time. Everything your running takes time to reach max levels. Given that your running Sustanon (sust), which has Prop in it, if you are not pinning it more than once a week the Prop isn't working properly.

Again, give it some time. Also run these longer than your previous 6 week duration cycles. Run these at least 10 weeks.

Edit: Yeah so Im retarded, I guess I read right through the fact that you said your taking each three times a week. So never mind what I said at all. Everyone else gave good input.
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3 weeks ago I started taking testoviron depot 250, sustanon 250 and deca durabolin 100 by Organon. I have been taking 1ml of each three times a week along with 1 proviron tab a day. I also frontloaded with british dispensary dinabol 40mg/day.

wait. You're pinning 250mg of test, 250mg of Sustanon (sust), and 100mg of deca three times a week? 750mg test, 750mg Sustanon (sust), and 300mg of deca weekly?
Exactly, diet and possibly exercise routine are probably the problems in there along with just flat out not knowing what the hell yuo are doing in all honesty.. research some more maybe...
eat and gain weight thats the problem, 10-15 pounds would give u an inch on the muscle, up on the calorie bro, like dadawg said,..
Ok, so I'm taking gear but I'm not growing AT ALL!!

3 weeks ago I started taking testoviron depot 250, sustanon 250 and deca durabolin 100 by Organon. I have been taking 1ml of each three times a week along with 1 proviron tab a day. I also frontloaded with british dispensary dinabol 40mg/day.

Any advice at this point is much appreciated...

Bro im not trying to flame you, but it seems like you really dont know what your doing here. 750mg of enanthate and 750mg of Sustanon (sust) a week???? THAT IS WAY TOO MUCH TEST!!

i have over 10 cycles in the bag and i have yet to get over 1000mg of test a week. if i were you 750mg of testoviron is plenty, drop the sustanon. take the deca up to 400mg a week. Keep taking dbol.

If you cannot gain with the cycle i layed out above i highly believe that your gear is bunk or your diet and or training is off. you do not need the crazy high doses of test you are on now.

You say that you are seeing the side associated with AAS use so apparently the gear is real. I would up your carb intake and keep protein intake where your at at the minimum.

Look into the Training and excercise forum for a decent routine.

If you cant grow after all this ill be amazed.

9x out of 10 when i see these threads, diet is the issue

most peopl think they are eating these massive amounts of food-come to find out they are really eating 2800-3000 cals a day-and thats just not nearly enough to gain weight on test-remember it speeds up your metabolism
Even if there were no gains would he not feel strength gains..tren anyways?? Maybe you got ripped off...
well he says he is getting side effects and hi johnson is hard all the time-so that would lead me to believe its at least real-but if someone has a poor diet its hard to say what the hell is going on

but yea his strength should be up no matter what especially on the dbol
When do you work out? You said you don't eat any carbs after 3pm...After you workout you should be taking in high and low glycemic carbs imediatly after your work out or your body will turn catabolic. Protien is important after a workout but carbs are just as important. Roughly 50 grams of protien and double that in carbs (50% low glycemic and 50% high glycemic). This along with more cals throughout the day may help you see some results. Also as someone stated above you need to give your gear some time to get rolling and you need to cut out one of your test compounds either the Sustanon (sust) or the testoviron. I am on my fifth week of Sustanon (sust) and have really just now started to feel the full effects and it has always been like this everytime I have done long estered test.
All good advice but no one talked about the most important thing, Genetics.
I use to train with a group of guys back in the mid 80’s there was probably 15 of us, out of the 15 guy 10 of us did well on our cycles, good gains, strong and there was three that made it as armature body builders, one that went pro and placed 2nd in Mr.USA and some other big contest and there was one guy that in all the years of training never got much for gains in size no matter what he would run or how much he would eat, he did get stronger over the years. Anyway Genetics plays a role when it comes to getting big. I used to hang out with the owner of Gold’s Gym and he had a seminar with Mike Ashley, shows you how old I am, after the seminar we went out to dinner and that’s just what he told him its about good genetics and he has not gotten the size he wanted buy now then he never will, by the way Mike was a lazy asshole but he was at the time the biggest person I ever seen.
Genetics or not he still wont see anything in 3 weeks with those long esters. Give it 6 weeks max some take longer than that with deca. I know with my deca it took me 7 to really feel it but give it a couple more weeks buddy
All good advice but no one talked about the most important thing, Genetics.
I use to train with a group of guys back in the mid 80’s there was probably 15 of us, out of the 15 guy 10 of us did well on our cycles, good gains, strong and there was three that made it as armature body builders, one that went pro and placed 2nd in Mr.USA and some other big contest and there was one guy that in all the years of training never got much for gains in size no matter what he would run or how much he would eat, he did get stronger over the years. Anyway Genetics plays a role when it comes to getting big. I used to hang out with the owner of Gold’s Gym and he had a seminar with Mike Ashley, shows you how old I am, after the seminar we went out to dinner and that’s just what he told him its about good genetics and he has not gotten the size he wanted buy now then he never will, by the way Mike was a lazy asshole but he was at the time the biggest person I ever seen.
I agree..eat more..patience train and rest. Too much test will cause you some grief..why so much ?
Good point on genetics...may be a good thread starter.....
I agree

Genetics or not he still wont see anything in 3 weeks with those long esters. Give it 6 weeks max some take longer than that with deca. I know with my deca it took me 7 to really feel it but give it a couple more weeks buddy

Three weeks is not much time and as stated by the other post he need to eat well, train hard and get the proper rest but from what he said he has ran stuff a few other times. I do agree with long acting esters is will 6 to 8 week to really see results. Me within three weeks and I start feeling it kick in but I have no problem running stuff for 12 - 18 weeks except Tren man that stuff kicks the snot out of me.
ok thanks alot for the advice guys, it's greatly appreciated. I have done some research along with speaking with 3 personal trainers from my gym (1 powerlifter and 2 bodybuilders) and we have come to the conclusion that my diet is not as good as I thought. As mentioned above, it looks like I'm just not getting enough calories!! So Im going to change my diet and see how that goes. As for all the test I'm taking, I will drop the Sustanon (sust) and leave the rest. And my training program seems to be good as well, so I have strongly been suggested to change my diet. Shot guys, I hope the change in diet will help me... significantly!!
The problem with people starting gear before they've had years in the gym and lots of experience with bulking, cutting, and lifting, is that they think that steroids will give them everything they need to grow.

You're a small guy, you need to be doing massive weight low volume exercises, every single set to 100% failure. Less is more. Compound exercises. Look up a 5X5 routine.

You need to eat a LOT more. You're a naturally skinny guy right? I was this way in High school. I could eat Taco bell every day and not gain a pound. Fortunately as I matured, my metabolism slowed down a bit and I started gaining weight easier. REGARDLESS - anyone can gain weight, if you aren't putting on the pounds, you gotta up the calories until you do.

Eat massive amounts of CLEAN foods, if you can. It will be expensive, but I promise you if you start eating full pizza hut pizza's every day, you'll be happy when you stand on the scale, but not when you look in the mirror. Check out the bulking diet samples on the forum.

REST. Get at least 8 hours of sleep at night if possible. Take naps when you can. Eat before bedtime. Wake up and eat in the middle of the night if you have to. Just watch the sat fats and all the grease.

You WILL grow, it just takes tons of time and effort. Don't overtrain your muscles. High weight, low volume, 3 exercises per body part.

I was 150 at 6'2 when I left high school. I'm 24 now and I've been as heavy as 225 on a bulker. You'll get there if you really want it.