I can't stay hard!!


New member
Help! I've read and read where when taking any test, it makes you horny as hell and you last forever and you stay harder longer and you're "ready" all the time! I've been w/ my girl for about 4 months now and we have sex an average of 10-12x a week. All that time I've been off juice and I've never had a problem getting it up or anything. Now I'm on my first cycle of Sustanon 400mg a week, I just started week 3. The problem is usually I can't stay hard or I can only get semi-hard when I'm w/ my girl!! :mad: Sometimes everything will be fine but now at least half of the time I'll get hard for a minute and then it will be like a limp noodle, even when I'm in her!!! What the hell is going on??? :wtf:
Ive had somewhat similar experiences with test @ 500mg a week. Im going to guess its at least partially in your head. Were you worried about it happeneing?
I suffered the same way you did. My dick must be hibernating for the winter or some shit. Was doing test and eq @500mg a week.
Just wait it out man, that's all you can do
I wasn't worried about it happening at all cuz I knew we already had a "healthy" sex life but from what I read, the test could only help. But man this is terrible! I was 0 for 3 today then FINALLY I was able to stand at attention! :sad:
Hey bro i got like that too, ( my girl fuckin hates that LOL) i say Get ur hands on some Viagra FAST,i know how hard it is to be inur situation. I would take low dose viagra (20mg??). Also if u can get ur hands on some test prop, that shit makes me horney like a dog.
I always had no problem while on Test , other than not being able to bust a nut. But I would stay hard as a rock............that shit is frustrating !!
I swear by my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) when that happens, but for me its usually about wk 7 or 8 and i load up a pin and hit myself 3x over the course of a wk(5000i.u.total over the course of the week)
I like to use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the middle and at the end of the cycle(adding clomid w/ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the end)

Never tried the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 i.u every 4th or 5th day.

I have read that LH by itself has libido enhancing properties. Going on test shuts off LH. Try adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as suggested. And Viagra/ Cialis is as an important ancillary to me as the anti estrogens....need to keep your number one muscle going...
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yep cialis is the bomb. I love that shit. just make sure you start out low. I started around 12 mg for the day that I need it and have found I don't have to go above that amount.
Have you done Viagra before ? Try Cialis instead because some people get a headache from Viagra but not from Cialis. Viagra has been linked to some problems ,like headaches,sensitivity to light ,etc. Cialis does'nt have these features to it. Just Dick hard medicine. Viagra might get you stiffer and maybe you won't get the headaches ,try some and see. It works best on empty stomach and don't eat anything for an hour.
at what age would a doctor prescibe viagra? meaning if a otherwise healthy 23 year old said he had a limp noodle, would they give him viagra?
Man this is terrible, 23 and I have a limp noodle! :-( So how would I go about getting some viagra or cialis? I've never done either one before. I actually need to get some HCG, haven't gotten any yet but plan on it soon! Thanks for all responses....
Go to mexicanpharmacy.com, canadianpharmacy.com or straight to Tijuana, Mexico. I get Viagra frequently from these places. I don't need it to get the erection, I just like it to stay for about four hours on special "No Kid" nights. Hope this helps!