b12 has been proven several times that some people/animals benefit from injection because of malabsorption issues.
I don't know about accupuncture but there are highly recommended so-called experts in every feild and your source/s may have sent you in the wrong direction much as people have done me with so-called great lawyers who have done jack shit for me.
I have heard as many people say good as bad about G/C ! It has been suggested by many that vitC is largely responsible for how much benefit people reap along with a shitload of other variables...such as degree of dibilitation(as well as many many more).
Route of administration is a very big aspect on what works and what doesn't! Drink you a bottle of testo enanthate and see how good it does you.
Those amino sugar a big and hard to get to the cartilage.
You want to do something that works try adequan (polysulfated glycosaminoglycans) INJECTED I.M. AS CLOSE TO THE JOINT AS POSSIBLE(I would be hesitant to go Intra-articular and haven't found it necessary). Same basic thing just route of administration is via injection to it works fast and in some people lasts. For me it didn't. Other people never had the problem return.
If you have psoriatic arthiritis(or contagious arthititis) whatever you take will only do so much good but the culprit is bacteria or viral origing and you are only treating a symptom,. had much pussy in your life?????? Well lets just say you have....Clamydia is a big culprit when I come to the aforementioned and is being recognised for it....
Three million American women and men become infected with chlamydia every year. Chlamydia is:
four times as common as gonorrhea
more than 30 times as common as syphilis
most common among women and men under 25
For every person with herpes, there are six with chlamydia.
Of the estimated one and a half million men in the U.S. who get chlamydia each year one percent - 15,000 - may develop serious symptoms. Perhaps one-third of these men - 5,000 - will become permanently disabled each year. Some women may be affected by reactive arthritis as well.
You may just have an STD(I'm kaing a joke while being serious).
Okay now back to the accupuncture and modern medicine....the quack looking atyour tongue etc.., there is much to things you that doesn't seem of significance... in modern ama medicine : like looking at the fingers, clubbed fingers can be a symptom of disease of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen or diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease.
The tongue has been considered a good reflection of systemic diseases. Hippocrates, Galen and others considered the tongue to be a barometer of health, emphasizing its diagnostic and prognostic importance. Localized, non-systemic lingual lesions, however, are much more commonly encountered. Incidence investigations of benign lingual lesions are nonexistent, only prevalence data (number of lesions found per every 1,000 persons examined) are available. Several prevalence studies have looks exclusively at tongue lesions, often recording only one or two different entities
Nelson can you tell me why it is that a Modern medical doctor looks with his magnifying instrument into the eye? I s he checking the eyes?
Could be? But what else it it he may be looking for?
I wanna see if you know this easy one!
A good physician will learn a lot from just from the outward appearance of and inividual and use this as a reference of where to beging his investigation(along with whatever the patient verbalizes).
I could go on with 100's of example but i don't feel like looking the references up to prove what I'm saying (much of what you should know given you're a self declared expert on many of these things"it's your job".
The last thing you force me to ask by what you posted and I feel you've walked right into is: If you wre wrong about so much that you at a time not long ago were so hard core over..how do we know you're not wrong about your current list of things you so strongly currently support....I mean by what you've admitted it certainly begs the question.
Lastly: Damn I swear You almost begged to be picked on with so much of your shit!
i see why that kid used to beat you up in gradeschool
lmfao heheheheheh
I don't know about accupuncture but there are highly recommended so-called experts in every feild and your source/s may have sent you in the wrong direction much as people have done me with so-called great lawyers who have done jack shit for me.
I have heard as many people say good as bad about G/C ! It has been suggested by many that vitC is largely responsible for how much benefit people reap along with a shitload of other variables...such as degree of dibilitation(as well as many many more).
Route of administration is a very big aspect on what works and what doesn't! Drink you a bottle of testo enanthate and see how good it does you.
Those amino sugar a big and hard to get to the cartilage.
You want to do something that works try adequan (polysulfated glycosaminoglycans) INJECTED I.M. AS CLOSE TO THE JOINT AS POSSIBLE(I would be hesitant to go Intra-articular and haven't found it necessary). Same basic thing just route of administration is via injection to it works fast and in some people lasts. For me it didn't. Other people never had the problem return.
If you have psoriatic arthiritis(or contagious arthititis) whatever you take will only do so much good but the culprit is bacteria or viral origing and you are only treating a symptom,. had much pussy in your life?????? Well lets just say you have....Clamydia is a big culprit when I come to the aforementioned and is being recognised for it....
Three million American women and men become infected with chlamydia every year. Chlamydia is:
four times as common as gonorrhea
more than 30 times as common as syphilis
most common among women and men under 25
For every person with herpes, there are six with chlamydia.
Of the estimated one and a half million men in the U.S. who get chlamydia each year one percent - 15,000 - may develop serious symptoms. Perhaps one-third of these men - 5,000 - will become permanently disabled each year. Some women may be affected by reactive arthritis as well.
You may just have an STD(I'm kaing a joke while being serious).
Okay now back to the accupuncture and modern medicine....the quack looking atyour tongue etc.., there is much to things you that doesn't seem of significance... in modern ama medicine : like looking at the fingers, clubbed fingers can be a symptom of disease of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen or diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease.
The tongue has been considered a good reflection of systemic diseases. Hippocrates, Galen and others considered the tongue to be a barometer of health, emphasizing its diagnostic and prognostic importance. Localized, non-systemic lingual lesions, however, are much more commonly encountered. Incidence investigations of benign lingual lesions are nonexistent, only prevalence data (number of lesions found per every 1,000 persons examined) are available. Several prevalence studies have looks exclusively at tongue lesions, often recording only one or two different entities
Nelson can you tell me why it is that a Modern medical doctor looks with his magnifying instrument into the eye? I s he checking the eyes?
Could be? But what else it it he may be looking for?
I wanna see if you know this easy one!
A good physician will learn a lot from just from the outward appearance of and inividual and use this as a reference of where to beging his investigation(along with whatever the patient verbalizes).
I could go on with 100's of example but i don't feel like looking the references up to prove what I'm saying (much of what you should know given you're a self declared expert on many of these things"it's your job".
The last thing you force me to ask by what you posted and I feel you've walked right into is: If you wre wrong about so much that you at a time not long ago were so hard core over..how do we know you're not wrong about your current list of things you so strongly currently support....I mean by what you've admitted it certainly begs the question.
Lastly: Damn I swear You almost begged to be picked on with so much of your shit!
