I have to stop the winny!!!


New member
Guys, I have to stop the Winstrol (winny). My joints are killing me! I did arms today and my elbows were screaming! I am taking double the dose of Glucos/Chondr and 3 grams of Omegas. I had to resort to IP's 50mg tabs and I guess I got a good batch!

Well the Prop and the Fina and the Proviron must go on!!!
I'm really wanting to use BDL's winny/susp mix, but I'm afraid the Winstrol (winny) is gonna fuck with my joints too much. Already got some problems with shoulders too.
GymChic said:
You can run a low dose of deca to alleviate the joint pain from the Winstrol (winny).

or since it looks like you are cutting, you could go with NPP... that would be preferable IMO to slow acting deca
I wouldn't take nandrolone JUST to alleviate the sides from Winstrol (winny) personally. Just discontinue it if it continues to hinder your workouts.
Guys, I have to stop the Winstrol (winny). My joints are killing me! I did arms today and my elbows were screaming! I am taking double the dose of Glucos/Chondr and 3 grams of Omegas. I had to resort to IP's 50mg tabs and I guess I got a good batch!

Well the Prop and the Fina and the Proviron must go on!!!

j/k LS! I just love that smiley.
I had the same problems with winny.
I was doing 100mg's ED and the pain was very high.
I stopped them after 3 weeks.
I am stopping! I am only running 1 tab a day, split into 2 doses.

I guess Winstrol (winny) isnt for me. I have used deca in the past and I really didnt feel any difference in the pain.

Also, I will never take deca again as it gave me irriversible atrophy.
4 weeks into my cutting cycle last year the Winstrol (winny) did my joints in, never again for me
At what dose and with what did you run the Deca to get irriversible atrophy Lawnsaver??
I am stopping! I am only running 1 tab a day, split into 2 doses.

I guess Winstrol (winny) isnt for me. I have used deca in the past and I really didnt feel any difference in the pain.

Also, I will never take deca again as it gave me irriversible atrophy.

Hey bro, why not try switching to eod. If it helps out then at least you won't have to stop altogether.
nuh_mizer said:
Hey bro, why not try switching to eod. If it helps out then at least you won't have to stop altogether.

I am taking orals and to get the most out of it and keep blood levels constant, it must be taken ed. To be honest, I never really liked Winstrol (winny).

Venom...I was only taking 200mg of Deca for 10 weeks. I did the basic Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) treatment the last 2 weeks and only one regained its size. I was also taking EQ and test, but I took that combo before and never even had to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I now take small doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout all my cycles to prevent the atrophy from setting in!

I am sure I will see 90-95% of the same gaines without the winny!
I am taking orals and to get the most out of it and keep blood levels constant, it must be taken ed. To be honest, I never really liked Winstrol (winny).

Venom...I was only taking 200mg of Deca for 10 weeks. I did the basic Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) treatment the last 2 weeks and only one regained its size. I was also taking EQ and test, but I took that combo before and never even had to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). I now take small doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout all my cycles to prevent the atrophy from setting in!

I am sure I will see 90-95% of the same gaines without the winny!

If it was the IP 50's the same happened to me after 4 weeks. I couldn't even bench press or squat because the joint pain was so bad. I too took the Glucos/Chondr/MSN combo and it didn't help that much. I just had to stop taking the Winstrol (winny) altogether.
Shit you got me all nervous now! Only 200 mg...
I'm planning on running a Deca Winstrol (winny) cycle. You suggest or is it a good idéa to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughot the cycle even if no test is included? Maybe this also will keep my libido up...what do you think?
when using deca or tren I would always use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at small increments throughout the entire cycle... like 500iu 2x's per week.

I'm doing this on my test cycle per SWALE's advice and my nads are still full and hangin'.
I'm running the Ttokkyo 10mg tabs. This is my second wk on it at 40mg ed and no joint pain. I can feel the hardness already. Will never use deca again... My fst cycle was deca only and it messed my libido for 5 months after cycle. I was only doing 200mg /wk and it messed me up bad. It also gave me mad insomnia for 1 month pst cycle....