I understand cialis is a bitch to make, anybody got any thoughts?


I figure if I'm going to be doing a gram of test (which I so want to do), I'm going to need a boatload of letro, which luckily I have. But I also know that if I'm going to be doing a boatload of letro, I'm going to need some cialis, which again fortunately for me, I have.

Can I do a ba/bb solvent with peg as the carrier? Thoughts? Cat fucking stories? Tales of revenge? Bueller?
Try peg by itself, I would imagine that would work. My cialis is in peg but it's from LTL so I don't know if they used anything else. The did it at 25mg/ml. Tastes like straight peg. If the stuff will get 100mg/ml Winstrol (winny) in solution it should get most anything.
where's my freakin other star at? i cant even see your name for all the glare from dem 5 big uns shinin all up in my eyes and shit. dadawg has 4. what makes him so special? jes cause he's all old and stuff. well i been around the block too buster. i wanna nuther star before my new atavar is goes up.
You will have to shake it in strait PEG. BA and BB does not help. I use it PG and it stays a little longer.

Deadlift-Do you have to shake yours?
peg will work, but tastes like strait ass.
i tried using pg + ba, and it turned out like lumpy shit
pg works well too, but youll need to shake it up.

i prefer pg + a lil flavouring
I don't have any pg on hand, but I've got plenty of peg400, ba, and bb.

I might break down and get some pg. Or I could go bigtime with the ba/bb possibly, like 10%ba/20%bb/70%peg? Taste doesn't really matter, since they all taste like ass to me, I just take a little bit of coke or something in my mouth, squirt the mix into the coke that's in my mouth, and swallow.
TxLonghorn said:
I don't have any pg on hand, but I've got plenty of peg400, ba, and bb.

I might break down and get some pg. Or I could go bigtime with the ba/bb possibly, like 10%ba/20%bb/70%peg? Taste doesn't really matter, since they all taste like ass to me, I just take a little bit of coke or something in my mouth, squirt the mix into the coke that's in my mouth, and swallow.

From all the reading I have done nobody has a way of putting cialis into a solution that does not settle out. You do not need the BA or BB with the peg, it makes no difference, you will have to shake it. Mix it and do not heat it. If you heat it until it is clear it will then crystalize and you will have to heat it everytime. PG works a little better than PEG, go to lemelange(sp), it is pretty cheap.

I can give you some more info that will be useful, email me. dude2003@hushmail.com.
I never made any, but I have some 50mg/ml and its pretty thick stuff.

"Shake well before use." Doesn't actually look too thick, but drawing it is another story.
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Capping to me seems even more a pain, plus you can't play with doses once you're done.