If you guys are eating every 3 hours, then...


Community Veteran
why does everyone say Whey Protein is "NOT good enough"?

Whey can be in your system for up to 4 hours!!! This FACT coupled with knowing that you ALSO eat reagular food 3-4 times/day, makes me wonder?
It should be FINE (in theory).

I DO believe in diversifying your protein intake to optimize your amino acid pool, but we get this already from the different protein sources we get from food (unless of course all you eat for every meal are hamburgers).

The only time I see Whey as an insensible choice would be before bedtime.
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I drink whey proteins mostly...all day long...i cant eat all day due to work and i am alwyas bloated...

I eat real food as much as I can, but still finish a 5lb'er of whey every 2 weeks or so, hasnt hurt my development
needsize said:
I eat real food as much as I can, but still finish a 5lb'er of whey every 2 weeks or so, hasnt hurt my development

Thought I was the only one going through 5 lbs that fast. We all need to go in on a protein manufacturing plant. I am only paying 40$ for 10 lbs at allsportsnutrition.com but still.....
I eat mostly solid meals, but I usually add one scoop of Optimum Whey to my oatmeal, on top of the chicken, steak, or eggs Im already eating. I too go through a 5lb Jug or protein every 2-3 weeks.
RoadHouse said:
I only drink a shake post workout and before bed, i think real food is the best way to go.
Same here, once in a while I'll have 1 extra during the day. I try and eat every 2 hours.

I make sure I get a protein drink in me immediately upon arising. I also use a casein-based protein powder just before retiring.
is your body able to use the 20-40-60 or whatever grams of whey in that short amount of time..

my theory has always been to use smaller amounts of whey throughout the day if need be.. cant hurt but i normally dont slam down 60 gr of whey in one sitting.. cept post workout..

and i really like taking one right after waking up then following with a big meal when bulking
crazymike said:
RED MEAT!! #1 By far the best thing you can eat to put on muscle mass!

yeah because of the free GH and steroids in the meat. lol I put on so much muscle naturally when I started eating red meat.
Be careful on excess protein shake consumption. It pulls water from your body to digest. Do an experiment next time you make a shake and leave it on the counter for a half hour. Turns to cement. Drink 16oz of water after your shake to assist in digestion/decrease water re-allocation.
Judo Tom said:
my theory has always been to use smaller amounts of whey throughout the day if need be.. cant hurt but i normally dont slam down 60 gr of whey in one sitting.. cept post workout..

My thoughts exactly.