ILb50 superdrol log

Day 6 5/20/06
weight- 234

11:00AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,2 packets of oatmeal
12:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
5:00 PM shake,gatorade
7:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk,1 cup cottage cheese
8:30 PM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter
no cardio my ankle is messed up-
med ball sit up 3x25
side bends 3x20 each side
roman chair 3x15
forearm workout

up 6 pounds since Monday
don’t have any PR
I think I look more defined, although I have put on 6 pounds I would be even more defined if I had been running also

overall for the first 5 five days I don’t feel any different I do look more defined but in strength terms I haven’t seen anything dramatic i am up 6 pounds also. last 3 days haven’t been able to sleep very easy I think b/c I got into a bad sleep pattern I do not believe it to be the SD
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Day 7 5/21/06

weight this morning was 235.4 (up 7.6 pounds since last week)
11:00AM whey 1 scoop, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
12:00AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
1:00 PM Run
3:00PM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white1
6:00 PM pw shake/ Gatorade 36oz
7:30 PM Subway, 1 cup egg white
8:30 PM Subway
10:00 PM whey 1 scoop, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

ran .5 miles and did 2 gassers
i dont want to weigh more than 235, but i have been putting on alot of weight it could be due to the lack of morning runs i have missed like 3 days worth of it so i dunno should i cut back on cals or what???? im using it just to make the strength gains.
Day 8 5/22/06

7:30 AM whey 1 scoop, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
9:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
11:00 AM pre workout protein
12:00 PM Gym
1:30 PM pw shake/ Gatorade 36oz
2:30 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
4:30 PM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
6:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
8:30 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
10:00 PM whey 1 scoop, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

agility day
Nebraska drill x4
3 cone drill x4
pro agility x4
4 corner drill x8
dot drill x3
ladder work

I took a quick nap before I hit the gym, was not a good idea, I didn't wake up till squats I should have broke on my power cleans but just was not awake, just wasn't exploding the weight up...

crunches 4x25
Squat 5x315 5x315 5x315 5x315 (break set) 8x315 broke
Leg extension 8x130 8x130
Leg curl 8x150 8x150
power Clean 5x205 5x220 (break set) 4x235 no break
Calf Raise 10x180 10x180 10x180
SB Lunges 8x125 8x125 8x125
Good morning 10x45 10x45 10x45

felt awsome after i woke up, during squats could have gone for 10 on my break set but didnt want to push it and lose form..felt strong in all lifts
i can put on and lose weight fairly easy. its real hard for me to gain strength though.
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DAY 9 5/23/06

weight 235.0

10:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
12:00 PM 1cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
1:30 AM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
2:30 PM pre workout protien
3:30 PM Gym
5:00 PM pw shake/ gatorade 36oz
6:00 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk, 1 cup cottage cheese
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

Incline bench 5x215 5x230 break set 7x245 broke
DB Press 8x95 8x100 8x100 PR on DB never done 100's for 8
Alt. Military press 8x50 8x55 8x55
SB Shrugs 20x245 20x245 20x245 20x245
Straight bar 5x100 5x100 5x100 5x100 5x100
Dips 4x10
Upright rows 8x135 8x135 8x135
DB front Raises 8x30 8x30 8x30
Extra work- fly machine 8x110 8x110 squeeze hold

incline went up 15 pounds since fri, almost got eight on break set but tri's didnt lock it out.
on the Db press could have done the 1 huny's for 3x8 but started with 95 just to see how it felt.

cardio treadmill 20 min 5.5 spd
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Day 10 5/23/06

forgot to weigh myself this morning

7:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,2 packets of oatmeal
1:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
3:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
5:00 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
7:30 PM cardio
8:30 PM shake,gatorade
10:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
11:00 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

horrible day got up early then fell alseep mid day forgot to take 6pm SD pill pissed and just remembered at 10: pm so gonna skip it not happy at all...and i lost my straps!!!

4-40yrd exelerators
10-25yrd read/react drill
4-40yrs sprints all out
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Day 11 5/25/06

weight 237.0

10:00 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
12:30 PM Cardio
2:00 PM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
4:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast
5:15 PM pre workout protien
6:00 PM Gym
7:30 PM pw shake/ gatorade 36oz
8:30 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
9:30 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
10:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

agility day
ladder work
nebraska drill x4
4 corner drill x8
dot drill x 3

Leg press 10x5 10x5 8x6 8x6 8x7 8x7 8x8 15x3plates
Dead lift 10x225 10x225 8x275 8x275 10x225
Leg extension 8x140 8x140
Leg curl 8x160 8x160 PR
Calf Raise 10x135 10x135 10x135
Hyper extensions 3x10
front squat 5x225 5x225 5x225
Jump Squats 3x10
crunches 3x25

i had to go to the gym today b/c my high school gym wasnt open so i couldnt do hangcleans and i couldnt do alot of weight with deadlifts i didnt want to jack up their floor legs felt pretty good today until i did front squats and then jump squats after each set, also started gettin some of those famous back pumps when i was running today gonna pop some taurine into the mix see if it helps
Leg extension might be a PR (140) and i could have gone up 20 pounds throwin it up today
Leg curl was a PR and it felt light to could have gone 170 maybe even 180 and got it 160 felt light throwing this up as well
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Day 12 5/26/06

weight 237.8

8:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
10:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
12:30 AM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
2:30 PM pre workout protien
3:30 PM Gym
5:00 PM pw shake/ gatorade 36oz
6:00 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak, 1 cup cottage cheese
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

Bench 5x245 5x260 (break set) 8x275 broke
DB Incline Press 8x85 8x90 8x90
SB Shrugs 10x315 8x365 8x365 10x315
Straight bar 4x100 4x100 4x100 4x100 4x100 4x100
Skull crushers 10x125 10x125 10x125
Rear delt machine 8x70 8x70 8x70
Seated rows 10x130 10x130 10x130 10x110
Lat pull down 10x160 10x60 10x160
Cable crossover 12x50 12x50 12x50

10 min treadmill 6.0
10 min treadmill walking on incline 3.5
10 min bike lv 10

pretty pumped about bench today got 275 for 8 and almost got nine triceps didnt lock it out.Db incline could have done 3 sets of 90's bench went up 15-20lbs since last monday
Day 13 5/27/06

weight this morning was 236.6 up 8.6 since start ot cycle

10:00 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,2 packets of oatmeal
12:00 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
1:30 Pm gym PW shake,gatorade
3:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk,1 cup cottage
6:00 PM protien bar
8:00 pM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie
10:30PM protein shake, 3tsp peanut butter, 1 cup milk

crunches 3x25
lef lifts 3x25
side bencds 3x25
forearm workout

did not do any cardio today pulled somthing in my lat gonna give it a day.
Day 14 5/28/06

weight 236.4

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,2 packets of oatmeal
12:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
3:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
5:30 PM protein bar
8:00 PM shake, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk,1 cup veggie
9:30 PM Subway,1 cup cottage cheese
11:00PM protein shake, , 3tsp peanut butter

did not do anything today my lat is still tweaked slightly
no the routine they had me doin made my bench drop 15 pounds although my squat and hang clean increased