ILb50 superdrol log


Weight 231.6

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

Squats 10x315 7x350 5x370
power clean 5x235 5x235 5x235
good mornings 3x10
Calves 2 x 10
Jump squats 3x10
lunges 8x135 8x135

Weight 231.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

flat bench 285x3 285x3 275x5 275x5 225x7 pause press
resistance ball db press 8x80 8x80
tricep press down 12x150 12x180
cable side laterals 10x30 10x30
db front raises 10x35 10x35
pull-a-parts 8x110 8x110

Weight 230.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

Dead lifts 275x5 275x5 275x5 275x5 275x5
hyper extensions 3x10
bent rows 8x135 8x135
machine seated rows 8x170 8x170
Reverse grip narrow grip pull up 8x150 8x150
Standing wide grip curls 8x95 8x95
hammer curls 8x50 8x50
Hang clean 5x225 5x225 5x225 bar sucks at gym doesn’t spin

Weight 231.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

Incline bench 5x225 5x225 5x225 pause press
military press 8x70 8x70
straight bar military press front 8x135 8x135
Cable crossover 15x60 15x60 15x60
Calves 3x20
Upright rows 8x135 8x135
i put my creatine and glutamine in the gatorade and then like 15-20min later i have shake i dont mix em that would be pretty thick lol and sweet

Weight 229.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 1 cup ground beef,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM L-arginine/glutamine 5g 16oz gatorade
3:00 PM 1 scoop whey/5g creatine/.5 cup oatmeal
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM gatorade 32oz glutamine/creatine 5g
4:50 pm post shake protien
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

Squats 8x315 8x315 8x315
Hammer strength explosive deads 5x3 5x3 5x3plates
SLDL 10x135 10x135 10x135
Calves10x300 10x300 10x300
Plyo boxes 3x10

Weight 229.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 1 cup ground beef,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM L-arginine/glutamine 5g 16oz gatorade
3:00 PM 1 scoop whey/5g creatine/.5 cup oatmeal
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM gatorade 32oz glutamine/creatine 5g
4:50 pm post shake protien
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

flat bench 3x275 3x275 3x275 3x275 3x275 pause press
db press 8x110 8x110
weighted dips 10x25 10x35 10x45lb plates
cable side laterals 10x30 10x30
DB front raises10x35 10x35
DB reverse flys 8x20 8x20
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