ILb50 superdrol log

here is the upcoming weeks training if you have any suggestions im open for it

Squat 5x5
Leg extension 2x8
Leg curl 2x8
power Clean 3x5 break
Calf Raise 3x10
SB Lunges 3x8
SLDL 3x10
*Leg throws 3x15
Bench 3x5
Cable Cross over 3x12
SB Shrugs 3x10
hammer pull ups 6x4
Rear Delt machine 3x8
seated rows 4x8
Lat pull down 3x10
*Crunches 3x25
Front Squats 3x5
Dead lift 5x5
Leg extension 2x8
Leg curl 2x8
Hang Clean 4x5
Calf Raise 3x20
Hyper extensions 3x10
Jump Squats 3x10
*Leg lifts 3x25
Incline bench 3x5
DB Press 2x8
Arnold press 2x8
SB Shrugs 4x20
Easy Curl 5x5
Dips 4x10
Upright rows 3x8
DB front Raises 3x8
*Crunches 3x25
i have a routine posted in the dead lift sticky that will work for you if you looking to get stronger.

you can do the plyo stuff on off days, add hang cleans on back day and power cleans on leg day.
what are pull apart??? and, cant i do some incline on Fridays im not a PWer lifter i play football slight difference if so what should i do on fri?? also what percentage should these lifts be Ie bench and squats??

friday workout
Incline bench 3x5
Cable crossover 3x12
Shrugs 5x5
Dips 3x10
upright row 2x8
Triceps 3x8
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Day 15 5/29/06

weight 239.6 i dunno were the hell this 3 lbs came from ???

7:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
9:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
11:30 AM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM pre workout protien
3:30 PM Gym
5:00 PM pw shake/ gatorade 36oz
6:00 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

agility day
Nebraska agility x2
4 corner drill x8
L drill x2
mirror drillx4
ladder work

didnt hit the gym today it was closed kinda pissed but gotta respect memorial day
ILB50 said:
what are pull apart??? and, cant i do some incline on Fridays im not a PWer lifter i play football slight difference if so what should i do on fri?? also what percentage should these lifts be Ie bench and squats??

friday workout
Incline bench 3x5
Cable crossover 3x12
Shrugs 5x5
Dips 3x10
upright row 2x8
Triceps 3x8

% of what? jes lift bubba. you asked for a suggestion so i gave ya one. do what you want with it. pull a part is rear delt work.
aight ill just lift, i was just wondering if i could get some incline in there or would that mess up the lifting routine ??? i just think incline is a important lift in football thats all... i will start this program next week for PCT
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Day 16 5/30/06

weight 238.8

11:00 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,3 packets of oatmeal
12:30 AM 1 cup ground beef , 2tsp peanut butter
2:30 AM 4 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
3:30 PM pre workout protien
4:00 PM Gym
5:00 PM pw shake/ gatorade 36oz
6:00 PM 1 cup Spaghetti, deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak, 1 cup cottage cheese
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese, 3tsp peanut butter

no cardio my back is messed up

Bench 5x260 5x275 (break set) 7x290 broke
Cable Cross over 12x70 12x70 12x70
Floor Press 5x225 5x245 5x265
SB Shrugs back is jacked up
hammer pull ups 6x4
Rear Delt machine 8x70 8x70 8x70
Lat pull down 10x120 10x120 10x130 back is jacked

broke again on bench went up 10lbs since fri couldnt do alot of heavy back stuff so just went light and worked on form gonna be leaving for SC so might be able to workout but not sure i only have 3 more days left of SD i think i might just start post cycle therapy (pct) now but still debating ??? any suggestions
day 19 6/2/06 last day

weight 243.3

diet was horrible i was in a car for 8 hrs so not gonna even bother got home had a protien shake and went to the gym to see what i could get done

Incline bench 5x225 5x245 (break set) 8x255 broke
Db press 8x100 8x100
Arnold press 8x55 8x55
dips 4x10
Db front raises 8x35 8x35 8x35
Chest work random stuff

starting post cycle therapy (pct) sat morning 20mg 3 weeks also gonna take in less cals gonna change the diet i weigh to much right now gonna cut back down to 230-225 gradually

overall increases
-bench-30 lbs
-incline bench-30 lbs
-squat- 50+ lbs (havent really gone hard on these yet dont want to get injured)
-hang clean-20 lbs
-15 lbs overall weight increase
18 solid days of use at 20mg last couple of days was on road not good eating habits etc.
i hope to keep these gains but as of right now this is what i made, the only sides i felt was slight back pumps when i ran not when i lifted and lethargy it was real hard to wake up in the mornings usually hard for me but extremely hard now, also insomnia i have always kind of been a insomniac so not sure if SD or me as usual. overall as of now if i keep these gains i think that it was worth it ,30 lbs increase in bench in 18 days decent gain... but im not done yet still have post cycle therapy (pct) so we will see on the gains any questions and no i havent got blood work done and will not most likely...
Day 17 5/31/06

weight 239.4

Squat 5x330 5x350 5x350 5x350 8x350
Leg extension 8x170 8x170
Leg curl 8x180 8x180
calf raises 10x180 10x180 10x240
SB Lunges 8x145 8x145 8x145
SLDL 10x135 10x135 10x135
Hyperextensions 2x10
Leg press 8x6 8x6 8x6 plates

forgot to post this. this was the day i left for SC my fault
Day 1 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/03/06
1ml nolva
weight 241.3

8:30 AM Running/abs
9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese
Protein Fat Carbs Cals
450.00 92 179 3357

went lighter today legs are still tired from car ride
Squats 5x315 5x350 5x350 5x350 5x350
Leg extension 8x170 8x170
Leg curl 8x180 8x180
Calf Raise 3x20
Hyper extensions 3x10
Leg press 15x5 15x5 plates each side
Hack sqauts 8x3 8x3 plates each side
Day 3 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/5/06
weight 239.2

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

20yrd sprintsx4
box drillx8
ladder work
L drill x 4
nebraska drillx2

Calves 10x225 10x225
crunches 3 x 25
Power Clean 4x225 4x225 4x225
Leg extensions 8x160 8x160
Leg curl 8x170
SLDL 10x135 10x135 10x135

was going to do more legs but they were still tired and sore from sat lift so took it easy on legs
Day 4 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/6/06

weight 238.6

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
2:30 PM shake,5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese,1 cup of egg white
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie,2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

6 stadiums
20 yrd sprints x6

flat bench 6x290 6x290
flat bench hammer grip db press 8x75 8x85
tricep push downs 12x180 12x180
db side laterals 10x25 10x25
db front raises 10x35 10x40
pull-a-parts 15x60 15x60
pec dec 12x110 12x120 12x120
flys 10x110 10x110
cable crossover 12x60 8x80
Day 5 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/7/06

Weight 237.2

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 1 cup veggie
2:30 PM shake,5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie,2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,
9:30 PM protein shake,

bike 12 min
treadmill 15min
Day 6 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/8/06

Weight 237

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

ladder work
Dot drill x2
L drill x4
box drillx4
pro agilityx4
20yrd sprints x4

Dead lifts 8x225 8x225 8x225
Standing wide grip curls 12x65 12x65
hammer curls or reverse curls 12x30 12x25
Hang clean 5x225 5x225 5x225
leg press 20x5 plates
was gonna do back but lat was still tweaked didnt want to push it

also im trying to cut back down to 230 better playin and running weight for me so do not think that im just losing weight b/c im off SD im trying to cut down some
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Day 7 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/9/06

Weight 235.6

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

8x100m under 17sec, 30sec rest
3x150m accelerators

Incline bench 5x230 5x250 5x265
Cable crossover 15x60 15x60 15x60
Dips 2x10
Military press 5x80 5x80
upright row 8x135 8x1135
Triceps 8x190 8x190
Floor Press 3x275 3x275 3x275
Day 9 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/12/06

weight 235.2

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

jump rope 10 min

Squats 5x315 5x315
Box squats 5x365 5x365
squat 20x225
hyper extensions 3 x 10
Calves 2 x 10
Shrugs 20x225 20x225 20x225
Power Clean 5x230 5x230 5x230
Day 10 post cycle therapy (pct) 6/13/06

Weight 234.8

9:30 AM Protein Shake, 1 cups milk,1packets of oatmeal
11:30 AM 2 pieces wheat bread,6oz chicken breast,1 cup of egg white
1:30 PM 5oz can of chicken breast,1 cup cottage cheese
2:30 PM shake,1 cup veggie, 1 cup ground beef
3:30 PM GYM
4:30 PM shake,gatorade
5:30 PM deli turkey 4oz, 2 pieces wheat bread, 1 cup milk
8:00 PM 1 cup veggie, 6oz steak
9:30 PM protein shake, 1 cup cottage cheese

flat bench 6x295 6x295
flat bench hammer grip db press 8x90 8x90
tricep push downs 12x180 12x190
db side laterals 10x25 10x25
db front raises 10x35 10x35
pull-a-parts 20x60 20x60
extra work
Pec dec 8x130 8x130
Tricep push downs 8x190