im a girl and new at this. i need HELP!


New member
Hey watsup, im a 22 yr old girl from new york. I am interested in steroids. But honestly, i know nothing about them. I know two different people that got it. But i dont wanna eff my body up. So i would like some advice please, on what i should look for, and how i should take it.. Thanks. I just dont trust the guys selling it. They will say anything to get their money... Im trying to gain wieght build muscle. Im 5'5 140lbs. I wanna be 160lbs with alot of muscle. Not too crazy though. Can u guys help me out

I can help you with questions.

some substances are more safe for the female body ... and some are very dangerous ...

some side effects of the more dangerous substances include viralization and male characteristics that you dont want !

more safe compounds for female are anavar and primo. both will help u gain lean muscle mass.

HOWEVER, problem with this is both of these are often faked or replaced with other substances like dbol that can harm you.

so you need to move slow and make sure you have real anavar before taking it.

let me know if u have specific questions
I can help you with questions.

some substances are more safe for the female body ... and some are very dangerous ...

some side effects of the more dangerous substances include viralization and male characteristics that you dont want !

more safe compounds for female are anavar and primo. both will help u gain lean muscle mass.

HOWEVER, problem with this is both of these are often faked or replaced with other substances like dbol that can harm you.

so you need to move slow and make sure you have real anavar before taking it.

let me know if u have specific questions

Make sure you keep this in mind.
oh yeah

you cant trust most people who want to sell you gear. they dont care about you or your health. they will tell u anything to make a sale. please be cautious.
How long have you been training for? Why do you want to take such a risk? I will agree that Anavar and Primobolan would be the safest, but still can cause sides.

Yes, do not listen to the bros at your gym, at least you seem to have that common sense.

I would really do your own research and come to your own conclusions so you have piece of mind that what you will be doing isn't because somebody told you to, but because you have really taken the time to educate yourself and know the risks involved by taking AAS.

Just my $.02
How many times do you need to post this? You sometimes need to be a bit patient when it comes to a reply. Mrs P gave the best advice - you need to list your daily diet and training routine so that the best advice can be given. You just may not be ready for taking these substances and at 22 I'd have to say you need to wait before doing something you could may well regret. Making sure you're eating and training right will get you some mass, let that be your foundation before jumping into something you can't reverse.

How many times do you need to post this? You sometimes need to be a bit patient when it comes to a reply. Mrs P gave the best advice - you need to list your daily diet and training routine so that the best advice can be given. You just may not be ready for taking these substances and at 22 I'd have to say you need to wait before doing something you could may well regret. Making sure you're eating and training right will get you some mass, let that be your foundation before jumping into something you can't reverse.


I completely agree with this.

the most important thing is making educated decisions as opposed to doing something that you will regret later.

many who want to use steroids are very eager to make changes or gains in their appearance. However, it is way more easier to make mistakes with steroids and hormones than it is to obtain the type of improvements with them that we seek. They are not magic pills.

No matter how bad you want results you must be very patient if not you are sure to act without proper information and be unhappy with results or worse you can put your health at risk.

this board has an amazing ladies forum ... take advantage of it !!!

please take your time and good luck.