I'm not sure where these gains are coming from???


Community Veteran
As most of you know, I competed 2 1/2 weeks ago. Since the show I have been bridging with 15mg of peru tech Anavar (var), 2iu of jintropin gh, and just started a mix of humalog and humalin r a week ago. In that time, not only have I gained back any mass that I lost during the diet, but I think I am actually bigger in some areas, and my strength is sky rocketing.

I know that you get a rebound post show, but this crazy growth kinda seems like too much just for that. It makes me wonder, is it the Anavar (var), the gh, insulin, or combination of everything

To give an idea of my progress, on stage I weighed 180lbs at 4.5% bodyfat (my waist was 30" on show day). Since then, I am up to 225lbs, my waist is only 32" now, and areas like arms and quads are up over a full inch
Damn impressive!

Probably a combo of all that gear but my ignorant ass wouldnt know for sure!

How is your diet?? Is still strict ???

Very interesting keep us updated!!
My diet has gotten much cleaner now, the first week it was bad but with the insulin I have to watch the fats
Needsize, i used to work out with a guy who qualified for the nationals here at age 21, he was a big dude, and a cop now. He also talked to me a little about drugs, he wasn't a heavy user compared to most guys on the boards, but he still ran a good amount. He also said that after his contests he made the best gains of actual muscle, and he did it with no drugs whatsoever. I am sure with the insulin shutlling nutrients into your starved muscles and the Anavar (var), that is having something to do with it. He said he gained huge amounts of size immediately. I don't think that is unheard of at all.
jcp2 said:
Needsize, i used to work out with a guy who qualified for the nationals here at age 21, he was a big dude, and a cop now. He also talked to me a little about drugs, he wasn't a heavy user compared to most guys on the boards, but he still ran a good amount. He also said that after his contests he made the best gains of actual muscle, and he did it with no drugs whatsoever. I am sure with the insulin shutlling nutrients into your starved muscles and the Anavar (var), that is having something to do with it. He said he gained huge amounts of size immediately. I don't think that is unheard of at all.

thats what I figured, that I would make some decent gains after the show regardless. My hope was to get back to the mass that I had pre diet before starting my next cycle, but it looks like that definitely wont be a problem...
a friend of mine just got done doing a show 2 weeks ago, he has done 2 shows back to back.

since he has stopped with the dieting, [not running any type of drug right now] he is putting on very noticeable mass, and doing it fast, there must be something to it
Were you training different before your contest? You may be doing different rep ranges or sets now that you are not in contest and you are periodizing and you don't know it.
I dont have any pics, but maybe I'll take some in the next little while. I'm a little self conscious about how i look since I had 4 1/2% bf a few weeks ago, I feel like a fat ass, even though my waist is still around 32"
I'd also like to see pics. I completely believe you, I just want to see how that 45 pounds has been distributed. Be careful gaining weight that rapidly though! Thanks!
Golden_Muscle said:
wtf? Awsome. Get as big and strong as you can, and then diet and do another show. And do it again and again!

thats the plan, as soon as these gains slow the next monster cycle starts
Yeah post contest is fun.......You've been overtraining your body for 16 weeks and undereating, so when you start throwing in all those good kcal you body is ready to soak them up. Our body's haven't evolved much since our ancestors so in that since we are still hunters and gathers. So mainly our ancestors would go somtimes days without food and then have a great hunt and eat a ton. So there bodys got use to storing all that for those days the didn't have food. Same thing is happening here. Plus studies have shown that lean indviduals tend to gain 70% LBM and 30% fat on bulking diets. While indviduals with higher bodyfats that LBM % is somewhere around 40%. Great job needsize your going to look awesome for your next contest.