im sick of laying around what should i do


New member
been laying on my ass for the past 3 weeks because i tore my extensor tendon in my hand. was operated on 10 days ago, and i should be out of the gym for 3 months total. i can still run and stuff though so should i just spend this time cutting? or would the caloric deficit + lack of weights result in lots of muscle loss? im cruising on 200mg test a week btw
Maybe he is on narcotics and cannot make it to a gym without getting a DUI?

Don't you need two hands to hold the bar when you do squats? The rest, sure, no problem. Though when I had my finger tip stitched up due to cutting it pretty badly, I could not do anything that caused my blood pressure to rise to much - doc told me it could undo the glue stitches he used. Finger tips spew blood like a fountain!
Sounds like you need to find a sport where you don't need your hands. I would suggest getting out and playing some soccer.
Dont be one of those dudes. You have an injured hand that is on the way to recovery, thats peanuts bro in the grand scheme of things. Go for a walk or a jog. Do some light workout on leg machines. Dont think about building muscle because thats not gonna happen right now. Try to be healthy and maintain. Then when your healed up KILL THAT SHIT harder than you ever have
. Man, enjoy not having to do shit for the time being.
Hand surgery would keep me out of the gym for 1 day, 2 tops.
thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. and besides i was in the hospital for 2 of these 3 weeks. and i cant believe you guys are recommending i squat with a ruptured tendon! lol!
Dont be one of those dudes. You have an injured hand that is on the way to recovery, thats peanuts bro in the grand scheme of things. Go for a walk or a jog. Do some light workout on leg machines. Dont think about building muscle because thats not gonna happen right now. Try to be healthy and maintain. Then when your healed up KILL THAT SHIT harder than you ever have
. Man, enjoy not having to do shit for the time being.


I would keep going to the gym keeping the sort of same time frame. If not it wouldn't take long to getting used to not going to the gym any more

Wish you well
Id def recommend doing some legs. Your upper will shrink but your legs will be sponging up all those nutrient bro. id be killing the leg press and leg machines and doing some jogging. you could throw in some peptides and s4 to speed up recovery of that tendon.

Sarmsearch use Xmas25 for 25% off your oder :)
I think a very effective way to spend your time would be to go to the local bar, drink non alcoholic beverages but pretend they are real drinks then hit on and pick up beautiful women and have them ride you all night long. This type of activity is low stress on your recovery. The only down side is you wont be able to double fist drinks (or girls, I dont know what your into) due to your injured mit.
maybe you should take some time to do research on nutrition so you dont lose all your "gains" on cycle and make comments about no one being able to keep their gains because you dont know how to do it yourself
I think a very effective way to spend your time would be to go to the local bar, drink non alcoholic beverages but pretend they are real drinks then hit on and pick up beautiful women and have them ride you all night long. This type of activity is low stress on your recovery. The only down side is you wont be able to double fist drinks (or girls, I dont know what your into) due to your injured mit.

When i first began reading and seen bar i was like wtf is he telling this guy! then i continued reading and i was like ahhh yeah that's smart :)
thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. and besides i was in the hospital for 2 of these 3 weeks. and i cant believe you guys are recommending i squat with a ruptured tendon! lol!

a ruptured tendon in your hand...

not to sound like a tough guy or anything, but i was in the gym curling with a cast on about 3 days after i broke my hand. Just slid a cable grip over it and went to town. i made little progress, but it kept me from lack-of-gym-depression and at least kept me from shrinking. Get creative. You don't have to go balls to the wall, but even i nice light lift will help keep you somewhat anabolic or anti-catabolic. and keep the nutrition up.
When i first began reading and seen bar i was like wtf is he telling this guy! then i continued reading and i was like ahhh yeah that's smart :)

Hahaha was trying to make the guy laugh brother. Id dont advocate the bar scene nor do I even go to the bar, or even drink for that matter lol
I would say a ruptured tendon is going to hinder performance a lot more than a broken hand. Especially one that's just been operated on recently. Got open wounds and shit.. fuck that.

Eat well, rest well and do anything active that doesn't require you to grip tightly.

You could maybe try lifting with a very light weight, high reps, and incredibly slow pacing. At your own risk of course.
I think a very effective way to spend your time would be to go to the local bar, drink non alcoholic beverages but pretend they are real drinks then hit on and pick up beautiful women and have them ride you all night long. This type of activity is low stress on your recovery. The only down side is you wont be able to double fist drinks (or girls, I dont know what your into) due to your injured mit.

He won't be able to FIV, it should be able to do everything else.
Id def recommend doing some legs. Your upper will shrink but your legs will be sponging up all those nutrient bro. id be killing the leg press and leg machines and doing some jogging. you could throw in some peptides and s4 to speed up recovery of that tendon.

Sarmsearch use Xmas25 for 25% off your oder :)
just started tb500 do you recommend anything else?

a ruptured tendon in your hand...

not to sound like a tough guy or anything, but i was in the gym curling with a cast on about 3 days after i broke my hand. Just slid a cable grip over it and went to town. i made little progress, but it kept me from lack-of-gym-depression and at least kept me from shrinking. Get creative. You don't have to go balls to the wall, but even i nice light lift will help keep you somewhat anabolic or anti-catabolic. and keep the nutrition up.
uhhhhh yeah i dont think im gonna try curling with a fucked up hand. i dont wanna get surgery again...

maybe you should take some time to do research on nutrition so you dont lose all your "gains" on cycle and make comments about no one being able to keep their gains because you dont know how to do it yourself
haha still holding a grudge? listen guy i've done the cycling bullshit and i dont think its worth it. even if you "keep" 50% of your gains you still look deflated when you come off. AAS dont simply make you bigger, but they also make you thicker, your traps and shoulders blow up, sometimes your waist gets smaller, im sure you know all of this. your hormones become elevated, so your diet and training can be FLAWLESS when coming off but you simply wont have the same look as you do when you're on because you have normal hormones when you come off. i could blast test tren and gh for 3 months and gain 10lbs of lean mass not even lifting a single weight. dont ever speak to me in a condescending way again because my message board credentials dont add up like yours do, tough guy