just started tb500 do you recommend anything else?
uhhhhh yeah i dont think im gonna try curling with a fucked up hand. i dont wanna get surgery again...
haha still holding a grudge? listen guy i've done the cycling bullshit and i dont think its worth it. even if you "keep" 50% of your gains you still look deflated when you come off. AAS dont simply make you bigger, but they also make you thicker, your traps and shoulders blow up, sometimes your waist gets smaller, im sure you know all of this. your hormones become elevated, so your diet and training can be FLAWLESS when coming off but you simply wont have the same look as you do when you're on because you have normal hormones when you come off. i could blast test tren and gh for 3 months and gain 10lbs of lean mass not even lifting a single weight. dont ever speak to me in a condescending way again because my message board credentials dont add up like yours do, tough guy
Sounds like your estradiol is too high. You should get it checked.