Importance of Isolation Exercises .... yah right


New member
Here are two Powerlifters that have leaned out quite a bit. How much time do you think they waste doing dumbell kickbacks, concentration curls, and flys?

Do either of these guys look like they are lacking anything???


:D said:
Here's part of an interview with the man.

CD: What would you suggest to someone on how to getting stronger?

DG: Train heavy and eat a ton. Don't be overly worried about your six pack. Be patient because becoming strong doesn't happen over night. There is no secret. People get strong on many different programs, but the things they have in common is hard work and constant evaluation of progress.

moral is that success= heavy training + time at the dinner table + consistancy + hard work + progress






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the muscle rags have brainwashed a generation of lifters into believeing in isolation excercises along with an assortment of lifts designed simply to sell mags instead of helping its readers .

I... Wanna... LooK... Like... That... That is what I strive to be. what fuckin monsters
I totally agree with the idea thats being put across here, but using Dave Gulledge as an example is far from relevant. I saw a picture of him from his college days when he played soccer, paying no attention whatsoever to diet or weight training, but had low single digit bodyfat and was pretty damn muscular. The guy is simply a freak.

Dave Tate isnt lacking in the muskles department either.
DADAWG said:
the muscle rags have brainwashed a generation of lifters into believeing in isolation excercises along with an assortment of lifts designed simply to sell mags instead of helping its readers .

When you talk about lifting heavy, you also have to incorporate lifting heavy and doing it right at the same time. I often see too many people lifting TOO HEAVY weights with the worst form possible.

When they can take less weight, do it right, and hit the muscle intended to work instead of working half the other muscles involved in swinging up the weight.

When you're working out a muscle like bicep curls, you are isolating that specific muscle and using a lot of weight. So whats wrong with that? Is grabbing a barbell with 135lbs doing cheating curls will gain you more size?

To each their own. Some grow easy and some don't. Some grow on low reps and some grow on high reps, etc.

You may be able to handle heavy, but one day your body will give out, a tear in the muscle or a ligament. That will set you back for a year, then maybe you can think about what's really the best way and safe way to train and still gain.
Exactly a bu ncha lean 180 lb BB-ers will make fun of the "fat" powerlifters but little do they know the "fat" powerlifter has 10x the amount of muscle they do. I do not even fuck with the isolatino movements.. are a waste of time and vanity work
They have the same amount of muscle in both pics (before/after). My point was their body was built following a powerlifting protocol. Heavy Weight, Compound Movements.

The after pics just peel off the fat and show you that these guys have a lot of dense muscle which was built slugging heavy iron.
Gimp said:
Lol...yeah...lift heavy/eat/rest/grow

there's alot more to it than that....good luck trying to look anything like those guys by just lifting heavy.I see lotsa small guys pumpin TONS of weight and they never grow. You gotta do a bit of everything....weightlifting wise anyhow. light/moderate/heavy..

they all have there place.

Did you ever see a powerlifters routine? Their accessory work isn't heavy. There is very little place for isolation exercises.
pineapple said:
Also goes the other way around.
not necessarily true . i have a friend who has consistently stayed in the 165 pound class at a low bodyfat and his numbers continue to rise even though hes now in his 40's.
but to tell the truth hes a exception and your ususlly right lol .
Those people that dont grow and lift high numbers probably have poor nutrition and various other things going on that are preventing them to grow. So bad example
In that interview, the guy missed out something. See if you can catch it.

moral is that success= heavy training + time at the dinner table + consistancy + hard work + progress

I swear I dont see rest anywhere in that quote.
skarhead1 said:
Those people that dont grow and lift high numbers probably have poor nutrition and various other things going on that are preventing them to grow. So bad example

BY GIMP: Lol...yeah...lift heavy/eat/rest/grow

there's alot more to it than that....good luck trying to look anything like those guys by just lifting heavy.I see lotsa small guys pumpin TONS of weight and they never grow. You gotta do a bit of everything....weightlifting wise anyhow. light/moderate/heavy..

they all have there place.

I couldn't have put it better myself.
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president_fad said:
i only so iso movements, dls fuck ur back up, squats fuck ur knees up, and bench fucks ur shoulders up.
You're right on all those, it just takes time and heavy weight.
pineapple said:
In that interview, the guy missed out something. See if you can catch it.

moral is that success= heavy training + time at the dinner table + consistancy + hard work + progress

I swear I dont see rest anywhere in that quote.
or chemical assistance :startrek:
president_fad said:
i only so iso movements, dls fuck ur back up, squats fuck ur knees up, and bench fucks ur shoulders up.

not if you do them right.

i stick to the big 3 lifts and focus my programs around them and prefer compounds over iso's, but sometimes its nice to throw a cable exercise or two in the mix to switch things up.