If he is married, hire a hot female friend of yours to go up to the house while he is at work, and knock on the door. When his wife opens the door have her give her a pissed look and ask where "insert cops name" is. Then have her give her a story about how he blew her off for dinner, and he has only been treating her like a FK buddy but promising her a real relationship and she was getting suspicious so she came to confront him. Then have her flip out that he has a wife. Then have her storm off pissed and cussing his name. This will surely get a level of revenge you cant imagine.
If a cop does me dirty, I will do what I can to make their life miserable legally. Which there is quite alot you can do to cause his life to be a living hell!
If you go the schneaky route though,
Also be sure to buy the paint from another area, and wait a few weeks after you buy it. And make sure its a common paint color/kind.
While doing it, you should also cut his catalytic converter. Just for kicks, it would also lead them to look for a hoodrat/low income individual who needs money. They are easily 800-900 bucks to replace.
As a side note, when I get pulled over, as soon as I park I turn on my cell phone to video record and sit it facing my window. Why? Safety, posting a video onto the internet makes it public domain kinda. Then you can bring it to court, and with it out and about it can bring embarrassment if a cop says anything wrong. I had a friend who always had a mounted camera(hidden) with a speedometer. He actually started it as an internet project and it had live feed abilities so people could watch where he was on a website as part of a social experiment.
I have never had someone screw me over, because I will ruin someones life if I find it equal in my personal weights and measurements system of justice. And people know that. I will bend over backwards to help/forgive anyone. But there are lines that make me view some people as "Less than humane". But like I said, I like to stay legal and just use networks of people. Keeping anonymity is key though.
There are far more sinister things you can do, but I can't say them in an online forum LOL.
Ultimately though, forgiveness is the right thing to do. But not always the fun thing to do