Increase skeletal muscle & collagen synthesis with certain AAS

Awesome article. I'm going to drop my test down to 200mg for the last 5 weeks of my cycle and up my anavar to 100mg/day. I'm really enjoying hill sprinting at the moment, don't want an injury.

What kind of gains can you make on 200mg of test e and 300 od deca? Is it going to be similar to 500mg of test? My main goal is to bulk and good strength mains....... This whole collagen synthesis idea has made me really thing this whole cycle.....
What kind of gains can you make on 200mg of test e and 300 od deca? Is it going to be similar to 500mg of test? My main goal is to bulk and good strength mains....... This whole collagen synthesis idea has made me really thing this whole cycle.....

first off, if you post this as a new thread you will get way more help.

Second, remember this article is more so about collagen synthesis. If you dont have problems with injuries (tendons, ligaments, etc) then you should be find if you dont abuse the compounds that do take a toll on them. Just be wise. This article is NOT saying that IN ORDER TO SEE GAINS WHEN USING THESE COMPOUNDS you have to take the stated amount, but rather in order not to see a decrease or even increase in collagen synthesis you must use the listed amount. MAJOR difference.

no exp with deca but have a little with test. Of course you are going to see difference and bulking/cutting all depends on diet. You can bulk just as easy without juice and taking in the proper amount of calories. You have to eat like a horse to bulk, no matter what compound you are using and how much. Calories are what bulks...the juice is just a plus at taking those calories and making the best out of them. Like I said, of course you'll see a difference but if you are looking to mainly bulk, I would bump the test to 500 mgs/wk.

Im still new and still have tons to learn but test at 500 mg/wk and deca 300 mg/wk and you would get some damn good results IMO. Post a new thread about it and ask others for better bulking if the deca at 300 mgs would be find or should be bumped up.

Hope this helps. Train hard.
Very interesting sir... Actually is making me think about my next run that I wanted to introduce deca or Eq with... I didnt know that low amount actually increased that much substantially.... VERY GOOD READ!!!!
It's an awesome thread.

Based on this, my next cycle will be based on EQ/Test + HGH, without a doubt.

Bump for this thread! very interesting points of view to share on it.
Whats the length of a cycle of 200mg/wk/test & 400mg/wk/deca take to sufficiently cause this ridiculous collagen synthesis? 12wks? Or a month say, on the front of my cycle in my signature laid out??
does oral "GP MHN" Methylhydroxynandrolone increase collagen synthases? It is a Nandrolone derivative. Has anyone tried this out?

How long after npp use can it show up on a drug test?

The reason im interested in GP MHN and NPP is because ill have to be able to pass a drug test in about a year so deca and eq are not an option. but I still want to maximize collagen benefits.
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