inject deca with insul needel!!?!


this guy i know tellin me he injected deca in shoulder wit insul needel .. i told him that i herd it dosent work/push thru he says it dos!?? is he liein or can u spot shot wit insul pinnin ???wtf now im curious cuzz it alot easer for me to get insul pin then others ??
juced_porkchop said:
this guy i know tellin me he injected deca in shoulder wit insul needel .. i told him that i herd it dosent work/push thru he says it dos!?? is he liein or can u spot shot wit insul pinnin ???wtf now im curious cuzz it alot easer for me to get insul pin then others ??

I highly doubt it! It's rough enough just pushing it through a 25g. How does he extract the Deca into the slin needle? I struggle to extract Deca or any oil base into a 25g, which is why I use 2 separate pins for an extraction and injection.
That sounds like your gonna have a six hour injection on your hands, getting pins is pretty easy however you can actually order them from this site, or any vet supply company with out any questions asked.
insulin pins to small for the molecule to fit through and not strong or safe enough for im ingections
A lot of abscesses are formed because the steroid gets trapped between the muscle and fat. I would just use regular needles cuz they work for most everyone. I really don't see any advantage in using slin pins over conventional methods of injections, so why bother?
Perfection Awaits said:
I beg to differ. If bodyfat is low enough, slin pins are great for anywhere except the glute. I have used slin pins in my legs even. I know Trevdogg will back me up on this, as i decided to try it after reading one of his posts, and it was right. In my slin pin, which was 29g, 1/2", i have shot 100mg/ml prop, also 100mg/ml tren ace. All depends on the oil used, and the concetration. Went through liek butter with a little heat. just need to make sure the pin is long enough and BF is low enough to get deep enough into the muscle. I have used slin pins to inject Tren Ace and Test 400