Input needed !


Allmost Good Looking
Hey everybody !
I would like an opinion from YOU !

i have been working out for 13 years, i am male 29 years old !
Here is my problem:

My workout is not as good as i used to be, when i am on a cycle its ok (i do that 8-10 weeks every year, once a year), but when i am not, i get weaker and weaker and loose weight, for no apparent reason !?

i know u get weaker even if u use clomid after a cycle and all, but it is more than that !
I eat pretty good, lots of protein, i eat better that some of the other guys, but they dont loose weight :( ...the way i do !

3 years ago i weighed 110 kg of cycle and 114 on (approx.)
Now im 100 kg off and 105 on, whats up with that ?

i can see my delts are more narrow, but i train and train....allmost never skip a workout !

I am healthy, and my hormone levels are fine !
...and gets laid often (not true) :D

My workout program (typical workout):

Monday - Chest/Biceps.

Incline Benchpress: 5 sets/12-10-10-8-5 reps.
Flat Dumbellpress: 4 sets/10-8-8-8 reps.
Incline Dumbellpress: 4 sets/8-8-8-8 reps.
Cable Crossovers: 4 sets/10-10-10-10 reps.

Preacher Curls: 5 sets/10-10-8-6-6 reps.
Dumbell Curls: 4 sets/10-10-8-8 reps.
Curlmachine (onearm): 3 sets/10-8-6 reps.

Tuesday - Legs.

Squats: 6 sets/10-10-8-6-6-4 reps.
Legpress: 5 sets/10-8-8-6-6 reps.
Leg extensions: 5 sets/10-10-8-8-30 reps.
Legcurl: 5 sets/12-10-10-8-8 reps.

Thursday - Back.

Chinups: 5 sets/ to failure i all sets.
Lat pulldowns (narrow grip): 4 sets/10-10-10-10 reps.
Cable Rowing (narrow grip): 5 sets/10-10-10-10-10 reps.
Dumbell Rowing: 4 sets/10-10-10-10 reps.

Friday - Shoulder/Triceps.

Cruxifictions (on bench): 5 sets/10-10-8-8-6 reps.
Lateral Raises: 5 sets/10-10-10-8-6 reps.
Military Press: 4 sets/10-10-8-8 reps.

Pushdown: 5 sets/12-10-10-8-8 reps.
Dumbell Extensions (overhead): 4 sets/10-10-8-8 reps.
Cable Pushdown (reverse grip): 4 sets/10-10-10-8 reps.

...any ideas ? im i just getting old ??


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when is the last time you have had 2 week or even a month off?
Sounds like some classic overtraining symptoms?

Maybe try cutting down on the sets and increase the intensity of the work out. Try some powerlifting movements too spark some new growth.
But your program is set up nice? You have no conflex.

Chest/biceps: 3 sets each
Incline bench:
Flat dumbell flys

Biceps: 2 sets each
Alternating curls:
Hammer curls:

Tuesday legs:4 sets each
Stiff legged deadlifts:

Thursday back:4 sets each
Chin ups:
barbell rows:
or top deadlifts:
Low cable rows:

Friday: Tris and shoulders:3 sets
Clean and press:
Laterial raises

tris: 2 sets
French press:
Dumbell extension

Go heavier 4-8 reps.
you see less sets more intensity.A Typical work out you don't want it too drag on. 40 min is the max I spend pumping Iron.
I think i will try doing a little less sets and reps !
i got a really good pump from using the 5x5 principle today in my chest biceps rutine !

incline bencgpress 5x5 reps
flat dumbell press 3x10 reps
crossovers 3x10 reps

preachercurls 5x5 reps
dumbellcurls 2x10 reps
cheatcurls 2x10 reps

it gave a good pump, but i am afraid of doing to few sets ?!
Any other ideas ? then please let me know !

Depend what you are going for?
I'm going for Hypertrophy/strenght so I rest is 30seconds-1:30 min. If you training for strenght 1-3 min for rest, and muscular endurance rest is 30 second rest.
5*5 principle is a good one.
Their is alot of different training styles you can play with:
day 1 push
day 2: off
day 3: pull
day 4&5 off

Day 1: upper
Day 2: lower
day 3: off
Day: 4: upper
day 5: lower
Day 6 & 7: off

Then the basics: 2 on 1 off, 2 on 2 off or 1 on 1 off, 1 on 2 off
wow, only 30 sec ?
i aim for Hypertrophy too, i think the rest between sets are ca. 2 mins

what do your workout program look like ?
is doing each bodypart once on every 7 days not enough if you use the 5x5 rutine ?
Do you have to work the bodyparts every 5 days ???
ya the rest is higher, but thats y I said I use.........

Chest/tris:never lower then 3 reps
Incline bench:4 sets
Flat bench:4 sets
flys:3 sets

Tris:2 excercises no idea which ones pick and chooses

Squats: 5 sets no set reps
Leg press: 4 sets again no set reps
SLDL: 4 sets


Clean and press: 4 sets no set reps
laterial raises: 5*5
abs: 3 excercises 10 reps

barbell rows
one arm ros:

close grip bench: 3 sets more for strenght and speed
dumbell extension:


Thats pretty much what I do, I never do the same thing every week I always switch everything.
Besides overtraining, what else colud be the problem !
....i def. plan on cutting my sets and reps now ! :)