Ology Apprentice
12/19/11 Chest/Biceps
Pre-Workout: 1.5 scoops White Flood
Pec Deck: 100x11, 225x8 to failure
no break
Incline DB Press: 60x9 to failure
Decline BB Press: 135x6, 185x10
BB Curl: Started with 100x16 then did drop sets all the way down to 20 pound straight bar. Hurt like hell.
Great workout. Chest felt like it was popping out of my shirt, biceps were on fire.
With all of my routines, I've been concentrating heavily on perfect form. I usually have a 4-2-4 cadence (4 seconds up, 2 second static hold, 4 seconds down).
12/20/11 Triceps/Shoulders
Pre-Workout: 1.5 scoops White Flood
French Press: 55x18, 120x10 to failure then did partial reps
Cable Pressdowns: 110x6, 175x20 to failure then did partial reps
Arnold DB Press: 40x5, 60x10 to failure
Lateral Raise Machine: 120x6, 160x7
My shoulders are killing me. I could barely put my backpack on after the gym. Triceps don't feel very fatigued though. I may need to incorporate heavy dips into my routine somewhere.
Maybe someday I'll have delts like these...
Pre-Workout: 1.5 scoops White Flood
Pec Deck: 100x11, 225x8 to failure
no break
Incline DB Press: 60x9 to failure
Decline BB Press: 135x6, 185x10
BB Curl: Started with 100x16 then did drop sets all the way down to 20 pound straight bar. Hurt like hell.
Great workout. Chest felt like it was popping out of my shirt, biceps were on fire.
With all of my routines, I've been concentrating heavily on perfect form. I usually have a 4-2-4 cadence (4 seconds up, 2 second static hold, 4 seconds down).
12/20/11 Triceps/Shoulders
Pre-Workout: 1.5 scoops White Flood
French Press: 55x18, 120x10 to failure then did partial reps
Cable Pressdowns: 110x6, 175x20 to failure then did partial reps
Arnold DB Press: 40x5, 60x10 to failure
Lateral Raise Machine: 120x6, 160x7
My shoulders are killing me. I could barely put my backpack on after the gym. Triceps don't feel very fatigued though. I may need to incorporate heavy dips into my routine somewhere.
Maybe someday I'll have delts like these...