Is Intermittent Fasting The Fastest Way To Lose Bellyfat?


New member
I want to lose bellyfat as soon as possible in the terms of %6 bodyfat loss. I've read about intermittent fasting and wondering if I can do that in one month doing intermittent fasting before starting my next bulk cycle.

At the eating time What I would do is eat a pre meal of eggs and protein shake before gym then two shakes and one meal of chicken breasts and veggies after gym. I'd also take clen.

Is this right?
Intermittent fasting is a joke. If you want to have serious results, learn to cook and lay out your diet properly.

There is no secret to losing belly fat. If you lose fat, it comes from all over the body, and the lower abdomen will be the last place for men to lose fat.
It's a Jersey Shore diet. I think 3J or someone said it best last week, "Have you ever seen Mr. Olympia use intermittent fasting?" ...exactly.

There is NO REASON for the stupid fasting if you know how to properly eat.
What have been your results so far for bodyfat reduction?

i cant say for sure, i go by the mirror since i dont have anything to measure BF. so i cant say if its been better than regular dieting. it certainly hasnt been worse though. still get a huge meal and after a day or two of adjusting the hunger is gone.

infection, i wouldnt say its a fad diet, its been around for awhile. not sure why youre so angry about this
Not really mad, I just think it's kinda silly that people seek these crazy alternatives for weight loss. If people understood how to properly eat, this wouldn't even be a topic.

Fat reduction is very straight forward. Proper clean eating, cycle carbs, calorie deficit, and done.
It's a Jersey Shore diet. I think 3J or someone said it best last week, "Have you ever seen Mr. Olympia use intermittent fasting?" ...exactly.

There is NO REASON for the stupid fasting if you know how to properly eat.

what about carb loading?
what about carb loading?

What about it?

You can only increase your muscle glycogen so much. It's shown to be effective only for endurance athletes. Consuming foods with low glycemic indices doesn't affect the serum glucose levels much, so biochemically, it makes sense.
well i wanted to know your thoughts on it.... as far as burning fat, i wasnt aware of the glycemic index factor actually i thought there was absolutely no concern for GI

as i understood carb loading, is that you eat 30g of carbs for 10 days, then after that, you eat no carbs until after your workout, then you eat about 2g carbs per lb of body weight, and according to what i was reading, simple carbs work the best,

durring the 10 days of low carb eating you switch your body over to become a fat burner, and after you'll go to bed full and bloated, but wake up leaner and leaner... well thats the idea
well i wanted to know your thoughts on it.... as far as burning fat, i wasnt aware of the glycemic index factor actually i thought there was absolutely no concern for GI

as i understood carb loading, is that you eat 30g of carbs for 10 days, then after that, you eat no carbs until after your workout, then you eat about 2g carbs per lb of body weight, and according to what i was reading, simple carbs work the best,

durring the 10 days of low carb eating you switch your body over to become a fat burner, and after you'll go to bed full and bloated, but wake up leaner and leaner... well thats the idea

I am actually not sure about the diet you just mentioned. Most of my knowledge is theoretical, because I am studying biochemistry at university.

What I do know about carb loading is the majority of people who use it are endurance athletes, and it has shown to increase performance for events having a duration greater than 2 hours.

I personally use carb cycling for fat loss, and I am finishing up a cutting cycle very shortly, and always have great success with it. I think most nutritionists that are knowledgable tend to recommend carb cycling as well.
The past couple of months I find intermittent fasting combined with hiit twice a week, and a dropping as much sugar, and wheat based food, has helped me become the leanest i have ever been in my entire life.
My abs are starting to become visible, and also have lost a lot of fat in obliques are (ie love handles)
So it mightnt work for everyone, but seems to be working for me, i am even increasing amount of meat and healthy fats i am eating to up my calorific intake.
The past couple of months I find intermittent fasting combined with hiit twice a week, and a dropping as much sugar, and wheat based food, has helped me become the leanest i have ever been in my entire life.
My abs are starting to become visible, and also have lost a lot of fat in obliques are (ie love handles)
So it mightnt work for everyone, but seems to be working for me, i am even increasing amount of meat and healthy fats i am eating to up my calorific intake.

If you just ate the clean diet throughout the day and did zero cardio, you would achieve a lean physique too...

Dieting isn't complicated. I don't know why people complicate the hell out of it..
I have been using a clean diet and results havent come that much. My diet is as follows:

Gym- Weights one day on one day off with off day doing HIIT for 12 minutes on bike with ten minutes of skipping rope

Breakfest- 8 egg whites with 2 whole eggs in burrito roll with cheese, tomato, onion and 2 cups of coffee

Before Gym- 1 scoop of protein in smoothie with 1 cup of almond milk, frozen strawberry and bannana piece, spoonful of almond butter, hemp seeds, four ice cubes

After Gym- 2 scoop of protein in water. Cause my gym is 30 minutes away I just drink it in water but lately wanting to throw up using water I'll make smoothies pre frozen.

1st Dinner- Chicken breast with steamed veggeis of aspargus, brussel sprouts, spinach. I was thinking of bringing a bit of brown rice back in for carbs as I cut it out.

2nd Dinner- Same as above

Before Bed- Two Scoop Protein Smoothie

Snack- I snack on almonds and drink 8 cups of green tea.

I was going to sign up with 3J for his diet before my last bulk but I couldnt afford it and thinking more of it. I want to get down to single digits bodyfat before thinking of another cycle.
could you post the macros for that diet? taking a quick look, i see too many protein shakes, but we can worry about that later. also post your stats

people dont realize losing weight is all calories in vs calories out. a person eating a surplus of chicken breast, rice, eggs, etc etc, "clean" foods will not lose ANY weight if they are eating too many calories. meanwhile a person eating oreos and pop tarts will lose weight if theyre eating less than they burn. its that simple.

im not saying your diet should consist of oreos and poptarts, but im just saying its all about portion size, eating clean doesnt always mean youll lose weight
Eat right with anaerobic training for cardio. Sprints, bag training, clings, ballistic training etc. Raise your lactic threshold and your body will turn into a fernace. Examples: sprinters, fighters, olympic lifters.