My first Clenbuterol cycle

OP, I would increase my protein with chicken, meat, tuna, protein shakes, eating less doesn't= losing pounds, drink alot of water! Did you quit taking the clen or decrease the dose? did you start taking taurine.
Since the sides I experienced were terrible I had to quit clen. I had slig
ht numbness in my pinky finger and facial muscles the day I had 60 mcg, is that common? It really freaked me out so I didnt take it yesterday. I'm a little confused on what to do...I thought i'll work on my diet and chalk out a proper work out schedule and then start with it after a week. Is that advisable? And this time I wont be going so high so fast. What would you suggest? And is it so that the body fat should be around 20% if you decide to start with clen? I dont kknow what my bf is....I calculated it with the help of some internet bf calculator and it came between 22-25%
P.s- I dont know how to get my hands on taurine and potassium it necessary to have them in case I continue with clen? A friend had got clen for me and it's completely legal where I stay.
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Yeah I guess Clen was a bad idea. I had 60mg today as it was my third day...I experienced shivering, shortness of breath, sore body, tremors, slight disorientation, nausea and I felt cold throughout the day(It's not cold where I stay and it's strange because one of the side effects of Clen is sweating). I don't think it was worth all this trouble. I need to work on my diet as I'm feeling a bit weak these days. I guess I'll be adding lots of veggies. What's your diet basically? Maybe I can take some tips :)

Hi there :)

I'm not a fan of clen, the sides are not worth it IMO & clen is definely overrated... nothing works like a good diet/training routine when it comes to losing fat/weight.

We're all different and our bodies react differently to different diets, what works for u might not work as well for me and vice versa.

Your diet does need a lot of help, your not eating enough protein, good fats & complex carbs (not eating enough cals, period)
I only see protein from the whey protein shake..
For me carb cycling or low carbs works best for cutting, but u need to experiment & see how your body reacts best... adn what works best for u..

It's hard to say how many calories your eating now, u can start loging everything u eat a good site for this is ( this way u know exactly how many calories your really eating.
Without your weight calculating your TDEE is not really accurate, but roughly your TDEE (maintanance level) is around 2,000, this is what your body expends in a 24 hour period, so if u want to lose fat/weight u go 300-500 cals under this number..

A quick way to figure out your caloric needs is:

Fat loss = 12-13 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Maintenance (TDEE) = 15-16 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Weight gain = 18-19 calories per lb. of bodyweight

As far as your training goes, how often are u chaging yoru routine (intensity, reps, etc) ?
I don't go super heavy, I'm a fan of mixing high reps (moderate weight) with low reps (higher weight) I get great results like this.
For cardio high intensity like (HIIT) or circuits are my favorites..
With (HIIT) u have the "after burning effect" which allows u to keep burning fat long after your done with your session.

One last thing, since u mention that u have stubborn fat in the abdomen, etc
have u had your thyroid checked ? It's a common symptom of people with hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) to have a hard time losing weight and to have stubborn deposits of fat in their abdomen, slower metabolism, etc..
If u haven't checked yoru thyroid levels, do so.. a blood test will show what your TSH levels are, if they are high than your thyroid is not working 100 % as it should..

Hope this helps :)
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Sorry ok veggies I add meal 6 & 7. Google Neale Cranwell guys... He does my diets and they work very well

Even when on low carb days for me, veggies are a most..
Don't know who Neale Cranwell is, for me I like tweaking my diet myself, since I know what works best for me & know my body best.. But, if it's working well for u... than, good for u frenchy :)
I'll answer you in the women's section about your diet but that is the thing that will get your abs tight more than 30mins of crunches!

I understand the desperation of wanting to be firmer, tighter, more toned etc and the misleading information that is out there. First things first, if you want to drop fat you still want to drop weight, that is fact. If in fact you want to weigh the same but just be lean, then you need to alter diet and training. So which is it? Lose fat to reveal what is underneath or Gain muscle as well as burn fat?? Do you want to know what the difference will be there? .. Diet..!... or more specifically the calories of said diet. You can lose weight eating anything, but you can't get lean eating anything - not with your body type. When you can establish what you want to achieve we can better direct you. A baseline amount of calories needs to be determined based on your current height, weight, activity level etc before we really know how to tinker it. There is no cookie cutter diet here, it has to be what works best for fueling your body. When your metabolism is running properly again you can have a few cheats here and there without guilt because your body will efficiently burn it off. Right now the furnace is cold with low calorie foods.

Make sense? GO in the diet section seriously, 3J is very helpful and can give you a better idea of what to do. Just remember that your body and goals are very different to other peoples, and you shouldn't think that by eating how I eat (for example) will get you there. Clen certainly won't help you right now. I don't advocate it, but if you still wish to use it, get the other things in tandem first. Good luck ;)
Thanks for the advise :) My weight is fine according to my my BMI is 21. So, I want to concentrate more on getting lean...gain muscle and burn fat. Just heading over to the diet section to check out 3J!

P.s: I'll start with clen in a few weeks...will set my workout schedule and diet right first.
Taurine and Potassium pills you purchased them online. they will help with the sides and cramping. If you have pills try to break up the pills in half and start it that way - but take your clen first thing in the morning.
Are super sets and circuit training the same thing? At times I've stayed on gym for 3 hours! My trainer used to make me overwork...He used to make me do concentration dumbbells and kick back dumbbells with 7.5kg weight(I started to get these prominent biceps...well I still have them and I'm not able to get rid of them...they are 11inches and all I wanted were fat free arms)! And no I'm into body building I just want to be fit and get rid of the fat. Now I rarely go above 2kg(3 kg only for kickback dumbbells and triceps extension) My workout schedule and diet are such a mess right now! I just want to bring everything under order. Is it okay to do one body part per day? Like triceps on Monday, Chest on Tuesday, lower body on wednesday and so on along with different intensity levels of cardio on different days.

Very good advise from Detour :)

3 hours in the gym is way excessive, u really don't need that much time..

To answer your question of are super sets the same as circuit ?... the answer is no, they are not.

Circuit training is when u do a series of usually 8 to 12 resistance training movements, one right after the other, then u repeat it again for 2-3 more times. They are usually full body routines (I absolutely love oing circuits because of the short time it takes).
You can do a good session in about 30 mins or so.
The work intensity is pretty low, around 40-60% of 1RM and a high reps range of 15-30 reps. C
Circuit training works kind of like cardio, it increases cardiovascular endurance, and strength (moderetaly)

I do circuits probably 2-3 times a week, I love love circuits, usually do 10-15 min of circuits & then some high intensity cardio (as my whole cardio session)...

Now, super setting is when u do a series of 2 to 5 resistance training movemnts one immediately after the other, without rest. They are multiple sets exercises that work muscle groups, like bench press to seated row, or triceps pushdown to biceps curl,
(it's a push-pull training format).....
The intensity is usually greater than 60% 1RM, and the rep range of 6-12 reps.
Super sets are great for strength training, since u move from one exercise and immediately to another. Since there is little to no rest between sets u burn more calories than u would if u spent the same amount of time doing traditional straight sets...

From what I've read in this thread and the other thread u have posted in the women's forum, I'm glad you understand u need to work on your diet... You need to eat to "lose weight" just have to eat the right calories & make every calorie count..
I know your looking to get that "six pack" but I would not concentrate on doing crunches, etc right now..

We all have the wanted "six pack" well, genetics do have a lot to do with it, but we all have abs, they are just "hidden"..
Do u get abs from doing ab excercises ? No
U get them from removing the fat covering them, and like Detour said, Diet will do this for u in combination with a good cardio routine... Caloric deficit + cardio

I don't remember if you said your doing HIIT, but if your not.. definitely look into incorporating a good HIIT routine into your workout, the after burnign effects of HIIT will help u burn more than traditional cardio.

As far as doing (one body part) a day, I wouldn't really suggest it, because that would be a 5 day split minimum..Even more if u seperated Bicep & triceps, depending on your intensity & volume, u might run into recovery problems.. not to mention u won't have a "break" and that's just exausting..

but it really depends on you & how much time & days u have to commit to this..

I change my routine a lot, but I usually do a 3 or 4 day split:

Mon - Chest/triceps/calfs
Tes: cardio
Wed - Shoulders/Biceps
Thurs: cardio
Fri - Legs/back
Sat: (some times/ cardio)
I'm not crazy about cardio, with 2 or 3 days (which is not always possible with 3 kdis) and a super clean diet I pretty much mantain myself at a level that I'm happy with..

I think once u change your diet you'llstart seeing results :)
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