Are super sets and circuit training the same thing? At times I've stayed on gym for 3 hours! My trainer used to make me overwork...He used to make me do concentration dumbbells and kick back dumbbells with 7.5kg weight(I started to get these prominent biceps...well I still have them and I'm not able to get rid of them...they are 11inches and all I wanted were fat free arms)! And no I'm into body building I just want to be fit and get rid of the fat. Now I rarely go above 2kg(3 kg only for kickback dumbbells and triceps extension) My workout schedule and diet are such a mess right now! I just want to bring everything under order. Is it okay to do one body part per day? Like triceps on Monday, Chest on Tuesday, lower body on wednesday and so on along with different intensity levels of cardio on different days.
Very good advise from Detour
3 hours in the gym is way excessive, u really don't need that much time..
To answer your question of are super sets the same as circuit ?... the answer is no, they are not.
Circuit training is when u do a series of usually 8 to 12 resistance training movements, one right after the other, then u repeat it again for 2-3 more times. They are usually full body routines (I absolutely love oing circuits because of the short time it takes).
You can do a good session in about 30 mins or so.
The work intensity is pretty low, around 40-60% of 1RM and a high reps range of 15-30 reps. C
Circuit training works kind of like cardio, it increases cardiovascular endurance, and strength (moderetaly)
I do circuits probably 2-3 times a week, I love love circuits, usually do 10-15 min of circuits & then some high intensity cardio (as my whole cardio session)...
Now, super setting is when u do a series of 2 to 5 resistance training movemnts one immediately after the other, without rest. They are multiple sets exercises that work muscle groups, like bench press to seated row, or triceps pushdown to biceps curl,
(it's a push-pull training format).....
The intensity is usually greater than 60% 1RM, and the rep range of 6-12 reps.
Super sets are great for strength training, since u move from one exercise and immediately to another. Since there is little to no rest between sets u burn more calories than u would if u spent the same amount of time doing traditional straight sets...
From what I've read in this thread and the other thread u have posted in the women's forum, I'm glad you understand u need to work on your diet... You need to eat to "lose weight" just have to eat the right calories & make every calorie count..
I know your looking to get that "six pack" but I would not concentrate on doing crunches, etc right now..
We all have the wanted "six pack" well, genetics do have a lot to do with it, but we all have abs, they are just "hidden"..
Do u get abs from doing ab excercises ? No
U get them from removing the fat covering them, and like Detour said, Diet will do this for u in combination with a good cardio routine... Caloric deficit + cardio
I don't remember if you said your doing HIIT, but if your not.. definitely look into incorporating a good HIIT routine into your workout, the after burnign effects of HIIT will help u burn more than traditional cardio.
As far as doing (one body part) a day, I wouldn't really suggest it, because that would be a 5 day split minimum..Even more if u seperated Bicep & triceps, depending on your intensity & volume, u might run into recovery problems.. not to mention u won't have a "break" and that's just exausting..
but it really depends on you & how much time & days u have to commit to this..
I change my routine a lot, but I usually do a 3 or 4 day split:
Mon - Chest/triceps/calfs
Tes: cardio
Wed - Shoulders/Biceps
Thurs: cardio
Fri - Legs/back
Sat: (some times/ cardio)
I'm not crazy about cardio, with 2 or 3 days (which is not always possible with 3 kdis) and a super clean diet I pretty much mantain myself at a level that I'm happy with..
I think once u change your diet you'llstart seeing results