is it a good idea to convert 10 grams of deca for low dose use?


New member
hey guys, i have 10 grams of deca powder (i guess if you want to call it that). obviously i wont be shooting 400mg weekly, unless i want to become dikechichy LOL, seriously, i want to just convert the whole thing to oil at a very very nicely diluted 100mg/ml. so in the end process ill have 100ml of 100mg/ml deca. is that a good idea to convert such a large batch? (at least LARGE for me lol). ill be doing a cycle about 12 weeks long at 50mg-100mg weekly. starting low first, never know what could happen.


today im in great spirits.
go for it, its much easier to convert it all and just use 1 filter. Plus its so easy to do, you cant screw it up unless you tried. No point in trying to measure out deca, its a messy bitch. Even if you get it cold...once you touch it or even look at it funny it melts. I say go for it, 10g is a small amount round here.
Throw a touch of ba in there, keep it in a dark cool place and itl keep for a LONG time.

On that note, you should research the "expiration date" racket that our pharmecuetical friends have going. Making us believe our prescriptions expire and go bad MUCH before they really do. Old ladies everywhere throw perfectly good expensive medicine out just to buy some new stuff that expires in a few months. Im not sure about hormones but Im willing to bet that they keep longer than we think.
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i wouldnt forget bb or ba.


DougoeFre5h said:
Throw a touch of ba in there, keep it in a dark cool place and itl keep for a LONG time.

On that note, you should research the "expiration date" racket that our pharmecuetical friends have going. Making us believe our prescriptions expire and go bad MUCH before they really do. Old ladies everywhere throw perfectly good expensive medicine out just to buy some new stuff that expires in a few months. Im not sure about hormones but Im willing to bet that they keep longer than we think.
ill research about experation date conspiracy. seems a waste to just throw away perfectly good supplements or medicine

pullinbig said:
you dont need bb for deca. the ba is just for an antimicrobial (preservative). deca is soluable in oil.

okay no bb just ba, im going to go to my very very diluted revised recipe and post it to so you guys can make sure its right on point. this is my first time and im HAPPY. i just hope i dont drop it like,,, was that tex? lol.

a basic powder conversion recipe revised
Deca for 10 grams

10 grams powder
37.5 ml sesame oil [revision: 87.5ml grapeseed oil]
2.5ml BA 5%
2.5ml BB 5% [ if i dont need bb, what should i substitute these
2.5mls for? oil or more ba?]
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 10 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman into solution.

Makes 50 ml @ 200 mg/ml [revision: 100ml @ 100mg/ml:D]

I make em up with the following:

eq, test enan, deca: 1%ba no bb

tren: 3%ba 8%bb maybe less
prop: 2.5%ba 7.5%bb>> may try 1.5%ba 20%bb heard that worked nicely.
chicmuscle said:
a basic powder conversion recipe revised
Deca for 10 grams

10 grams powder
37.5 ml sesame oil [revision: 87.5ml grapeseed oil]
2.5ml BA 5%
2.5ml BB 5% [ if i dont need bb, what should i substitute these
2.5mls for? oil or more ba?]
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 10 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman into solution.

Makes 50 ml @ 200 mg/ml [revision: 100ml @ 100mg/ml:D]


2% ba is plenty. dont worry about heatijng oil in oven. its a wasted step.

10g deca
2ml ba
90ml oil.

warm on a hot plate then filter. bakes in the oven after this if you like for an hour at 275ish. fire away. 100ml of deca @ 100mg/ml.
OHHHHH I CANT WAIT!!!!! im friggin on cloud 9!!!!

thanks PB


pullinbig said:
2% ba is plenty. dont worry about heatijng oil in oven. its a wasted step.

10g deca
2ml ba
90ml oil.

warm on a hot plate then filter. bakes in the oven after this if you like for an hour at 275ish. fire away. 100ml of deca @ 100mg/ml.