Is it time to UP the Test Enanthate!?!?


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What's up peeps!
So, I'll jump right to it...Im weighing in right now at about 215lbs, pretty low body fat, actually I'm very pleased with everything as it stands. I ran a 9 week cycle of Test Enanthate about 2 months ago, got great results overall. (I was running very simple cycle, 2cc's a week) I'm not really concerned about the strength part seeing as how I'm pretty stout regardless. Question is, I'm wondering if next time around I should up my Test E and/or add some Trenbolone Acetate. As Im sure you all know, Test E has an androgenic ratio at 100, with Trenbolone Acetate being at 500. Should I stay at 2 cc's Test and add Trenbolone or what??

You could up it. But since you only ran a 9 week cycle I'd say for for a 12 to 15. Test e had a long half life and by doing a short cycle you missed the best part. Tren for me was crazy shit never had sides in my life then I got them all
You could up it. But since you only ran a 9 week cycle I'd say for for a 12 to 15. Test e had a long half life and by doing a short cycle you missed the best part. Tren for me was crazy shit never had sides in my life then I got them all

Yeah, that's the only thing I was concerned about. I'm prob gunna get the powder and do my own so I wont have to order multiple times and plus I'll be supplied for a little while. What kind of sides did the tren show, Im trying to avoid that at all cost...
What's up peeps!
So, I'll jump right to it...Im weighing in right now at about 215lbs, pretty low body fat, actually I'm very pleased with everything as it stands. I ran a 9 week cycle of Test Enanthate about 2 months ago, got great results overall. (I was running very simple cycle, 2cc's a week) I'm not really concerned about the strength part seeing as how I'm pretty stout regardless. Question is, I'm wondering if next time around I should up my Test E and/or add some Trenbolone Acetate. As Im sure you all know, Test E has an androgenic ratio at 100, with Trenbolone Acetate being at 500. Should I stay at 2 cc's Test and add Trenbolone or what??


Second cycle overall? If so, I'd opt for deca instead. That way you are still getting the benefit of a fantastic compound, but you also have the opportunity to build experience with a 19-nor and prolactin/progesterone management. I agree with ryan above in that you would benefit greatly from running that cycle longer than 9 weeks. If you do plan on running deca, I'd go with a 14 week cycle, cutting the deca off at 12 weeks. You can probably go longer than that, but it does put a strain on the HPTA - making recovery more difficult. ;)

My .02c :)
Yeah, that's the only thing I was concerned about. I'm prob gunna get the powder and do my own so I wont have to order multiple times and plus I'll be supplied for a little while. What kind of sides did the tren show, Im trying to avoid that at all cost...

Whether you get sides tends to be hit-or-miss. Some guys can run tons of tren but no deca, while others are the opposite. Gotta find what's best for you.
For the possible sides, you can look up their profiles through google search.
For only second cycle, I would try deca first but that's just imo. Strong joints are going to be what keeps you going in the long-run.
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Second cycle overall? If so, I'd opt for deca instead. That way you are still getting the benefit of a fantastic compound, but you also have the opportunity to build experience with a 19-nor and prolactin/progesterone management. I agree with ryan above in that you would benefit greatly from running that cycle longer than 9 weeks. If you do plan on running deca, I'd go with a 14 week cycle, cutting the deca off at 12 weeks. You can probably go longer than that, but it does put a strain on the HPTA - making recovery more difficult. ;)

My .02c :)

Yeah it'll be my second cycle overall. Ive always been real hesitant and have always had genetics plan a really good role for me, thank God! But I enjoyed what I was getting but yall are right, it did seem like it was over super fast.:ugh: I actually just tried to PM you not long ago but couldn't...I think I'll go with the deca instead, seeing as how it is the second and I do wanna protect my joints.
The overriding consensus on this board is to hold off on Tren until you have at least 3 good cycles under your belt....and i agree with them. I didn't try Tren until my 4th cycle, but I did use Deca for the first time on my second was beneficial and a good learning experience. Tren is a beast of a whole different color....if/when you try it, you'll understand what I mean...
Yeah it'll be my second cycle overall. Ive always been real hesitant and have always had genetics plan a really good role for me, thank God! But I enjoyed what I was getting but yall are right, it did seem like it was over super fast.:ugh: I actually just tried to PM you not long ago but couldn't...I think I'll go with the deca instead, seeing as how it is the second and I do wanna protect my joints.

I've honestly been debating on running a low dose of deca year round with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as it does feel fantastic on the joints. You'll definitely be happy with the compound. :)
I've honestly been debating on running a low dose of deca year round with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as it does feel fantastic on the joints. You'll definitely be happy with the compound. :)

HW: the joint relief was my biggest "pro" for Deca....after so many years of abusing my joints, it actually helped A LOT! I have heard a few ppl suggest EQ as an alternative, but I have yet to try it.

On another note: I was SO happy with my last experience with Tren E, I will be stepping it up to a Prop/Tren A cycle in another 7 1/2 weeks, once my interval is complete :) Gear should be in hand by the end of next week/beginning of next week :)
you sound like you actually taking time to think this through and listen to advice so no need to hound you much about it but don't just assume because you did x mg per week last cycle that you should automatically be uppin that shit next time.
you sound like you actually taking time to think this through and listen to advice so no need to hound you much about it but don't just assume because you did x mg per week last cycle that you should automatically be uppin that shit next time.

True. And I still may just incorporate the deca but keep my T level the same.
I've honestly been debating on running a low dose of deca year round with my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as it does feel fantastic on the joints. You'll definitely be happy with the compound. :)

Awesome. Im getting amped now! Lol :yesway:
sounds good brah. maybe next time try reversing your test/deca doses and see how your shit handles it. my first solo cycle was low test medium deca and i loved it.

i just wanted the test to mimic what i was producing naturally and let the deca do its thing with my strength size and most importantly my damn joints. fighting in thailand for a year knocked me down to 180lbs. don't get it fucked up that is 180lbs with damn low body fat
HW: the joint relief was my biggest "pro" for Deca....after so many years of abusing my joints, it actually helped A LOT! I have heard a few ppl suggest EQ as an alternative, but I have yet to try it.

On another note: I was SO happy with my last experience with Tren E, I will be stepping it up to a Prop/Tren A cycle in another 7 1/2 weeks, once my interval is complete :) Gear should be in hand by the end of next week/beginning of next week :)
Yeah, I do miss deca keeping my rotator cuffs and knees all nice and lubed up. It's a damn shame it's only temporary relief while you're on the compound, or I could see it being REALLY popular. ;) Niiiice. I love test and tren, just so damn good. Of course it sucks when you wake up in a puddle at 2am, but totally worth it. :D
Awesome. Im getting amped now! Lol :yesway:

Yeah, I think you'll enjoy deca. It's a classic stack that's been proven time and time again. :cool:
I've been lifting for 30+ yrs, cycling for 15, i e done acetate, hex, inj. Metyltreinolone, that was crazy even at 1/4 cc. a day, anyway never thought too much about the enenthate ester, last yr winter bulk went with test cyp 750/wk ( I just feel better at that dose) Tren-e 200mgs/ every 4 days, with a 50mg/a day D-bol chaser, 6wks d-bol inj. I don't care what anyone says injectable is definitely better. 12 wks test/tren, started at 224lbs 12wks later 248 12% b.f. not sure what my body fat was when I started but definitely leaned out, i nevet looked better , and im 51 freakin yrs old. So o would keep my test up, and maybe consider the enenthate ester for tren. I haven't bought into the lo test higher tren theory. Oh did .5 caber twice a week , although I don't think that's necessary, and .5 letro+day