Is it time to UP the Test Enanthate!?!?

Hey maximus how tall are you and whats your body fat percentage... Im just curious because I also weigh 215 -217 depending on the day.
have you tried the lo test high tren? 248 at 12% aint bad at all for 51 sir. good work.

I've been lifting for 30+ yrs, cycling for 15, i e done acetate, hex, inj. Metyltreinolone, that was crazy even at 1/4 cc. a day, anyway never thought too much about the enenthate ester, last yr winter bulk went with test cyp 750/wk ( I just feel better at that dose) Tren-e 200mgs/ every 4 days, with a 50mg/a day D-bol chaser, 6wks d-bol inj. I don't care what anyone says injectable is definitely better. 12 wks test/tren, started at 224lbs 12wks later 248 12% b.f. not sure what my body fat was when I started but definitely leaned out, i nevet looked better , and im 51 freakin yrs old. So o would keep my test up, and maybe consider the enenthate ester for tren. I haven't bought into the lo test higher tren theory. Oh did .5 caber twice a week , although I don't think that's necessary, and .5 letro+day
I wouldn't add tren just yet if you're still getting gains from test. Consider a more mild stack or just add test, Maybe run a 750/wk
I'd say up the test slightly and you could throw in some deca as well. Decas some good stuff. Run it longer though (12-16wks) since you have to wait a while to see the maximum effects of both compounds. I honestly would go just by the numbers on the ratio chart.. A lot of drugs look good or bad on paper, but in actuality work effectively. Deca's a good example of this. It's very anabolic/not very androgenic but I'd say its a perfect choice for bulking because it has the collagen synthesis properties that tren does not. Or you could go with eq which is much milder. On a bulk collagen synthesis is important in my opinion since you'll be putting on the most strength/size in that time.
I wouldn't add tren just yet if you're still getting gains from test. Consider a more mild stack or just add test, Maybe run a 750/wk

That's actually exactly what I had in mind...if anything is adding as far as other gear it'll more than likely be the deca.