is this possile


bulldog god
when making Methenolone Enanthate(primo) from powder lets say 10g to make 100mg @ 100ml could you add in 5g of Oxandrolone USP23(anavar) to make an injectible @ 100mg/50mg of primo/anvar?
these are two items that are costly, and aren't going to require the same ratios for solution. They are better off seperate.
has anyone around here done Anavar (var) in oil? I think the best carrier would be water based w/ peg.

methenolone would be best oil based.
I am not a Anavar (var) fan, mild steroid at best. same with primo. for the life of me i dont understand why they are so damn expensive either. you'd think they would be cheaper.

for the money test is hard to beat.