IS THIS you? I hope not.

There is at least one guy like this at every gym and every competition I've ever been to. It's actually a really good question. How do you stop them from competing at a local show? Everyone is supposed to be able to compete if they want to. They are serious as hell that they really think they are going to win.
One guy was at the gym yesterday like "I just took so much juice I'm glowing. I'm really starting to get jacked. All I need now is my shredded glutes to come in!" Dude was 165 20% bf talking about shredded glutes any day now. Not handicapped either. Just dilusional I guess. But he has gotten on stage before and is going to again this month.
Might have to give him a call........ I want abs like his lol.
Made me laugh but felt sorry for him at the same time.
One guy was at the gym yesterday like "I just took so much juice I'm glowing. I'm really starting to get jacked. All I need now is my shredded glutes to come in!" Dude was 165 20% bf talking about shredded glutes any day now. Not handicapped either. Just dilusional I guess. But he has gotten on stage before and is going to again this month.
I know this type of people.
The problem is, when I hear them speaking I start to laugh my ass off in front of them.
I can't stand it how serious they are.:laugh4:
I think its funny as heck!! Nice find and let them have some fun. BB is so serious its nice to at a small local level have alittle laugh!
Pulcinella is a fucking idiot.

Steve is mentally retarded and he damn well knows that.

Yet he focuses on him for god sakes. He goes into the comps because it makes him feel good.

Believe it or not this guy actually attempts weights and stuff...

Mike is a fucking idiot. Steve is slow....he knows it.
I'd also like to point out these guys compete in ENTRY LEVEL shows. There is a reason there are tournaments and leagues for amateurs....same in bodybuilding. Yet Stupid fucking pulcinella doesn't give a damn. As long as he gets attention and makes money he's happy.

LMAO !!!

I'm in TEARS over here... lol
the funniest is when he lifts his shirt to show his "abs".. girls face is like wtf..

looking at the dude next to him trying to mimic the pose.

so funny and so wrong at the same time.
Kind of funny...but mainly just sad. Was just at a show with a very similar guy. At least the crowd cheers and makes them feel good, instead of booing them off the stage. But yeah, there's no way to prevent them from entering. Unless you could do something like set a minimum bf %...but I think organizations would rather just take their money. Oh well.
Ridiculous. Why would they let someone like that even enter. He is just mocking the sport.

*found the video...missed it at first.
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