I've got a quick question about sustanon 400


New member
My buddy asked me about taking sustanon 400 twice a week. I would usually say eod with sus 250. This has 100 prop, 100 phenyl, 100 Deca, 50 enan and 50 cyp. That seems like a bit much for every other day but I don't want to give him wrong information. What do you guys think? I know he can cut the dose in half and things of that nature but I'm guessing he wants to get away with 2 pins a week.
Usually Sus blends have 10-15% prop. Haven't heard of one with 25%.

I typically think 2/wk is fine, but haven't considered that dosing with a higher percentage prop blend.
He is taking the sus Monday morning and Thursday afternoon every week. I'm keeping in touch with Him throughout his cycle. I'm really curious what kind of results he has with that compound. He's taking 400 sustanon and 300 Deca. He's running it for 12 weeks.
It's not ideal, but there are gains to b had. The test roller coaster may not be as bad as the estriadol that'll be harder to manage. I've been using sust350 and pinning every 2.5 days without issue.
It's not ideal, but there are gains to b had. The test roller coaster may not be as bad as the estriadol that'll be harder to manage. I've been using sust350 and pinning every 2.5 days without issue.

I have never had a hormonal roller coaster doing it 2 a week but that IS the best way to pin it.
Sus 2x week is kinda the norm for non competing lifters..

In the blend your buddy is using, he has 200mg of longer lasting esters (cyp, enanthate, & deca).

The longer esters will compound a bit, once they kick in, after the first couple of weeks. For example, Test Cyp half life is is 8-9 days. An injection every 3-4 days means your injecting more Test Cyp into your body, while your previous injection has approximate 2-3 days of activity left.

This, no doubt, makes up for the shorter life span of the Prop and the Phenyl.