I've noticed a couple boxers getting busted for useing test


New member
and a couple mma fighters getting apporved for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). So, my question is how do they keep water off and still make weight? I'm actually a pro boxer and have fought an mma match as well as well as trained mma for 2 years now. I just can't keep water off when I use test. Any advice would be appreciated.
water retention/test

even with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you will retain some water. your diet would have to be killer. I used to fight amateur for ten years so I know the importance of hitting your target weight. personally, I would think clen or An eca stack would benefit you more than test.(excluding hgh from the conversation) but your diet would have to be dead on regardless of what you used. just my 2cnts.
I think when they cycle, they stop about 14 days out and jump on diuretics or find other means to shed the water weight.
sounds logical

that sounds logical, then they pray their number doesn't come up on the random test list...lol
You realize that they are using low doses right? i'd be quite surprised if they used 500mg/week. More likely 250-300mg to improve recovery and increase strength. an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) could then limit water gain. and those who aren't approved for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) use short esters or even test suspension and hope they don't piss hot.
I think when they cycle, they stop about 14 days out and jump on diuretics or find other means to shed the water weight.

But wouldn't they be fighting with low t, pending on which ester was attached to the test? Seems like that would defeat the propose.