Jack3d VS NO Explode

original jacked was good. the new jacked 3d micro is pure crap compared to similar competitors and all NO did for me was act like a laxative so stopped taking it
jack3d, and it's not even close.

Though if you can get a hold of some left over n2kts, that's even better ;)
NO Xplode can't be beat for pumps as and vascularity imo. Its my favorite pre workout and I've tried many many many...
I'm telling ya guys..... BANANAS!!!!!!!! I swear by them to give me the energy to smash it out.
I'm with you on this one man, I always eat a banana before hitting the gym and sometimes if I'm super hungry I'll mix a banana with some natural peanut butter and make a samich...never been into the caffeine bullshit.
If you like DMAA go with Jacked, if you dont like DMAA go with NO. I prefer DMAA Free preworkouts, I don't like feeling like i'm on crack!
Never tried Jack3d. but NO Explode didnt make me feel anything. The same with C4.

I just stick to a caffeine pill before a workout whenever Im not feeling too great.
I personally like N.O. explode better, although Jacked is very good as well. I'd also like to recommend craze, it's my favorite pre-workout now. I think it has less of a crash than many others as well.