Jacked cheerleader

She looks good to me!

What do I know, I'm an old fart that will often settle for a good pulse and clever conversation from a lady
Wow, 4'' on her arms in 10 months. I think the 50lb weight increase is alittle exageratted from the modeling agency. If so..
Another shot

"According to the school newspaper, she added an impressive four inches of muscles on her arms in just 10 months." LOL right. No steroids there!

This is why steroids and the media do not belong in the same sentence: "A modeling agent wanted her to use Anavar, a legal anabolic steroid to help her gain up to 50 pounds of muscle. Worried about the effects on her body when she decides to have kids, Watson passed."

50 pounds of muscle in an Anavar cycle. LOL. You've got to be fucking shitting me. I bet she'd be roid raging too, right? :P
haha yeah 50 lbs on anavar...

I like how she got all god squad about gear when they asked her about turning down the fitness modeling gig...when it's pretty obvious she's using. Hypocrite.
For her masculinity, she is still quite beautiful. Which is rare for a girl with that much mass. That being said, she should be on the field. Screw being a cheerleader, I want to see her sack some QB and make him cry XD
For her masculinity, she is still quite beautiful. Which is rare for a girl with that much mass. That being said, she should be on the field. Screw being a cheerleader, I want to see her sack some QB and make him cry XD

i agree Z she would be hot in a bathing suit lol:agreed: