Joint pain/ Repair/ anyone actually done this?


New member
I watched the video on this site from that Dr.'s show. Pretty convincing. I'm sure it costs an ass load and I don't live anywhere near Denver.... But sounds promising. Anyone actually done this or know anyone who has?

Also just read something about some new groundbreaking broken bone repair goo essentially made from stem cells.

Cool stuff if nothing else.

Sooooo tired of always being in pain. Especially my shoulders.....
i heard that its really expensive but works! olympic swimmer dara torres used stem cell therapy to regenerate her meniscus in her knees before the last summer olympics..... but another form of therapy that is almost as good is PRP therapy (platelet rich plasma). its affordable too, Like $1000 per area treated. $1000 is expensive, but affordable compared to stem cells being extracted outta your femur. prp therapy procedure is alot less invasive and simple. therapy begins by placing a couple of tablespoons of a person's blood into a centrifuge, then rotating the blood at high speed until the red blood cells separate from the platelets. The concentration of platelets left;now three to 10 times that in normal blood;contains proteins and other particles that help the body self-healing process. basically contains a shitload of growth factors that help with healing
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