Joint repair for a women in here 50's


New member
Ok brainstrust, I need some advice for my Mum. She's in her 50's and her hands, particularly her thumbs and two outer fingers are shot. She's had X-rays and the doctor said it's not arthritis related, it's just wear and tear. They've given here some mild anti inflammatories and told her to avoid using her hands (Drs are useless).
What I'm looking for is any and all suggestions on rebuilding and lubricating the joints.
I was thinking maybe ghrp-2, but she's not a fan of needles everyday, so then I was thinking TB-500 once a week.
But is there anything else that could give her some relief and help rebuild the joints?
I'd suggest low dose deca, but not really sure that be wise for her.
Oils from salmon and tuna contain a key omega-3 EFA called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which inhibits a type of prostaglandin hormone. This hormone both increases inflammatory substances, while at the same time increases prostaglandins that inhibit inflammation. Salmon oil, which contains 18 percent EPA, is amazing in reducing inflammation and pain and increasing joint flexibility to the benefactor.

Grape seed extract may have better antioxidant activity than other free radical scavengers as the active ingredient that brings these good results is called proanthocyanadin (sometimes called leucanthocyanadin), which destroys damaging oxygen molecules and turns off the body's inflammation response.

Benefactors with rheumatoid arthritis often have disturbances in iron metabolism. Large numbers of fereitin molecules have been observed in the synovial lining cells in recent research studies. Interestingly, another study established that grape seed extract has the ability to chelate excess iron, even from heart tissue, thereby minimizing damage.

Since food sensitivities can make joint tissue react in a similar way, the anti-inflammatory effect of grape seed extract can minimize allergies and autoimmune responses affecting the joints.

Bilberry increases blood flow in very small arterioles. This may help deliver needed nutrition to deteriorating joints. Silica, found in horsetail herb or the colloidal silicea preparation, helps strengthen connective tissue and cartilage and helps the body and bones to absorb calcium and is also believed to benefit joint fluid viscosity. In closing I truly hope that your mom is not smoking cigarettes or drinking any type of soft drink (and I do mean any type as any type of carbonated water reduces the oxygen levels on your blood and thus through time will cause all your joints to suffer and worst) because if she is then all bets are off. All said and done try the natural path first and foremost and I hope the best for her and you.
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Thanks for the advice Milton. Have tried all the natural alternatives, now it's time to try something else.
I was able to work out what the doctor told my mum, she has severe bone demineralization. So going to start her on 500mg of calcium citrate of a morning. I've also talked her into considering HGH. Fortunately because of her age she qualifies for the anti-aging clinics that run here, so the only hinderance will be the price.
An Hrt doc might give her nandrolone. Depending on where you live. Might be just what she's looking for.