Joint Support Help


New member
Hey guys. I was just wondering what you all thought was the best joint support out there? Looking to go heavy soon and want to give my joints all the help I can get. Thanks guys.
Get some MSM & Glucosamine. Here are my favourite products:

Take any of these for at least 3 months and you're good to go.
If you do roids, 250-400 mg Decadurabolin per week strenghts your joints.
Don't forget to drink a 1-2 gallons of water/day. ;)
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Honestly, Osteo-Sport from Applied Nutriceuticals is the most complete and effective formula on the market today. If you want to try a topical joint support product to there is a special stack special on Osteo-Sport and Joint Force (Patrick Arnold's new creation) on Nutra.



Primordial Performance
I have used Skeletal Balm from NTBM recently and I was really happy with it. I have a shoulder that bothers me from time to time and I like to put a little of the skelly on so I can still get my workouts in without the pain. I was skeptical before I bought it but now I'm a believer. I figured that I couldn't go wrong since they give you a money back guarantee on everything.
I have used Skeletal Balm from NTBM recently and I was really happy with it. I have a shoulder that bothers me from time to time and I like to put a little of the skelly on so I can still get my workouts in without the pain. I was skeptical before I bought it but now I'm a believer. I figured that I couldn't go wrong since they give you a money back guarantee on everything.

Damn might need to pick some of it up. Does it dry well/smell alright?