Just Another Test Prop Cycle... :gives:

Hardest part about this thing is diet. Its only been 4 weeks on diet, and Im soooo damn tired of chicken, brown rice and veggies for dinner EVERY NIGHT. haha. Started looking online for ways to spice things up at dinner, to break free of the boiled or baked chicken breasts. Oatmeal with a scoop of gold standard whey, and two/ three eggs scrambled mixed in, for breakfast. Usually tuna with a diced pickle in it ( i know...sodium) or chicken salad sandwich on gluten free bread for lunch. Lots of water. And of course all the vitamins for the day. Thats during the week...on weekends breakfast is more of a veggie scramble (spinach, tomato, onion, bellpepper, muchroom, peppercinni's, chili peppers) with 5 eggs whites 3 yolks and some diced turkey or chicken. Weekend are easy. During the week breakfast is a luxury. haha. more later.
Bro, why are you doing so much intense cardio? you are wasting your muscles that way, unless you eat a bunch of carbs right before. try low intensity fat burning cardio, like fast walking, eliptical (slow) etc... this way you can burn your fat and they wont eat up your muscles.

I also dont undersand these drug tests you are talking about? what are they for? and why are you being tested for roids?

my biggest critique would be to make sure you are eating enough, and not doing so much high intensity cardio. if not you will be wasting your juice. good luck man!

okay so I think its safe to say, I may have spoken TOO SOON. haha. I checked today, and my total body weight is up about 7 lbs in 10 days. Id say 3 or 4 is water tho because Im only up 3 lbs Lean Body Mass. Also My total BF% is down to 14.5% AWESOME! Been running pretty hard. Decided not to stress the drug test because whats done is done, cant change it. And the recent number from the scale/calipers has me convinced this shit is legit. Wheeew! Now that we're past that...moving on.
Been crushing myself at the gym this week. Yesterday was shoulders and tri's, and today was back and bi's. And cardio usually Twice a day. The pip from the ventro was pretty bad, but didnt really affect my running, just a general pain in the ass...literally haha. All pip had worn off now, and today I hit my left delt. Actually tried left glute first, but couldnt do it. Couldnt really rotate far enough round the keep it very steady. And when I aspirated, it looked like I sucked a piece of fat into the syringe. So I threw it out and started over on left delt.
First shot on left delt, hit a vein. Bled like a SOB. Move over about half inch, more centerline, propped arm up on table, and had the best injection I had in 10 days! Painless, and no pain at all. (Unlike right delt, which sucked.) So I got delts figured out now.
Well honestly these first four weeks I am still kinda focused on getting that BF% down a little more. So Im hitting cardio up. And i figured the Test would help me MAINTAIN what muscle I have while doing so. Then once it was down in the 12% range I could let off the cardio a bit and just crush weights. Even tho I am seriously CRUSHING weights right now too. Just wanna get and keep that BF% down. And Im definitely getting enough carbs. This way weeks 8-12 is just me getting busy in the gym, with light to moderate cardio ya know? Make sense? Or sound no good? Thats the plan anyways. Because it's all for nothing if I dont come back lean and mean. Because in FEB when I return stateside Im going through the Endurance test of ALL endurance TESTS!! Gotta be lean, STONG and have HIGH endurance.
I disagree with your cardio plan, bigtime.

I would have gotten it down before you took the juice- OR just get bigger now without the cardio, you will still loose the fat but at a slower pace, and then after your cycle, lean out with some Anavar (var). you are wasting your money by so much cardio. you dont have that much mass- make sure you keep it on by not so much cardio man.

i really wish you luck with this- again id counsel you against the cardio and look more into bulking- you need that more than anything..

Well honestly these first four weeks I am still kinda focused on getting that BF% down a little more. So Im hitting cardio up. And i figured the Test would help me MAINTAIN what muscle I have while doing so. Then once it was down in the 12% range I could let off the cardio a bit and just crush weights. Even tho I am seriously CRUSHING weights right now too. Just wanna get and keep that BF% down. And Im definitely getting enough carbs. This way weeks 8-12 is just me getting busy in the gym, with light to moderate cardio ya know? Make sense? Or sound no good? Thats the plan anyways. Because it's all for nothing if I dont come back lean and mean. Because in FEB when I return stateside Im going through the Endurance test of ALL endurance TESTS!! Gotta be lean, STONG and have HIGH endurance.
I hear ya man, thanks for the wisdom. Ill definitely cut back a bit on cardio. and just keep smashing the gym. I had thought about that, and felt kinda the same way you do. Just thought it may have been counter productive losing and gaining in the same cycle. So your def right. I hear ya. Ill have some time to cut up a bit after cycle. And I AM running 8 weeks of Anavar (var) at the end. Just so we're on the same page...Thanks again dude
yeah such a fine balance between cardio, diet, lifting and building muscle wether lean or bulk ...

i also do strongly advise people to lower bf% with cardio and diet before cycle ideally - then you have a better foundation to build on

its not easy trying to lean while on cycle , but you can try to balance it all, eating super clean really helps with this while on cycle
I hear ya amigo. Kinda felt the same way, just REALLY wanted to cut up. But you ARE right, I need to add mass, so when I cut, Im too thin. Just got too focused on trying to accomplish BOTH in one cycle which is counter productive. lol. But...I hear ya. So Ill just keep smashing weights, eating enough, and doing light cardio if any for the next 11 weeks. I am however running the Anavar (var) last 8 weeks of this cycle, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks again dude.
yeah such a fine balance between cardio, diet, lifting and building muscle wether lean or bulk ...

i also do strongly advise people to lower bf% with cardio and diet before cycle ideally - then you have a better foundation to build on

its not easy trying to lean while on cycle , but you can try to balance it all, eating super clean really helps with this while on cycle

Thanks dude. YEAH CLEAN is the definitely the plan for diet. And lots of it. But my job entails running...EVERY DAY! Pt in the morning is usually a run as a squad.Usually between 2 - 5 miles. Then Breakfast. So no real way around that. But Ill just leave it at that. And focus on the weights. Because he's right, I definitely need more Mass. But itll come quick, mass is easy for me...
Thanks dude. YEAH CLEAN is the definitely the plan for diet. And lots of it. But my job entails running...EVERY DAY! Pt in the morning is usually a run as a squad.Usually between 2 - 5 miles. Then Breakfast. So no real way around that. But Ill just leave it at that. And focus on the weights. Because he's right, I definitely need more Mass. But itll come quick, mass is easy for me...

sounds like you be okay, all that cardio just make sure your getting plenty of calories
Today ...ZERO pip!. Cant even tell that i hit my delt yesterday. Hopefully i can keep this going. Biggest reason i bet is how steady i was able to pin. Good stuff. Triple header softball dgames today. More later.
Today ...ZERO pip!. Cant even tell that i hit my delt yesterday. Hopefully i can keep this going. Biggest reason i bet is how steady i was able to pin. Good stuff. Triple header softball dgames today. More later.
Thats great news. Ive also noticed much decrease in pip (if any) as the days go on. Techniques are improving! :biggthump
F-in A cotton! Looking forward to pinning tomorrow. I love this shit lol. I think me and prop are gonna grow to jave a long standing relationship. Haha.
Got the rest of my gear from Pinn today. STOKED! Damn you cant beat that service!! HAHA...FAST. Well now that everything is set, and in place...All that is left to do is Eat, Lift and Sleep. (with a little work in there too). Alright...Ill update as I go. And Ill post pics in 11 weeks!!!!
Pinned left glute fri. Sore, but not what it used to be. Still waiting for my 1" pins for delts. Might hit quad today because I dont work again til tuesday. so if its gonna gimp me up...Ill have a couple days to walk it off. Family came in from out of state this weekend and COMPLETELY killed my diet! Staright up free for all eating. Now to get back on track and undo this weekend. Haha...damit. Also missed the gym friday!!!! god I hate when family visits! Time to double up. More later.
Well today marks the end of week 2. I'm definitely gaining weight. Im up about 7 lbs. Not sure how much LBM it is but Im gaining. I have definitely noticed the increase in the gym. By the end of the workouts, I just want to stay and start a new muscle group. HAHA. But I know when to stop. Cycle is moving along. Stength is up a little bit. Not exactly a big SWITCH that has flipped...more of a gradual/steady increase in performance. Mostly I have noticed that "well being" everyone talks about. I get up at 330am for work and Im up, rockin and rollin, eating, and out the door,pumped for the day. Energy levels arent dead after a workday and Im still amped up when I get into the gym. So far thats the biggest change! Moving on, staying on the lookout for that 'oh shit' moment. I have 2 more weeks before I start my Anavar (var). Looking forward to it.
Alright....what the hell??? I tried pinning quads twice, both times during aspiration...I got NOTHING. No air bubbles or blood. Just a complete vacuum lock. So I just pulled harder and the plunger moved back about another mil, but no air or blood through the gear. WTF??? Can anyone help me out here. I used 23G 1 1/2" BD Needle/syringe. So now, Im looking at changing the needle for another go around because it's gonna be pretty dull by now. Both times I tried, I pierced the skin, went in about a half an inch then it felt like it stopped. I figured it was just the muscle so I applied MORE pressure and it pushed through. I went in about 1 1/4 in before trying to aspirate and got NOTHING. So my question is as long as there is no blood, I should be okay right? Should I go deeper, or was it too deep. I dont have HUGE mass in the quads so maybe too deep...what do you guys think?
haha well that kinda what I thought too. Good thing tho, because i read your answer right AFTER i decided to do it anyways. went fine tho. now the waiting game. I hear prop just kills quads..especially virgin quads... We'll see. Thanks dude.