Just did first injection ever!!!

Wtf lol. My first 2 pins havent been bad. I actually am starting to like pinning. I've never passed out or any of that. Just some mild pip due to not injecting low enough on delt and injecting too fast. Overall it's been a good experience and I think I'm in for a ride! As far as anyone not injecting because of pip is rediculous. Idk if anyone can relate to me, but knowing I want the good results, I just stand the little pip.

Bro, I was referring to Mountain Man LOL
Bro, I was referring to Mountain Man LOL

Gotcha. Don't you agree though? Sacrifice a little pip for better health, gains, and results? And really if injected properly, it shouldn't be that bad lol. Have someone else pin you mountain man. Your shooting yourself in the foot by doing orals only. It's like trying to run a marathon being an obese person while eating a box of donuts. It's counterproductive.
Yes I agree totally and I really don't mean to blast Mountain Man at all. It just sounds like he has already made up his mind and nothing is gonna change it.

Im just so glad that I kept going thru the first couple of pins and didn't quit. (although that wasn't an option) because now I feel amazing and I know that I am doing it the right way!
Yes I agree totally and I really don't mean to blast Mountain Man at all. It just sounds like he has already made up his mind and nothing is gonna change it.

Im just so glad that I kept going thru the first couple of pins and didn't quit. (although that wasn't an option) because now I feel amazing and I know that I am doing it the right way!

Amen brother! That's how it should be!
Man, I pin here and there and have been doing so for a while. Low dose shit now a days but I've put 3 cc's into one spot before and let me tell you.
Every once in a while, On the same bottle I had SMOOTH pins on...... I have had a bout where I'll pin like 3 spots in a row and just hit or nick a nerve or vein or go to fast or to low or too high and have like 3 in a row of SHITTY pins off a bottle that I had 4 SMOOTH one's prior to........ PIP like a MOTHERFUCKER for a week sometimes when I do that!!!!!

It happens!!!! I've woke up on the floor passed out before a few times off a vial that gave me smooth injections multiple pins prior to.......... 90% of PIP is USER USER USER USER!!!!

If I don't die, I'm not worried.... If I do die I can't be worried......
Moral to the story: "Don't Worry!!!"
Man, I pin here and there and have been doing so for a while. Low dose shit now a days but I've put 3 cc's into one spot before and let me tell you.
Every once in a while, On the same bottle I had SMOOTH pins on...... I have had a bout where I'll pin like 3 spots in a row and just hit or nick a nerve or vein or go to fast or to low or too high and have like 3 in a row of SHITTY pins off a bottle that I had 4 SMOOTH one's prior to........ PIP like a MOTHERFUCKER for a week sometimes when I do that!!!!!

It happens!!!! I've woke up on the floor passed out before a few times off a vial that gave me smooth injections multiple pins prior to.......... 90% of PIP is USER USER USER USER!!!!

If I don't die, I'm not worried.... If I do die I can't be worried......
Moral to the story: "Don't Worry!!!"

I agree. I certainly wouldn't blame pinnacle for the pip I got first injection. My 2nd and 3rd injection provided no pain whatsoever. The first time, my problem was that I injected way too high on the delt and injected it all super fast. Most the time these noobs complain about pip and start blaming the lab, even though it was their fault.
I agree. I certainly wouldn't blame pinnacle for the pip I got first injection. My 2nd and 3rd injection provided no pain whatsoever. The first time, my problem was that I injected way too high on the delt and injected it all super fast. Most the time these noobs complain about pip and start blaming the lab, even though it was their fault.

Smart man here ^^^^^ Not always the case but I would say you are spot on with this!!!! When you have 50 clients on a particular batch and 3 complain, then either there is allergies or improper technique going on. And occasionally there is the COMPETITION BS base being injected into bros like a virus!!!