Just talked to my doctor about getting prescribed Testosterone


New member
I've done a couple prohormone cycles but I want to use testosterone next because it's safer and has more research behind it. I told my doctor I could buy it illegally or do the responsible thing and get it prescribed and taken under a doctor's supervision. He agreed that taking test isn't a big deal at reasonable doses but he couldn't prescribe it, so he scheduled an appointment for me with an endocrinologist. Has anyone here successfully had an endocrinologist prescribe them testosterone for recreational use? I plan on doing 400-500 mg/week of enanthate for 10-12 weeks.

edit: I also want to ask him about prescribing me HCG.
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unlikely unless your level are really low, or you are seeing an anti-aging testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist. I call BS on your doc not being able to prescribe it, he chose not to.
He chose not to..another way to protect their precious industry and hose you or your insurance company for cash..
My gp prescribe s it as can any doc..a blood level test will determine if your a candidate and for recreational use with normal level s your fucked.
Has anyone here successfully had an endocrinologist prescribe them testosterone for recreational use? I plan on doing 400-500 mg/week of enanthate for 10-12 weeks.

edit: I also want to ask him about prescribing me HCG.

You stand a better chance of winning the Powerball, than getting an endocrinologist to perscribe what you want.
So your expecting to go to an Endocrinologist, tell him you want him to prescribe you test AND Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for recreational use, and for him to be fine with it and do just that?

Let me know how this one works out for you.

As others have stated, a general practice family doctor can prescribe test without a problem. You get blood work done, they see that your test is abnormally low, and prescribe test.
That sounds like bad news guys. Looks like I'm going to be getting it from Geneza.

You know what, I think I remember him saying that it's not his area of expertise and he didn't want to be held responsible if anything bad should happen. That's why he didn't prescribe it. It was growth hormone he said he doesn't have the ability to prescribe.

How old are you ?

I'm 23, been lifting serious for 3.5 years. 6'1", 187lbs, 14% bf.
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So your expecting to go to an Endocrinologist, tell him you want him to prescribe you test AND Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for recreational use, and for him to be fine with it and do just that?

Let me know how this one works out for you.

I told my doctor I could buy it illegally or do the responsible thing and get it prescribed and taken under a doctor's supervision.

Has anyone here successfully had an endocrinologist prescribe them testosterone for recreational use? edit: I also want to ask him about prescribing me HCG.

LOL thats like going to a doctor and saying
"I want some morphine for recreational use, i can buy heroin on the street or do the responsable thing and con you into giving me drugs"

bro that shit will never work, unless your going to an anti aging clinic or really have low test levels then just forget about it