I decided to run maintenance calories at 206 lbs and just concetrate on hardening everything up as much as I can, gonna be dropping to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) cruise of 250 mgs test / 150 mgs tren e per week as well as finishing off my var and cruise into my winter bulk. I decided to end cycle a little early as my body is telling me its time. I honestly believe that the second bottle of the Pure Performance Pharma E/EQ mix was not close to being properly dosed like the first (should have stuck with the newport single esters). Since using the second bottle the appetite diminished and vascularity started to fade until I started the var, I had to readjust my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to less of a dosage as I felt like E2 was crashing. All and all though I am more than satisfied with my progress and look forward to blood work and cruising into my all pharm grade winter bulk.
As far as the newport var, its crazy ridiculous. My vascularity shot right back up real quick as u can see
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