Lab work results test prop


New member
Im using gear that a lot are using on this forum. Just got bloods and my test is 1150 from test prop 50ed. I pinned 50mg prop wednesday at 4pm and i tested at around 12pm on thursday, so almost 24 hours after pin. Is this normal? Gear g2g? Im thinking my labs wud show higher had i tested right after pin due to the speed of prop. Thoughts?
How long had you been on before testing? Gear needs time to reach peak levels. Ideally 6 weeks then test.
If you are pinning prop every day you will be 90% of the way there after 3 days. 3 weeks is plenty of time for blood levels to stabilize. Actual effects are a different story. That said, prop is tricky as you will see a good deal of fluctuation in levels throughout the day.

How long from last pin to blood draw?
If you are pinning prop every day you will be 90% of the way there after 3 days. 3 weeks is plenty of time for blood levels to stabilize. Actual effects are a different story. That said, prop is tricky as you will see a good deal of fluctuation in levels throughout the day.

How long from last pin to blood draw?

Thank you for correcting me. I always think in terms of test c.
Thank you for correcting me. I always think in terms of test c.

Yeah i figured you were thinking long esters. I still see huge fluxuations with my prop at TRT doses. My nuts never shut off completely using prop which just reinforces my theory that you can burn up prop pretty quick.

That said I've posted BW showing prop at 525/week getting me to 5700 (at 3 weeks) That was EP stuff though and everyone here knows it's magic stuff.
Its been 21 hours from pin to blood draw. Pin was 50mg. Ive been pinning this for many weeks already. I know 50mg ED is not much, but is 1150 test after 21 hours of last pin somewhat normal?
I think it's a bit low. If you have enough to try 75/day I'd try that and/or try a lab the morning after a night time pin.

You're still high enough to gain by eating like you mean it and working out.
50mg X 7 days a week = 350mg/week

1150 is a fine number for that small amount. Anyone who thinks they even have the slightest idea of where a certain dose should put you.....doesn't. There will be a HUGE variance between person to person on how they metabolize testosterone. 350 could put one guy at 900 TT and another person at 1800 TT.