This shouldn't be a thing about race. All types different culture has some form of ghetto ways, you could never never just pin one way of actions and characteristic on "one skin color".
Forgive the off topicness OP
Thats pretty much what I said...
All I did mention was that there are vast differences in the % of each that fall into those categories. You see that when you drive through "Nice neighborhoods with no crime" and "Bad neighborhoods with crime, drugs, prostitutes, etc".
All I said was I hate ghetto people, and the real situation is yeah there are ghetto's of every kind of race....but here in America its going to be a massive percentage of one kind.
Thats personal choice by them, I simply apply the proper routing label to their choices in my mind. Thats life, deal with it.
When someone says "Ghetto" or "Hood Rat" or anything else along those lines, what is the first image that pops into most peoples heads? Exactly. Why? Because a majority of that lifestyle is encouraged by BET...wait...why is there Black Entertainment Network, but no white.... Wait...why does BET push music about ghetto lifestyles and drugs, and taking women "To that ghetto university"...wait...
What? Wait...huh...Dammit I need to stop using common sense and that little part of our brains that is used to calculate likelihoods that functions as part of our survival instincts. You know the one that determines risk percentages that most people "Ignore" do to political correctness....
And like I said, the girl I love is black. If we get married, that would mean I have mixed kids with her. I have no issue with any race. But every race is not the same, they all have their own quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. Thats why unified we can be so powerful as a species. Especially if we get over the freaking political correctness and actually fix some major problems with our society.
When do you manually lock the door on your car...when do you cup your wallet in your back pocket....when do you peak out your window to check up on your car.... I will tell you, its never when some old Jewish couple are walking by now is it?
Take note. I am not saying a majority of a race is part of that subculture, I am saying a majority of that subculture is of a race.
I just get pissed because something I hate is majority done by a single group, and in turn since I "Hate" that subculture, I get defaulted to racist. Which is retarded because I hate the subculture, its not my fault a majority of a certain subculture belongs to a certain macro group.
Just like 90% of hipsters are going to be skinny white liberal kids who go to college for useless degrees and use Apple computers. I mean, you ever been into a hookah bar near a college? I hate them almost as much, but they are useful for designing websites at least. So they are a notch below.
Life is life, deal with what it is.
Of course ppl are allowed to hate ppl they know nothing about (or know very little about) and group millions of ppl like they're all exactly the same. But that would just make them bigots. If someone is fine with being that then ok...
I find the term bigot today is used all the time in an attempt to belittle someone and it lost all purpose and actually doesnt mean anything anymore.
You can call me a bigot. A I am a bigot with a black girlfriend, who has never had a vacation but instead uses vacations for missions trips to feed hungry kids and build kitchens in another country, who has African, Middle Eastern, Asian, White, Male, and Female employees under me who I edify and work with to improve their skills and encourage them so they can grow in a company, who drove a bus for years into a "Ghetto" to pick up the children for ministry where they got food, school supplies, etc....
But yes I am a bigot. Simply because I identify issues with subcultures/lifestyles that negatively effect society as a whole, and choose to dislike those subcultures/lifestyles because someone belonging to those subcultures/lifestyles have certain aspects to them in order to belong to said subcultures/lifestyles....
God I hate Americans/American mentalities so damn much...
This country is beyond repair.