Laugh of the day............................................... ...


New member
Cannot stop laughing. Jeff Seid posted this a few days ago. Read what he posted on his picture comment.
wow a non photo shopped pic of jeff seid. he looks small and weak (for a guy thats been training since he was 12), and he's supposed to be bulking and thinks just tren will make him look like a god. ok lol
He can't be that stupid.. He must've been hacked or something. or maybe he is that stupid.

You must not pay much attention to social media much but yes Jeff Seid is on a crusade to tell everyone he is 100% natty. he even has vids on youtube where he talks shit on people who do gear
You must not pay much attention to social media much but yes Jeff Seid is on a crusade to tell everyone he is 100% natty. he even has vids on youtube where he talks shit on people who do gear

I knew who he was from before... When he was doing the gym shark shit with Lavado and Ovus, but I never knew he claimed natty so much. What a fool. Competes in a non drug tested sport where 99.8% of its competitors are on something and says he is natty lol I just caught up with all of this and saw a video from a guy named "vegan gains" on YouTube where he is bashing Jeff. Don't like the vegan gains kid but he makes a point.