Lean's winter bulk Cycle


man on a mission

Yo bros!
it's time again for another log to keep me honest and motivated! ;-) Any feedback/criticism welcomed.

New cycle(5) started on Saturday
***20 weeks***
Trying out EQC500 mix of test E 100 test C 200 and Boldenone 200 - all in 1 ml!
it's a new product so hoping to get some good results with it. Never tried EQ before so very excited about that.

  • 1ml of EQC above 2x/wk;
  • 50mg dbol/day(first 4 weeks only)
  • GH 6iu/day;
  • igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
  • adex .25mg e3d;
  • 200 deca ew(for joint pain)

Wks 11-20
  • 300mg test e 2x/wk;
  • 200mg EQ 2x/wk;
  • avar 40mg/day
  • GH 6iu/day;
  • igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
  • ghrp6/cjc-1295 200 mcgm ea /day;
  • adex .25mg e3d;

Training - 5 days a week low reps 3-5 sets fukkin heavy as i can stand it.
  • chest/hamms;
  • arms
  • quads calves;
  • shoulders/traps
  • back/abs
cardio 30 mins after w/o

Diet about 4200 cals
23% fat

Goal - add 10-15lbs muscle; minimal fat (5lbs?)

51 y.o.
4 years serious lifting; candy ass nautilus before that...;-)

whew - that's an info dump! Here's my pic totally relaxed at the end of the day, not even sucking in my gut...
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I'm hoping that the Adex dose is a typo and its supposed to be .25mg EOD. lol You may wanna consider Aromasin or at least going with an as needed protocol as Adex can have negative effects on your lipids after long term use.

The cycle doesn't look bad. Me personally I would up the Deca dosage to at least 400mg/w and take advantage of its ability to build LBM. 400mg/w of EQ is really a "lean" dose.

Sounds like the last 10 weeks is supposed to be geared towards getting leaner I'm guessing? I don't like Anavar for guys. Weak as hell especially at that dose. Not saying you can't do your cycle, cause its laid out nicely, just adding my thoughts.

Here's what i would do (again, not trying to sway you, just adding options):

updates in BOLD


1ml of EQC above 2x/wk;
50mg dbol/day(first 4 weeks only)
GH 6iu/day;
igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
adex .25mg eod (only if needed)
400mg deca ew(for joint pain and mass gains)

Wks 11-20

150mg Test Prop EOD
75mg Tren Ace EOD
GH 6iu/day;
igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
ghrp6/cjc-1295 200 mcgm ea /day;
adex .25mg eod (only if needed)

I would schedule another 4 week round IGF and keep the GH going through post cycle therapy (pct). Might wanna get some Dostinex for any issues with the Deca and Tren (if you go that route) and maybe some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout at 250iu E3D.

Other than that I think its good.
I'm hoping that the Adex dose is a typo and its supposed to be .25mg EOD. lol You may wanna consider Aromasin or at least going with an as needed protocol as Adex can have negative effects on your lipids after long term use.

The cycle doesn't look bad. Me personally I would up the Deca dosage to at least 400mg/w and take advantage of its ability to build LBM. 400mg/w of EQ is really a "lean" dose.

Sounds like the last 10 weeks is supposed to be geared towards getting leaner I'm guessing? I don't like Anavar for guys. Weak as hell especially at that dose. Not saying you can't do your cycle, cause its laid out nicely, just adding my thoughts.

Here's what i would do (again, not trying to sway you, just adding options):

updates in BOLD


1ml of EQC above 2x/wk;
50mg dbol/day(first 4 weeks only)
GH 6iu/day;
igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
adex .25mg eod (only if needed)
400mg deca ew(for joint pain and mass gains)

Wks 11-20

150mg Test Prop EOD
75mg Tren Ace EOD
GH 6iu/day;
igf 100mcmg/day(first 4 weeks on, then 4 weeks off);
ghrp6/cjc-1295 200 mcgm ea /day;
adex .25mg eod (only if needed)

I would schedule another 4 week round IGF and keep the GH going through post cycle therapy (pct). Might wanna get some Dostinex for any issues with the Deca and Tren (if you go that route) and maybe some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout at 250iu E3D.

Other than that I think its good.

Hey RJH - thanks great comments. SO even tho I read it 5 times before posting - still typos....like I left out the EQ entirely for the second half. Basically I want to run the EQ for 20 weeks to see what it can do. Everything I read said it was better for longer cycles. i did decide to up the test dose to 600ew for the second half. I am very tempted to up the deca to 400 - good suggestion, but i want to see what 200 will do for the knee joint soreness I have. Seems like 200 is the "clinical" dose for joint pain.

I'm not really sure about the Anavar (var) either - that was recc'd by a former trainer, but he seemed to have a bunch of ideas that didn't pan out - so maybe that's one. Still I have 200 tabs sitting in my cabinet so I may as well try, but might up it to 60 or 80....Any thots on that? Also u think the 50 dbol is the right dose? I'm not feeling much from it. It's 2 years old, maybe it looses potency... Aromasin I will def look into - u have any opinions on exemestane? (yup I have exem and Adex in the cupboard atm but no aromasin)

Once again - thanks - it will take me a few weeks to fine tune this as I gauge my reactions.

BTW what you suggested for the last half is what I want to run next spring as a cutter.
Best of luck!

You've got good genetics for an awesome chest!

Where are dem wheelz tho?! Ha! Let it ride, man!
Hey RJH - thanks great comments. SO even tho I read it 5 times before posting - still typos....like I left out the EQ entirely for the second half. Basically I want to run the EQ for 20 weeks to see what it can do. Everything I read said it was better for longer cycles. i did decide to up the test dose to 600ew for the second half. I am very tempted to up the deca to 400 - good suggestion, but i want to see what 200 will do for the knee joint soreness I have. Seems like 200 is the "clinical" dose for joint pain.

IMO unless you are staying lean as hell the whole cycle (if so whats the point of a 20 week cycle) that dose of 400mg/w is gonna be very limited with regards to gaining mass. The Deca dose is fine for joint pain, i just suggested upping it cause then you'll get added benefits. I've done EQ a few times and the only time it worked well was pre-contest (when i was super lean) and at 1g/w. Like i said, 400mg/w of Deca will do so much more than a gram of EQ will ever do.

I'm not really sure about the Anavar (var) either - that was recc'd by a former trainer, but he seemed to have a bunch of ideas that didn't pan out - so maybe that's one. Still I have 200 tabs sitting in my cabinet so I may as well try, but might up it to 60 or 80....Any thots on that?

That would be a better dose if you just looking to use it. I would veer more towards 80-100. Again, a weak compound at best.

Also u think the 50 dbol is the right dose? I'm not feeling much from it. It's 2 years old, maybe it looses potency...
not sure about the potency, but Dbols just supposed to be a kicker anyway, mainly for strength and some water to help the joints acclimate to the strength. I'm not a big fan of oral steroids anyway.

Aromasin I will def look into - u have any opinions on exemestane? (yup I have exem and Adex in the cupboard atm but no aromasin)

Exemestane IS Aromasin brother. If you got one, you got the other. lol

In short, I think AAS like EQ, Primo and Anavar (var) can have there place in a cycle for guys, but it should be reserved for when you're really lean. Otherwise you gotta do high doses and why do that when normal doses of others can do so much more.

Remember, you can cut on ANY drug out there. Some are more conducive, but you can cut on ANY of them.

The best cycles to me:

Test/Deca/Dbol - 500/400/40

Test/Tren - 500/400 (i don't like short esters)

If i was still in the game I would do one of those each year. That's it. If you can't grow on that, you can't grow.

Good luck
RJH - thanks again - I am stuck on the EQ for this cycle - since i already bought it and just because i want to know what it feels like. I've done well on deca in the past - although the first time I did a "dirty" bulk, which was just plain stoopid! WTF was i thinking? i will up the Anavar (var) dose and use it up - not going to invest in that again - i am w/ u about orals - haven't really seen that much great stuff w/ them in the past. My 1st cycle was all orals - what a joke that was - all because i was such a pin pussy! LOL

Btw - looks like u have some nice ink on your shoulder - i am wanting to expand my tribal (dragon,) but want to get someone who can do it so that it works with the shape of the arm/shoulder anatomy. U in BH? get inked there?

larrybird - thanks for the vote of confidence - dunno what happened to the wheels - maybe i wore long pants too much and forgot they were there.... But that's all going to change - my priority is to outgrow my pants from the quads down, not at the waist! :)
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Agreeing with RJ on the Anavar (var) dose, I ran 50mg ED for 6 weeks and noticed hardly any effect besides an occasional "hard" feeling in my bi's. Care to elaborate more on the GHRP/CJC? I happen to be very interested in the two and I'm just curious what your knowledge is. I've followed you before homie, but it's escaping my memory now....have you run GH before? Also, any particular reason your choosing adex over low dose letro eo3? Back of your tri's are looking good bro! Not busting your balls with all these questions homie, just showin respect for our vets, not to mention I'd be alot more concerned with a good bro such as yourself running a great cycle as opposed to "I'm gonna run tren for my first cycle I've really thought this out guys"
Okay - so I must have been hasty in my comment about the Dbol... Had an amazing chest workout last night! I am def feeling like superman's younger brother... hit my IGF 100mcgm in bi's before workout and had huge pumps in my chest and arms - even tho I didn't directly work arms...

I am in the "honeymoon" stage with this cycle - (where anything is possible) and i am so stoked to see quick gains in strength. just a few months ago i was bellyaching about how i maxed out at 75dbs for flat bench - down 40 lbs from my max the previous year. so now it looks like i am headed back there faster!

Incline BB bench press

2warmup sets 15x135
7x225 PR!

5 degree (almost flat) DB bench press
6x95 PR with no spotter! (pretty good form)

Cable flyes
15x 50

Pec deck

4 sets - just pumped it as heavy as i could, but forgot to look at the # (2/3 stack)

lying curl

4 sets of 8-10 (to failure)

standing one leg ham curls
2 sets ea leg to the point of cramping....:)

elevated feet push ups
4x10 (tried to get fancy & put 25plate on my butt for the last set - very awkward.)

30 mins cardio; great chest and hamm pump; way cool vascularity; glutes still sore as hell from previous night's leg workout


40 mins after 3iu GH and to bed - was crazy sore once the adrenalin tapered off so had to take Aleve and a hot bath at 4am! i wonder if superman's bro ever did that? hahahaha Anyways should be a great cycle.
Good luck. I'll be keeping an eye on this. You look great in your pics. I'm sure you'll see some great gains
Fukkin Monday again!

To lift my spirits i decided to go to the gym instead of taking the day as a rest day. I'm a little bit compulsive about going because it puts me in such a good mood, but i am trying to schedule more rest days now that i am cycling and lifting more.

As i may have posted...the knees have been a bitch lately -last leg day i totally canned the squats 'cause they hurt so much. So Today i tried something different - i did it all backwards starting with the small moves and gradually going to squats! Damn - It worked!!! Not huge weight, but I could do them and had a decent range of motion. Seemed to warm up the joint and prepare it for the bigger moves. I even used the sissy candy ass cable machines to warm up :)

Legs and calves

lying cable squat machine
4 sets medium weight 75% range of motion

Leg extensions really slow and controlled, not hyper extending at the top or bottom
6@130 (had to do negatives for these)

Cable squat machine (the one the girls use.....:(
10 at mid stack
2x10 @ 1/4 stack (didn't feel too good on the knees at this point)
6 @ mid stack
10 at mid stack

Hip abductor (opening the legs)
4x10 x 80 up to 100

10x205! (I was really happy with this although a recent max with happy knees was 315)

Leg press
12 x 2 plates ea side
12x4 plates

Calve raises on the leg press
Didn't want to go crazy on this since I did calves yesterday, but trying to beat the shit out of them so they will grow.
one drop set:
6x5 plates
15x4 pates
8x1 plate
6x 1 plate total
5x no plates (fried calves!)

standing rope ab crunches

4 sets x 100

decline crunches

12, 12 w/ 10lb, 12w/15,10w/25,15w/25

It was a great workout considering I had such a bad time over the weekend w/ the knees. i am wondering if any of this is related to the GH or the IGF....Also got some really nice cystic zits coming up on shoulders and chest - must be the GH or IGF for that! Any thots guys?

Dbol seems to have upped my strength considerably. up only 3 pounds so that must be H2O. only 2 weeks in. Still using a light deca for the joints - man that stuff gives me a sore spot (pain in the ass) where I inject it!

Meals were a little light over the weekend - had a piece of strawberry shortcake Sat night at my son's bday party but passed on the pizza.

Tomorrow: i promise = rest day!!!
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To lift my spirits i decided to go to the gym instead of taking the day as a rest day. I'm a little bit compulsive about going because it puts me in such a good mood, but i am trying to schedule more rest days now that i am cycling and lifting more.

As i may have posted...the knees have been a bitch lately -last leg day i totally canned the squats 'cause they hurt so much. So Today i tried something different - i did it all backwards starting with the small moves and gradually going to squats! Damn - It worked!!! Not huge weight, but I could do them and had a decent range of motion. Seemed to warm up the joint and prepare it for the bigger moves. I even used the sissy candy ass cable machines to warm up :)

Legs and calves

lying cable squat machine
4 sets medium weight 75% range of motion

Leg extensions really slow and controlled, not hyper extending at the top or bottom
6@130 (had to do negatives for these)

Cable squat machine (the one the girls use.....:(
10 at mid stack
2x10 @ 1/4 stack (didn't feel too good on the knees at this point)
6 @ mid stack
10 at mid stack

Hip abductor (opening the legs)
4x10 x 80 up to 100

10x205! (I was really happy with this although a recent max with happy knees was 315)

Leg press
12 x 2 plates ea side
12x4 plates

Calve raises on the leg press
Didn't want to go crazy on this since I did calves yesterday, but trying to beat the shit out of them so they will grow.
one drop set:
6x5 plates
15x4 pates
8x1 plate
6x 1 plate total
5x no plates (fried calves!)

standing rope ab crunches

4 sets x 100

decline crunches

12, 12 w/ 10lb, 12w/15,10w/25,15w/25

It was a great workout considering I had such a bad time over the weekend w/ the knees. i am wondering if any of this is related to the GH or the IGF....Also got some really nice cystic zits coming up on shoulders and chest - must be the GH or IGF for that! Any thots guys?

Dbol seems to have upped my strength considerably. up only 3 pounds so that must be H2O. only 2 weeks in. Still using a light deca for the joints - man that stuff gives me a sore spot (pain in the ass) where I inject it!

Meals were a little light over the weekend - had a piece of strawberry shortcake Sat night at my son's bday party but passed on the pizza.

Tomorrow: i promise = rest day!!!

god damn that's alot of volume. lol

btw, should have had the pizza and passed on the strawberry shortcake. :D
god damn that's alot of volume. lol

btw, should have had the pizza and passed on the strawberry shortcake. :D

I would have passed on the cake too but i was the only one cabable of cutting it into 32 squares (Higher math) and not afraid of the giant knife! LOL Then there I was - it was all over my fingers calling out to me! hahahaha

Volumn? you mean for lifting or writing?
Rest day complete

So i successfully completed not doing any cardio or lifting yesterday. My knees have been hella sore, but I had really nice sore glutes and calves from my leg workout monday - totally different kind of pain.

Diet is going well - i've been working with Alex Azerian (PREPBYALEX.com) to come up with a bulking diet and training plan which will assure that I gain weight but don't become Mr. fattypants! it's very straightforward and easy to follow, although i am sick of salads so i've been shorting myself on veggies. Yesterday/today i repented and ate a shitload of veggies - feel like I'm going to have a food baby! no cravings tho, because there is absolutely 0 sugar and no fruit.

half way thru my second week - had my testc/testE/EQ shot this am and my Deca last night. Deca is super low - about 300mg a week - hoping that will be enough to help with the joint pain. Also taking 50 mg of dbol split up thru the day and loving that - feel quite strong. Not much water weight gain yet - but not much weight gain either - about 3 lbs.

I am also pinning GH in the am & pm 30-45 mins between meals. i find this keeps me up to about midnight so i can have my casein shake. i am thinking that 7 hours sleep may not be enough atm. i have IGF too for post workout - and thanks to Ron at genesispeptides as well as other research, - i realize I was overdoing it. it really is a TINY amount shot bilaterally. 100mcgm. Since my legs are lagging I am shooting into the calves or teardrop and on upper body day,just into the biceps (who doesn't want big guns?) i am very hopeful it will work along with training and diet.

i have told a few peeps at the gym I am "bulking" and they all (no exceptions!) tell me i'm too old to gain muscle! So i am quite determined to prove them wrong!!!! :shoot:Fukkers.........

This weekend i might up the EQ a bit - i'm only shooting 400 mgs a week w/ 600 mgs of test. 1 gm seem like a lot but i think i can increase the eq to 600 to match the test - any thoughts on that?

Had a fukkin awesome chest workout on Saturday- i put up 225 for final 2 sets of 7 reps on the incline bench! never thot i could do that! most i lifted before was 185 - and that was following 4 other sets of 10 reps (lower weight) that must be the dbol. i didn't go so high on the flat bench after that but was happy with the max.

All for now - Later guys.

Good log bro! Question...have you had a shoulder injury before?

I did tweak my right shoulder last year - I think I sprained a tendon or screwed up the rotator cuff because it hurt like crazy after that to do wide grip pull ups. Stoopid story too - i did 30 wgpu's on my 30th birthday so I decided to do 50 on my 50th.....Bad idea!!! I did it (5 sets of ten, but the last set something popped on #7 and my ego wouldn't let me quit til I hit 50! FUK - I'm still learning that I have to listen to my body. i'm sure it wouldnt have been so bad if i had stopped at 47!

It's okay now (15 months later)but i still feel it when I do WGPU's and shoulders delts. i am more cautious now. i am hoping the gh and igf will help out with that returning to "normal"

Thursday - Decided to do a rest day again after the great shoulder workout on Wed. I'm not sure how the gear has or will kick in so i am being more conservative about recovery. i want to build mass this cycle and I think recovery is important. Weird - i haven't really gained - maybe 3 lbs in 3 weeks, but I have slimmed down my love handles noticeably!!! i didn't expect that but am delighted with it - although my pants are falling down. Got to get some paisley shorts for the gangstah look...

today it's back and then Sat & sun - chest and arms. i'd say these are my 3 favorite workouts so i'm stoked. I should be able to get a spotted over the weekend too, so i can truely go to failure on all sets. It's getting really hard to choke down 4200 cals but I'm not gaining weight on that so it must be good.
yo! Prove those bitches wrong and put on 25lbs of lean muscle!

You're definitely not too old to stop growing. Just throw up 125lb dumbells, do like 30 reps, and then after your done, throw it directly in their faces and be like WHAT NOW BITCHES!

Good log! As RJ said, you do a lot of volume, but some people respond better to that than others.

Keep up the good work.

Also, hook us up with that diet. I want to see what these 'pros' are recommending.
lifting. i could never grow or even maintain with that much volume.

Hey RJH;
You clearly know what you are doing, so if you don't mind, let me pick your brain a bit. One reason (for legs) that I do so much volume is to warm up the joints to avoid injury. After 45 mins, they are much more flexible, etc. and I get a better ROM. You think I should switch off to 30 mins of stretching first as a warm up? or cardio? And what would you change? MY goal is definately growth.

For upper body, back, etc. I don't do a ton of volume to warm up - mostly because i want to fukking KILL those muscles so i feel totally wiped. Maybe that is not the right approach for growth? For example I did Chest a few days ago:
Incline BB Press
2 sets warm up
Pyramid up to failure at 7 reps (4 sets)
then 1 set (with spotter) at +20lbs (245 - barely got 4 reps)
Flat bench DB press
6 sets pyramid up to failure at 6 reps (90lbs)
Cable Flyes
4 sets of 6-10 reps
Pec Deck
4 sets high weight 6-8 reps
Bench flyes
4 sets 4-6 reps

Then i did hammies
lying curls
1 leg lying curls

Hope that's not too much detail for you - any advice would be appreciated, dude!!

BTW - i haven't really gained any weight in the last 4 weeks, but I have changed my body comp some - my waist is 1" smaller and my shirts are tighter.
BTW - i haven't really gained any weight in the last 4 weeks, but I have changed my body comp some - my waist is 1" smaller and my shirts are tighter.

Dude, don't listen to RJ, he sleeps with fat bitches. He just uses weight lifting as an excuse to look sexy.

If your muscles are feeling out your shirt more, and your waist is getting smaller, then you're doing something right. What are your goals for this cycle?

Strength? Size? Weight?
Dude, don't listen to RJ, he sleeps with fat bitches. He just uses weight lifting as an excuse to look sexy.

If your muscles are feeling out your shirt more, and your waist is getting smaller, then you're doing something right. What are your goals for this cycle?

Strength? Size? Weight?

Hey LB - thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm so fukkin overeager it's crazy! Yesterday i thot i was on for 4 weeks and it's only 2! but 4 weeks for the diet - so i haven't lost all my marbles...

i have to try to stick with my plan, but I want to make damn sure i don't end up just lower BF and still 208 in 18 weeks! typically i drop lots of BF on my cycles but never get "up there" so this time i def want to bulk up with some quality size.

RJ may be too much of a sexy beast with the bitches, but i appreciate all comments - especially at the beginning of the cycle - when "anything" is possible! hahahahaha.

To answer your question - size and weight is what i am after, but got to be leaner than i am now (12-14%?). lowest BF i've had was prolly 9-10% so next year i want to be bigger at 6-7%............ And i def want some size on my GD chicken legs! hahahaha - My legs are so fukkin long - it looks like i have no muscle at all!

great thing is that i am uber focused atm and want to nail this thing - so watch out mass monster comin thru! ;-)
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