Lean's winter bulk Cycle

Just a quick update - definitely sprained my Achilles tendon - nice swollen ankle and calf (too bad it's not muscle...)

Was in LA/San Diego for last few days - had some awesome workouts at Golds Venice and SD. i acyually put up the 115 dbs for 7 reps on the flat (15degree) bench - that felt pretty good. Great SLDL's (325) too - wasn't into writing down the numbers, but gotgot really pumped/motivated.

Saw the Excalibur competition in Culver City - and realized (once again) what a skinny guy i am at 6'2" and 208- hahahahaha Oh well great to have a goal to shoot for. there were a couple of fukkin BEASTS there - young 20's - great to see young guys with that level of success/dedication so early in life! AWESOME

felt kinda funky today - used an AMP no Blast sample preworkout and felt barfy the whole time...Diet was far from perfect ate 2 restaurant meals and then Had cake when i got home tonight.... Cake:( i could have passed on it except my son made it for me as a "welcome home..." how could i say no?

Tomorrow rest and cardio and then onward and upwards! Got 3 months to gain 15 lbs of muscle and where there's a will there's a way!
i know i keep saying this but i am amazed by the volume of your workouts. It would take me 16 workout days to complete all that. lol

Just goes to show what works for some doesn't work for everybody. journals looking good brother.
i know i keep saying this but i am amazed by the volume of your workouts. It would take me 16 workout days to complete all that. lol

Just goes to show what works for some doesn't work for everybody. journals looking good brother.

Haha I hear you man I get half my forearm workout just reading the workout logs cause I'm scrolling down so much on my mouse. But if it is working then why fuck with it till it isn't anymore right.
Haha I hear you man I get half my forearm workout just reading the workout logs cause I'm scrolling down so much on my mouse. But if it is working then why fuck with it till it isn't anymore right.

definitely. of course i like my 6 worksets yesterday wayyyyy better than Lean's 375 he did. hahahaha
RJH & BK - it's crazy - i am trying to cut down the volume! Believe it or not that's 25% less than What I was doing a year ago. I am def aware of it - so thanks - I just gotta figure out what type of stress my body needs to grow.
lean that EQC500 sounds like good stuff. I was wondering how you looked so ripped in your week 6 pics lol now I get it since it wasn't two types of test in the EQC500 but you were getting ripped from it abs were coming in nice!!
lean that EQC500 sounds like good stuff. I was wondering how you looked so ripped in your week 6 pics lol now I get it since it wasn't two types of test in the EQC500 but you were getting ripped from it abs were coming in nice!!
thanks buddy - i am really excited to be lowering the BF even if i am not reaching 225 atm. i did one cycle a few years back where i hit 220 but i gained a lot of fat with the muscle and it was def not as satisfying. Don't know if you read above, but I found out the EQC had test, EQ AND tren in it! i dropped that in favor of straingt test and EQ for the moment. it's a 20 week cycle so i have time to finish up with the EQC if i want to add tren at the end. at this point - i want to see if i can get some size on - especially my legs. just bougth new jeans - 1" smaller in the waist and 1 1/2" bigger in the thighs! I am on optimist!!!!

Good log bro, I will stay tuned in
thanks Gearboxx - that's a fukking awesome avatar! hope to get there someday soon....
Quick update

Had yesterday off as a rest day since i did 3 balls to the wall workouts at Golds in LA 3 days in a row. today i did Shoulders and traps. i won't post the numbers 'cause i was a little disappointed with them, but for every lift i ended up with my muscles quivering so i think at least i had good intensity. prolly the best was the Military BB press which turned into a Push press at the end. heaviest was 135lbs, and i never hit 8 reps - only 7 but damn my whole body was into it! i have a sprained Achilles tendon atm so that may be why i couldnt get it up more or hit 155 (which i did about 2 weeks ago) It's funny i have a massive (swollen ) right calf - the size i want but with MUSCLE! LOL

really pounded my delts too with side cable flies and the shoulder machine. definitely could not have squeezed more out of them. then finished with shrugs on a deadlift machine - very nice 'cause the handles are fixed and you just use your traps - no dragging DBs up my thigh! i did those at 315 so hoping that will encourage some growth there.

I am really hoping to outgrow my shirts in the next 3 months...;-) i am liking that my long sleeve shirts from 2 years ago are visibly small on me - hahahaha.

One interesting note - i didn't have a workout drink - i like nanovapor/Noxplode/white flood and i could really tell the difference in intensity. those damn things really get me going and i think I get more intensity out of the workout.

no cardio, tho - dunno if i will have the energy for a late night treadmill - we'll see. i am really liking the leanness so want to keep that going.

I am a firm believer in that a clear and concise plans allows for the greatest chance of success. You have that leanbody!
I am a firm believer in that a clear and concise plans allows for the greatest chance of success. You have that leanbody!
Thanks man - this time around there are no excuses so failure is not an option - i told too many people that i am going to do a contest next year so i gotta bust my ass! plus it will be way easier now than in 2 years! hahaha


Hey Guys;
had a reasonable chest workout yesterday - nothing spectacular although i did get the 100's up for 7 reps on my flat DB press. (i did a studly 115 at Golds Venice last weekend, however i am sure that there is something about the monster bodies there that pushes me that much farther than at my home gym, where the db's max out at 100)
Also got up to 245 on the incline BB press and finished off with 2 high rep sets at 135 with elastic bands making the upper range of motion heavy. So not a bad chest workout. i decided to focus on my upper pecs from now on out - that's where i need the size.

TODAY Sunday
did arms and i'll detail it since it was a kick ass workout and my arms are still swole 3 hours later...hahahahhaha
It's an arm workout from Dave 19 at PM - which he posted a while ago and i kept in my file of workouts to try out. I figured he's got some major guns so must know his shit - LOL


*warm up* (light curls 15 reps)

DB hammer curls; drop set
55lb DBs x 9 reps to failure,
within 15 seconds drop down to 35lb, 8 reps per arm.
(rest 3 min's,)
55lb DBs x 9 reps to failure,
within 15 seconds drop down to 45lb, 7 reps per arm.
finished with 8 reps x35lb

Close grip smith machine bench press, this was a bitch - felt great!
rack style 3 levels to failure 2 sets:
225 x 9 reps to failure. 225x4;225x3
185 x 6 reps to failure. 185x4;185x1
135 x 8 reps to failure. 135x4;135x3

Single arm DB preacher curls Bi's were SCREAMING on these!
I didn't have a spotter so I spotted myself by pulling up on my wrist straps.
2 sets: 35lb DB: 9 full range reps 11 reps less ROM and self assist on the straps; 1 complete ROM negative (really a complete burn out people were staring at me - like WTF is this guy doing, he's going to explode! i had the most intense pump on my bicep that i've ever had! (the IGF prolly helped with that too)

Hammer machine tricep push downs
3 sets.
never do this machine, but got it all adjusted and went balls to the wall on each set. i was so fukkin winded and sweating after this - couldn't believe it.
10-15 reps to failure using the 2/3 stack.

Lying cable curls these are great - done them before an you definitely burn out the bis and get a huge pump out of it.
4 sets 150lbs x 10-15 reps (2-4 forced reps)

Tricep extensions
super set w/ pulley push downs.
3 sets to failure using both exercises.
4 sets 10-12reps to failure with full lock out @150lbs (all the plates)
5-8 reps push down @170lbs

Single arm cable curls
3 sets 10-12 reps to failure. 65lbs

God like arm workout:huge pump - even got a comment about how "big' i looked!:headbang: thanks big dave19!

other news
Diet -- i am trying to eat more - fell to 202 on friday; back to 204 today. Checked BF - looks like between 8-9% so prolly a drop of 2-3% in the last 6 weeks. I did write down my measurements a few months ago - got to find that and compare. i'll post when i uncover it.
Aches and pains
i'm stoked 'cause my knees are feeling WAY better so in a few weeks i should be able to kill the squats and leg press to get some size on my wheels. Still have the sprained achilles tendon, but it is getting better - doing my cardio on the elliptical to avoid injuring it again.
had a huge pain in the ass last few days - shot my deca/ test/ Eq (almost 4ml) with a 1.5" 25 ga pin in my 2 ass cheeks and man i felt like someone kicked me with cowboy boots! still hurts to sit down! but i think it's the DECA and that is what i credit for the knee recovery so i am not even considering dropping it.

Also started some melanotinII peptide and working on my winter "tan" i'll be glad to get some color 'cause for some reason i am bruising like a fukkin banana! Even some the the slin pins give me a tiny bruise! Hella cute girl works at the tanning salon - i asked her twice if she would do my back if i bought the $80 bronzing cream...."No way - against the rules"..."how bout a BJ if i buy the cream?" hahahahaha
1. stay off that fucking scale old man!! its a mind fuck for the ages. I put mine in the attic. lol
2. single arm preacher curls to me, are the best arm isolation exercise in the book. Fucking hate em. And besides BB rows, smith close presses are my only exercises i do on the smith.

Don't know why i put that in number format. Guess it sounded better in my head. Hey, how long is your cycle? Next time you change your routine I want you to try the low volume routine in my sig. If you want. Just to see what type of hypertrophy and strength gains you could make going from a million sets a workout to 8. lol

keep it up Obi Wan. I'm enjoying the read... even if it hurts to see all those damn sets. :D
Hella cute girl works at the tanning salon - i asked her twice if she would do my back if i bought the $80 bronzing cream...."No way - against the rules"..."how bout a BJ if i buy the cream?" hahahahaha

LMAO dude thats something I would say! So.... did you succeed with the cream?
Permissible light of day! xxx

Hi everybody
Coincide out
an excellent search motor –

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Badass training i pretty much have the same schedule as u except i focus more on back and triceps instead of legs (I never paid too much attention to back and triceps b4 and now im paying for it lol) Good stuff tho man keep it up ill be following this for sure!
Hi everybody
Coincide out
an excellent search motor –

P.S. Yahoo – the whole kit will be found! Google: nothing was unquestionably wrecked…
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The hang of you!
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How does this crap even get in these threads.:confused:


Awesome work Lean. Those are some nice numbers you're throwing up there.
Especially for 51yo, hope I can look that good at that age. NOHOMO
hahaha oh ill gay up an down this thread big boy HAHAHA!!!!! btw updated the pics for ya ;) starting to get monster legs like you lmao.

So you bastards all have the monster wheels - i decided to do legs and go for broke last night!

Leg Workout
Trimmed down routine to fewer sets, still keeping the weights up there.

Leg ext (No negatives)
17@90 lbs

1 set 21's style 110 lbs:
7 full reps, 7 top 1/2 reps;7 bottom half

These seem to make my vastus medialis (teardrops) pop - but what do you guys think is best for the vastus Lateralis (side quad) to get some width to my thighs?

BurnOUT 110x14; 90 x 7; 60x5+4

30 x 2 plates ea side
20x3 plates ea side
20x4 plates ea side
1set max reps w 5plates w feet 4 inches apart -13 reps
1set max reps w 5 plates w feet shoulder width -11reps
1 set max reps with 2 plates w feet 1 foot apart. - 50 rest pause at the end 2 times

Walking Lunges

1 set w a 40 lb BB; 48 steps

SQUATS on smith machine
with 35lb rubber bands on the weight
like this YouTube - Getstrength.com Band Squats but no box
10x135 no bands

Standard SQUATS


40 mins cardio.
15 mins steep treadmill walk
10 mins rowing machine
15 mins bicycle

did the whole peptide thing - damn 5 pins - that's a lot of needles! IGF stings so i guess it works - we'll see in a few months if I get any size on my quads.

I must be doing something right tho - cause i got to the gym and saw a buddy for the first time in a month and all he could say was: "lookin swole!" and he's a big dude. We were training together for a while but he's not as crazed as i am. Also i wore a white tank and really saw the melanotin tanning starting to show. I don't have any frame of reference since i tan nekked and the change altho quick in days is gradual to me.

Starting to get some annoying acne on my shoulders - little oily deposits - nothing huge but like chicken skin. i think i got to scrub more with a loofa to keep the pores open. Also got 1 or 2 award winning zits like in HS. but those come and go fast.