Lean's winter bulk Cycle

hey lean.... i crush my calves when i do work them. and i don't feel them the next day. always been like that. i hobble around the gym holding on to shit on my way out and basically shimmy down stairs on the handrail hand over fist for a nice forearm, tris & delts workout to get down to the locker room. where i lay out on a bench, grab my skateboard from my locker and wheel my fat ass to the jacuzzi.

lol, okay so maybe there's a bit of hyperbole in there, but point is i still don't feel it the next day.

my calves are not that small genetically (i don't think) but i've also trained them all my live and as a basketball player they get pounded pretty hard day in and day out when i play.... but they always *seem* fully recovered the next day. although i can't jump as high. but i don't feel any pain.

anyway, just letting you know, for me my calves are not like every other muscle on my body which i feel the next couple of days after a good workout.
hey lean.... i crush my calves when i do work them. and i don't feel them the next day. always been like that. i hobble around the gym holding on to shit on my way out and basically shimmy down stairs on the handrail hand over fist for a nice forearm, tris & delts workout to get down to the locker room. where i lay out on a bench, grab my skateboard from my locker and wheel my fat ass to the jacuzzi.

lol, okay so maybe there's a bit of hyperbole in there, but point is i still don't feel it the next day.

my calves are not that small genetically (i don't think) but i've also trained them all my live and as a basketball player they get pounded pretty hard day in and day out when i play.... but they always *seem* fully recovered the next day. although i can't jump as high. but i don't feel any pain.

anyway, just letting you know, for me my calves are not like every other muscle on my body which i feel the next couple of days after a good workout.

good stuff here nuttin like limping through the gym after beastly calf workout ;)
Hey guys
I had a terrible leg workout on Thursday. Everything hurt, I could get any weight up, I had a cloud over my head. I was so bummed I was imagining every workout would be like that and I should give up on the idea of doing a competition.

Friday was a "rest" day driving down to LA with my wife in the pouring rain and I said to myself, "Self, maybe you should just take it easy and not go to the gym...."

But my wife went to the hairdresser and I said WTF! And I had a fukkin awesome leg workout. They have many more machines and racks here so I decided to try to vindicate myself. Needless to say I wasn't sore from Thursday's workout...

Rack Front squats. (really helped that there was a big kid (25) on the rack next to me doing less weight! Although he was more buff than me and didn't look like he hurt anywhere.....great rom def down to parallel on all but the last few at 315

Hack Squats precor ( we don't have this machine at home and the angle is such that it doesn't hurt my knees at all!)

Leg extensions concentrated on the full extension hold to hit my teardrops

one leg press
3 sets 8-10 reps w 2 plates each side, def hit burnout on this.

standing calf raises did this on that machine where u face backwards on the pad.
5 sets ascending weight started at 22 reps finished with sets of 3-4 RP style.

Finished up with a few easy curls just so I could feel lose blood in my arms.

And Charles glass was there training Dexter jackson! Nice motivation- he looked plenty big and cut one week out from the Flex Pro....

So I hope to get in a quick workout there tomorrow before I head home, we'll see, lots of family stuff to do.
Hey ezred
Thanks I may be the same we'see. I am going to hammer them in the next few week. Had to laff about the stairs- I feel the same after I work legs calves- cling to that handrail just in case I went past failure!
solid stuff there bro and man your better than me I woulda had to stop and get a pic with glass or an autograph.def a fan of glass.
I would have had to try to get a pic with those guys too..i am going to try the tiptoe thing on the stairmaster I bet that will be a nice change.
solid stuff there bro and man your better than me I woulda had to stop and get a pic with glass or an autograph.def a fan of glass.

Hey Mich...yup - I wanted to get a pic but didn't want to butt in. they must get that all the time. I went back this am for a quick chest workout before heading home and Charles was training Ben Pakulski - damn that bro iswide as a fukkin Mack Truck! He was training for the arnold,and his skin looked paper thin - veins, striations, cuts - it was amazing! i cant imagine how he came in5th after wolf inthe Flex pro - maybe politics. Anyways he was working back and going way beyond failure - it was really impressive - and he must be weak as hell on contest diet 5 days out!

In any case - it was another great moment of motivation for me. I really think BB is an amazing sport and takes such dedication, smarts and effort.

I'll not enumerate my reps but it was good and now I have to take a couple ofdays off. my body is really trashed now - I need recovery! only 2 weeks left in this cycle.

Later guys!
Hey Mich...yup - I wanted to get a pic but didn't want to butt in. they must get that all the time. I went back this am for a quick chest workout before heading home and Charles was training Ben Pakulski - damn that bro iswide as a fukkin Mack Truck! He was training for the arnold,and his skin looked paper thin - veins, striations, cuts - it was amazing! i cant imagine how he came in5th after wolf inthe Flex pro - maybe politics. Anyways he was working back and going way beyond failure - it was really impressive - and he must be weak as hell on contest diet 5 days out!

In any case - it was another great moment of motivation for me. I really think BB is an amazing sport and takes such dedication, smarts and effort.

I'll not enumerate my reps but it was good and now I have to take a couple ofdays off. my body is really trashed now - I need recovery! only 2 weeks left in this cycle.

Later guys!

very true I probably wouldn't have tried to either.speaking of wolf a few years ago at the arnold I happen to see him and I guess his wife or gf .I didn't recognize him at first but then it hit me and I did a double take and was like shit that's dennis wolf.I thought about running up and trying to get an autograph or a pic but he didn't seem to be in the best of moods,I know around that time he had to miss the arnold classic due to surgery.guy looked like a walking refrigerator.def an eye opener on how genetics and hard work go hand in hand in this sport.

good call on the days off,come back and be ready to hit it hard after the rest days.
man - can't believe that PakMan didn'tplace at the Arnold - those other guys must be HUGE! Branch looked unreal - Props to him!

Haven'tpsted in a while but still here. Had a few days of family crisis so diet was not on spot and missed a few workouts.

Had a great back w/o Friday night, followed by my best leg workout ever! sat. not really the heaviest weight, but worked out with a buddy and gotto total failure on everything - really feel like I knocked the $hit out of my glutes and quads!!!!

Today hit arms and calves - may take tomorrow off. Motivation is up and down, I find myself saying :WTF are you doing at your age trying to compete?" and then I just go on with the workout. Funny thing the ol brain!

WEEK 19 - the Party's over!

Haven't posted much lately - getting tired of recording the weights - i'm just going by "feel" now - trying to hit the sweet spot between reps to "failure" and injury to muscle.

today is my last blast of test and EQ - then back down to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 100mg/wk of test only for 6 weeks. then i start a 16 week test/tren prep cycle and new diet. I'll post some pics in the next few days.

here's my chest workout today:

incline bench
2 sets warmup
4x275 - burnt!

Machine flyes forgot to note the #'s- great pump after this!
10 reps 3/4 stack
10 reps 7/8 stack
8 reps x whole stack x 2

Flat DB Bench
4x100 (damn - fukkin missed these! - I used to be able to do 100's, but no go today...)
4x100 again...

Incline cable flyes
2 sec squeeze at top
2 sets 45 x 10 reps
2 sets 55 x 8 reps

Standing cable flyes (from the bottom up)
4 sets 8 x 30

seated calves 4 drop sets
12x3 plates;8x2plates; 8x1 plate
last set total failure 4 reps at 1 plate! Calves were swole!:flamingma

30 mins cardio = swimming laps
Cycle Finish

hey guys - so it's over for me now..... very sad, but can't stay on forever - just hope the superhuman strength doesn't plummet too much. i am going on 100/week testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) no PCT.
The EQ was okay - but I'd say overrated - i felt it kept me lean but hard to get size gains.

BTW - I FINALLY nailed my calves on Sat (last post) the drop sets with a spotter did it - they are so sore i can barely walk upstairs now! ;-) So i am going to do that a few more times and see if i get any growth on my toothpicks!

Here's where i'm at:
IMO unless you are staying lean as hell the whole cycle (if so whats the point of a 20 week cycle) that dose of 400mg/w is gonna be very limited with regards to gaining mass. The Deca dose is fine for joint pain, i just suggested upping it cause then you'll get added benefits. I've done EQ a few times and the only time it worked well was pre-contest (when i was super lean) and at 1g/w. Like i said, 400mg/w of Deca will do so much more than a gram of EQ will ever do.

That would be a better dose if you just looking to use it. I would veer more towards 80-100. Again, a weak compound at best.

not sure about the potency, but Dbols just supposed to be a kicker anyway, mainly for strength and some water to help the joints acclimate to the strength. I'm not a big fan of oral steroids anyway.

Exemestane IS Aromasin brother. If you got one, you got the other. lol

In short, I think AAS like EQ, Primo and Anavar (var) can have there place in a cycle for guys, but it should be reserved for when you're really lean. Otherwise you gotta do high doses and why do that when normal doses of others can do so much more.

Remember, you can cut on ANY drug out there. Some are more conducive, but you can cut on ANY of them.

The best cycles to me:

Test/Deca/Dbol - 500/400/40

Test/Tren - 500/400 (i don't like short esters)

If i was still in the game I would do one of those each year. That's it. If you can't grow on that, you can't grow.

Good luck

Great feedback bro! I am in for this ride Lean! If you like we can get a workout in on a weekend at Powerhouse or your place in Oaktown, I'm game! I see a lot of advice on the cycle, but curious about what you are running for PCT, and what your plan is? What do you take for on cycle support?
hey dudes;
Didnt want to start a new thread, but here's where that bulk ended! hahaha i did a competition 3 weeks ago - placed 5th...weighed in at 198 - back up to 221 today ;-) but was personally happy with my achievement for an old dude.
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