Lean's winter bulk Cycle

[B][U]Tuesday Workout[/U][/B]

It was going to be a rest day - which means house work - but the kids called at 5 pm and got my OKAY to order pizza for dinner so i figured i'd go to the gym for a workout. Wife is away atm so i've got double duty. so i got them settled with pizza and homework and went to do Shoulders - one of my favorite workouts.It was awesome.

Shoulders & Traps
I am doing okay w/ the traps but really want to build the top of my delts for that "boulder shoulder" look - suggestions welcome.

RJH - Note i kept the number of sets down and tried to go heavy as i could on the weight. i Could have pulled out 3 or 4 more shoulder/trap exercises, but decided to see if I could make this work for growth.

Warm up 2 sets 15 x DB military Press 35/45

DB Military press

4x75 - Total and complete muscle failure!

DB front raise/DB side raise SUPERSET

9rep x 15 each
9rep x 20 each
6rep x 25 each then drop set 6x20;5x15;6x10;8x5
great striations popping on these and my traps really looked good.

Clean & Jerk - push press
(Kind of a combo, i guess)
8 x 85
4x105; 5x105 restpause got really winded on these - does that count for HIIT cardio?
supersetted the cleans with side raises 10lb plate in ea hand - more of a stretch than anything but it felt good.Must have looked good too, because more than once i caught the cutie in the pink leotard watching from behind....lol - kept my form straight up!
Barbell upright rows
3 sets 7x75 to failure
Finished with a few cable side raises and then 20 mins cardio (Had no earphones so couldnt last the full 30 mins)

Afterwards my traps felt HUGE (that's where i shot the IGF) and my shoulders were wasted - just the way I like it! LOL

BTW - i added T4 into the mix a week ago to max out the effectiveness of the GH. No sides to speak of.
Thursday workout

got to the gym for a late workout at 9 pm. has a carb fest dinner - brownrice sushi:
1 california role
1spicy tuna roll
1 salmon roll
1 side of teriyaki beef - should have said hold the sauce but it was yummy.
1 giant oatmeal cookie

Back & Bi's w Abs
no stimulants

Lat pulldowns wide grip

Lat pulldowns Narrow grip
narrow grip cable rows
Wide grip bent over rows (love these!)
10 x 85
ez curl bar bi curls
10x105 supersetted with
Hammer curls
4x 8-10 x 25lbs
nice pump!
hanging leg lifts
2 sets 10
2sets 10 x BW + 25lb db
Kneeling ab crunches
3 sets of 10-12
standing ab cable curls
3 sets of 10
Incline ab curls
2 sets of 8 - and fried!

30 mins cardio.

Nice workout considering giant meal and (uhem) a little pot and bedroom cardio before dinner. today is rest day
Quick update - fukked weekend 'cause I had to work (and not for any extra $$$) - just leaving the office now and have some good anger to direct towards squats!

Yesterday got in a decent chest workout Topped the Incline press with last set of 7 at 245. Got to get up to 275 - I want to see those quarters up there. Followed that with a pyramid up to 100's DBs for incline db press - needed a spotter to get it up the first time but was strong until the 7th rep.. Reasonably happy with that. Then did some fliyesw and pec dek, hammies, deads.

Ate lots o carbs this weekend - feeling sorry for myself - on a good note - they were healthy carbs - not ALL cookies... weighing in close to 210 now - stoked about that!!!!

later dudes!
These seem to make my vastus medialis (teardrops) pop - but what do you guys think is best for the vastus Lateralis (side quad) to get some width to my thighs?

squats. the answer will always be squats. All that fancy work is fine, but real meat is added by the big movements.
Thursday workout

got to the gym for a late workout at 9 pm. has a carb fest dinner - brownrice sushi:
1 california role
1spicy tuna roll
1 salmon roll
1 side of teriyaki beef - should have said hold the sauce but it was yummy.
1 giant oatmeal cookie

Back & Bi's w Abs
no stimulants

Lat pulldowns wide grip

Lat pulldowns Narrow grip
narrow grip cable rows
Wide grip bent over rows (love these!)
10 x 85
ez curl bar bi curls
10x105 supersetted with
Hammer curls
4x 8-10 x 25lbs
nice pump!
hanging leg lifts
2 sets 10
2sets 10 x BW + 25lb db
Kneeling ab crunches
3 sets of 10-12
standing ab cable curls
3 sets of 10
Incline ab curls
2 sets of 8 - and fried!

30 mins cardio.

Nice workout considering giant meal and (uhem) a little pot and bedroom cardio before dinner. today is rest day

U did all that?? Smoked and had sex :scratchhe
squats. the answer will always be squats. All that fancy work is fine, but real meat is added by the big movements.

okay - so not the answer i was looking for - I was thinking there was a secret exercise i cold do for 3 or 4 reps at low weight that would make them explode......... Thanks for the ugly truth ;-) I did have a hella nice leg workout tonight - so i'm on the right track!

U did all that?? Smoked and had sex :scratchhe
Don't be jealous - I'm 17 years married and it may not happen again for 2 years...hahahahaha

Today's spectacular leg workout!!

I a HUGE stressful interview at 2pm today so when i hit the gym at 5o'clock i have more nervous energy than a whole tub of NoXplode! Got prolly 10-15% more on everything - lol

Leg extensions
30 x 90

"21 style" set
7reps full;7reps top half;7reps bottom half
x 110
max burnout 15x150;9x110;4x90; 3x50 forced reps 4x50

leg adductor - (squeezing legs together)
10 x 110
5x190 focus on negatives

10 x 135
8x225 easy as pie!!!!
5x275 (had a nervous spotter so he helped a bit too much..)
5x295 same spotter - could have done these unassisted tho - I am sure. felt strong as an ox!

Leg Press

30 x 2plates ea side
20x 4plates
close stance 15x5plates
wide stance 15x5plates
55reps x 2plates - KILLER! rest pause last 25 reps

Calf raises

3sets of 20 - was careful on these because i still have a sprained achilles tendon & swollen ankle - been 3+weeks now!!!


Ab crunch w/ 25lb plate

3 sets on the decline bench

hanging leg raises
10 x BW
10 x bw +15
10 x bw +25
10 x bw+35

Standing ab crunches

3 sets 15 x 190

Captains chair -
2 sets of 10 w/ tight contraction at top

30 mins bicycle cardio

Then celebrated my interview/deadline completion with steak dinner w/ green peas and yes - 4 mini chocolate cupcakes! (it was warranted...trust me.)

Shaved/naired my legs to see where i'm at 2 days ago - some vascularity; better than last year - but LONG way to go to add size!!! but i'm into it so I'm going to hit it hard!!!

BTW - i have very sexy legs when shaved (first time)- i almost got a hard on! hahahahaha

later broskis
10 x 135
8x225 easy as pie!!!!
5x275 (had a nervous spotter so he helped a bit too much..)
5x295 same spotter - could have done these unassisted tho - I am sure. felt strong as an ox!

first off, congrats on the interview.

second, i gurantee if you wouldn't have done so many reps at 225 you could have gotten 315x5, maybe more. warmups are great, but don't turn them into high volume worksets unless that is what you are shooting for. Remember, strength = size.
Thank God for the Gym!

RJ - thanks for the suggestion - i agree - i'm going for that next time!

Okay - really bad day - came in #2 at the interview and they decided to go with a big corporate firm instead of a nice mid size creative firm - suks but that's the work world now. Cried in my beer all afternoon and then had an awesome arm workout and ready to get back on the proverbial horse tomorrow.


warm up w/ 20lb dbs

ez curl bar slow and steady curls
10 x 70
12x100 (with great spotter - last 4 were negatives)
9 x 100 (same deal - total muscle failure:-)

Tricep Overhead DB press
10x45lb db

Tricep pushdowns
3 sets to failure 6-8 reps heavy weight (forgot to note the stack)

Tricep overhead cable extensions

3 sets 12-15 reps moderate weight

DB curls
6x50;4x45;4x40;6x35;8x30;6x25 bust!

Tricep kickbacks
Nice squeeze at the top 2 sec hold

cable push downs
2 sets of 15

Seated dip machine
3 sets of 8-10

real dips (haven't done these in months thanks to rotator cuff injury 6 mos ago.)
12; 10; 8 felt good - i was careful to pay attention to my arm - muscles were quivering at the end ;-)

20 mins cardio bike
sauna shower, etc. Great vascularity on my quads, although they still look small to me!

Whey & vitargo shake
45 mins later carne asada burrito w/ black beans, rice and sour cream (Yup feeling a little sorry for myself still - but it could have been worse - like a baskin Robbins sundae for example... LOL)

Later dudes - stay strong!
Whey & vitargo shake
45 mins later carne asada burrito w/ black beans, rice and sour cream (Yup feeling a little sorry for myself still - but it could have been worse - like a baskin Robbins sundae for example... LOL)

Later dudes - stay strong!

don't ever feel bad about eating Lean. The body needs that, especially when trying to lean out, to stay sane and to keep the meto jumping.

Cheat meals = success. :D
Yo dudes; haven't updated in a while, but have had some beastly workouts and feel like i am doing some serious damage - so growth can't be far behind! lots of minor cheating going on for the holiday so i am up to 212 - prolly a lot of water with all the carbs i am snarfing.

Down in LA for a few days and got in a hella good workout at Golds Commerce - never been there before but every machine known to man PLUS jacuzzi, steam and sauna! I was in heaven! Polly did too much in terms of # of exercises and reps, but had a good time. DBS went up to 150 so i put up the 110's for 7 reps x 2 on the incline bench. Preexhausted my chest on the Incline bench and had no problem getting 245 x 8 reps for the last 2 sets! Felt strong as a fukkin ox - hahahaha. then i did a bunch of flyes, pullovers and finished with some tricep work. met some cool guys too and got a couple of spots.
tomorrow it's Golds Pasadena - if it doesn't rain i can lift outdoors there! (Love LA!) And why the LA Tour of gyms, you ask? i'm visiting the in laws - so there is nothing to do here but eat or shop - so i'd rather sweat.....Could have gone to the rose bowl today If i had brought my golf clubs - That would have been a good time... losing balls in the trees and ponds...hehehehe (now a great golfer)

peptide update - don't like to travel w/ pins so taking 4 days off from the peps. That may be a good idea - i'll see when i get back.

Later guys - hope u all are enjoying the holidays!
Boxing Day2010!

Hey guys;

Day after the big holiday and couldn't have been better! Getting nice a sore in my chest and pecs from yesterday's workout so that's good. Tomorrow is a rest day so i went balls to the wall on squats and arms today. Following RJ's advice, not messing with the high rep sets - just 2 for warmup and right into the heavy weight.


stretching warm up 15 mins
front squats (tring these again because i like the results, but have had trouble with the weight on my shoulders/delts. practiced form first with just the bar...)
10 x 85
7x115 good form but still feel like it is my grip and delts that give out before my legs...
back squats
135 x 10
275 x 6
315 x 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was a mini leg workout because i am going to do squats 2x a week - once like this - once on leg day. On to arms!

DB curls

superset with tricep cable pushdowns
15 x 90
8x200 (whole stack)

EZ curl preachers

superset with overhead cable tricep presses

HEAVY weight (forgot to notice)
Found a new cable machine that did these and attached a bar to do CGBP after the last set.
also did one arm cable pressdowns on this.
these are fukkin awful for me but i am getting back to where I used to be.
set of 8
of 8
of 4
of 4

30 mins cardio, 10 mins heavy bag punching.(love that shit! "You talkin to me?")

finally took a day off. I didn't feel that i needed to but was busy with kids and flying home from grandma's house. End of Xmas stress and binge - weird diet, but good workouts 24-27 - guess that's not too long but jesus - i felt like carb man with only muffins and cereal for breakfast & snacks. Tried a great new whey shake too - convenient and comes in envelopes - made me phart like an elephant - LOL - grandma was glad to see me go! hahahahaha

Screwed up my schedule for pinning, ai's peptides, everything! But i am looking forward to getting back on the wagon. Can't wit to weigh myself tomorrow - tonite its 219! hahahaha - 10 lb gain in 3 days - not bad, eh?

here's a few gym pics from the last few days. Not very good at phone pics sorry.
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Yo bros

I took yesterday off as a rest day and man - that was a great thing. I did shoulders today and fukkin nailed them! i don't know if it's the peps or the juice, but My delts and traps were SO pumped - felt great. I decided to pin last night in my delts and man were they sore today - i think that is the deca. So it was a great night to do shoulders. Exquisite pain! bwahahahaha

Shoulder & Calf workout

seated DB Military press
2 sets warmups (20 reps)
10 x 45
10 x 60

Push Press

10 x95
8x115 These felt great - I wanted to go up to 135 but this was way challenging and I wanted to keep good form. Also I lost my weight belt...;-)

db front & side raises
drop set of side raises 6x25;4x20;4x15;6x10;6x5
Delts were super pumped after this!

Cable crossover side raises

8x35 felt SO strong - never broke 25 on these before

3 sets donkey machine to failure (+/-20 reps)
4 sets seated leg press to failure 10 to 3 reps
very pumped calves

Weighed in at a huge 210.3 today feeling good that I busted thru 210....
House in order.
New Years rocks!

Had a great couple of days & workouts. i love having a few days off and no soccer games, home improvement tasks or birthday party chauffeur duties!

This was uber fun - my daughter (14) asked to go to the gym w/ me so i took her and she did some the the machines and cardio while i started my chest workout. After about an hour she was hungry so i got her some lunch & took her home to return & finish my workout. It was like 2 chest workouts in 1 day because i had a 45 min "recovery" halfway thru!

Flat bench
did these with a reverse grip 'cause I read an artical about that targeting your upper chest. HARD as HELL!
4x115 5x95
Moved to the Incline bench 'cause I felt like a weenie lifting 115 - did the same & finished with regular grip to appease the ego...
regular grip
5x5 sets at 185 finished with failure @ 8 w/ spotter

45 min rest

slight incline DB presses

6x100(with spotter)

flat bench cable pec flyes

Pec Deck
3 sets of 8-10 reps heavy as possible

Other pec Deck
(lying where you squeeze with your forearms - awesome pump on this one!)
3sets 10,8,5 reps

Seated raises
3 sets 20,12,10,8 reps x 3 plates

Donkey calf machine

3 sets 16,10,8 reps to failure

25 mins cardio - could not make another 5 mins!! - CNS overload?

Jan 1st
Arm day
DB Hammer Curls
2 sets 10x45 warmup

CGBP (smith Machine)
0x225 (hahahaha - cant believe i thot i could lift that close grip!)
Great ROM on these and REALLY slow - hope i feel these tomorrow!

One arm preacher curls

Cable Pressdowns
supperset with 45degree pressdowns
+4 or 5 reps to each set

Lying cable curls

did these with a "cheat" for the last few reps on ea set - great pump.

35 mins cardio (HIIT) great intensity did these on the stairmaster "escalator" set to intervals and last 15 mins on treadmill. Felt good to run. no knee pain (of course now they are sore mothafukkahs...;-D

Came home took a nap!

Happy new years - be big in 2011!
9 weeks in!

very very very solid log here great numbers.

thanks mich. the log keeps me honest and I'm getting some great feedback. Also trying to put out as much info to others that might be helpful.
:chainsaw: Cut to 2011!

Quick summary of my impressions at the end of week 9:
* really glad i decided to go for 20 weeks - i feel like i am just getting into the sweet spot in the last few weeks. i'd be bummed if I quit next week or in 2 weeks.
1. the added deca (400mg/wk) seems to have helped with the joint pain & recovery
2. acne has been more or less under control - lots of "exfoliating" going on - in other words scrubbing the shit out of my shoulders, chest and upper arms. Way better than my last test deca cycle.
3. peptides seem to be working... (that's hard to say really, but my impression anyway) I am staying lean - can still see abs at 9 weeks and +10lbs. The gh may also have something to do with the join pain going away too.
4. Peptides require lots of dedication and lots of pins - i go thru about 12-15 slin pins every day and do it 3 times a day.
5. lesson learned: (again!) HIIT 30 mins after workout is the best cardio - seems to keep the BFat bay.
6. Strength is WAY UP - that seems to happen with test cycles and i love it. Also the recovery time is 1 day shorter so i am on a 5days on, 1 day off schedule. that way i get more training in.
7. Tried the melatonin peptide - works amazingly well to add natural tan (along with a small amount of tanning booth) i only do the booth every 10 days and people ask if I have been in mexico on vacation! Also produces lots of night wood - fun at first but makes sleeping a little difficult at times.

Leg Workout!
Cant believe that this has become one of my favorites. i am really stoked to see some changes and hoping for more size in the next 11 weeks....
Did bigevil's leg routine - it's amazing how much stronger i am now than 4-5 weeks ago!

Leg extensions (No negatives)
+ 10lbs for all over last week
25@50 lbs
10 + 6@120

1 set 21's style 130 lbs:
7 full reps, 7 top 1/2 reps;7 bottom half
had to do rest pause before last 7 reps

1 DROP SET: rest pause again on last 2 drops
Max reps 120x15; 90 x 8+7; 60x7+8


30 x 2 plates ea side
20x4 plates ea side
1set max reps w 5plates w feet 4 inches apart 15 reps
1set max reps w 5 plates w feet shoulder width 10+6reps

1 set max reps with 2 plates w feet 1 foot apart. fukkin 55! These were excruciating! - i did rest pause (2-5 sec ) for the last 25

Walking Lunges
1 set w a 40 lb BB; about 100 steps[/B]

SQUATS thot i would be weak on these since i was so spent on the leg press, but they felt good. i put a 18" box under my butt and went for a touchdown on each rep.
8x245 tough
6x255 very tough but the box gave me some confidence that failure at the bottom would not be catastrophic
Finished with 4 deload sets 10x135 felt like lifting a feather - hahahaha and super ROM & form! (I coulda been on YouTube!)

ABS & Calves
3 sets 20-10 reps on the seated calf machine w/ 3 plates
3 sets of 10-8 on the donkey machine

decline sit ups with 14# medicine ball
3 x 10-15 reps
Cable rope crunches 5 sets of 20 x 140
Hanging leg raises - 2 sets of 10 (perfect form, but just BW)

no post wo cardio.

BTW had a Noxplode before and a workout drink during.

and everyone loves a pic - here's me now and 4 years ago....
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What a whiny bastard i be!

Hey guys so I've been super stressed with personal and work issues so I've been eating bad. Losing the schedule, missing meals eating "protein" (almost as bad as candy) bars and about 4 brownies last night! Whoa is me - i need to kick myself in the ass and get back on the diet!

Having said that, workouts have been great - I feel the intensity, but I think that I am not hitting the heaviest numbers. At this point I am a little confused if I should go for heavy or go for better form, more reps. i want muscle mass... Did well on Mon workout and Tuesday was a rest day.

I'm Mr. Mom this week so juggling kids work and workouts. Last night was great - did a cardio boxing class 5-6 pm; got home fed the kids did their homework (J/K) and got back to the gym at 10pm.

Wed workout
Back and shoulders


15 x 150

long pause

Bent over rows
10 x 135

Hammer strength high pulls
10x2 plates
10 x 2plates +25
8x3 plates

seated CG rows
10 x 150

rack pulls
6x275 (back was SUPER pumped after these - very painful ;-)

One arm bent rows
10 x75

Got home sore as hell! took a bath and fell asleep in the tub! (ate my daughter's brownies (bad dad))
3 am Casein shake.

Anyone have ideas about acne? i am getting 3-5 spots at a time - quite large and ugly - last for a while - on my chest & shoulders.
Yup - well the good news is that I finished the box of bars so no mo in the house. And i bought $390 worth of groceries yesterday - at least half was meat, chicken and tilapia!

Friday was an excellent arm workout - except that I irritated my left elbow tendon, so i took yesterday off - iced it and put a wrap on it. feeling better now but i will def need a full week before I do arms again! i really must have overdone it, cause the pain afterwards was intense.

FRIDAY - Dave19's arm workout (minus a few lbs..)
*warm up* (light curls 15 reps x 30)
-DB hammer curls;
drop set: 60lb DBs x 9 reps to failure, within 15 seconds drop down to 35lb, 5 reps per arm.
2nd set is exactly the same except only about 7 reps with the 60s, and I dropped down to 30's after to failure.


- Close grip smith machine bench press,
135 x 10 upper range
135 x 10 mid range
135x6 full rom to 1" above chest
2 sets:
155 x 8 upper range
155 x 8 mid range
155x6 full rom to 1" above chest

Single arm DB preacher curls
drop sets
9x30 full rom; 6x30 50% rom; 5x30 top squeeze only 25% rom
2 more sets
9x35 full rom; 6x35 50% rom; 5x35 top squeeze only 25% rom

Hammer machine push downs
3 sets.
forgot the weight,but repped to failure around 12

Lying cable curls
3 sets
15 x 100
10x140 Cheated to get to 10 on last 2 - huge pump.

-Tricep extensions
12x 160
8x160 failure

Single arm cable curls
3 sets per arm about 12 x60 to failure.

2 sets 8 x BW

Dumbell kickbacks
3 x 10 x 20

Sunday legs
Legs felt great so i maxed out on this one adding a rep or 10 lbs to everything!

Leg ext
25@60 lbs

1 set 21's style 120 lbs:
7 full reps, 7 top 1/2 reps;7 bottom half

1 DROP SET: 120xmax..90xmax..60xmax
BurnOUT 120x15; 90 x 11+6; 60 x 15

legs felt curiously strong on these....hmmm it must be working!
30 x 2 plates ea side
20x4 plates ea side
1set max reps w 5plates w feet 4 inches apart 13 reps
1set max reps w 5 plates w feet shoulder width 11reps
1 set max reps with 2 plates w feet 1 foot apart. fukkin 55!

Walking Lunges
2 sets w a 40 lb BB; 48 steps; 49 steps[/B]


8x265 spotter

Barbell Glute raises
- these were Killer!!!!
3 sets 10 x 135

Finished with ABS

hanging leg raises

2 x 10 x BW
Incline leg ups
3 x 10 x BW

30 mins pussy cardio on Bike 200 cals! whoopie! (i was too wiped to do HIIT)

So i feel better today about my workouts and progress. the arm workout was weird - My Bi's ached all night long and I couldn't sleep!

So i'll close with a couple of positive stories - went to a bookstore on Fri night and bought a book (very cool) an illustrated anatomy book on the human body - all parts, muscles, bones, heart, brain, lungs, etc. And the clerk asked me if i was a bodybuilder! LOL - First time i think my wife was proud of my physique! :jump:

Second story - My bicep is now too big to stick in the blood pressure machine at the drug store! Same on I've used for 2 years, but hella tight now and just reads error! hahahahahaha:uzi: