Legit Starke Pharma Gear????

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they are legit bro. Those vials look nice and full as well
I know for sure his raw is good. I prefer a glossy label but that is just cosmetic. Lots of people using him lately and you can't beat his T/A.
thanks bros! never used starke before but yes his t/a is amazing! got it in about 3 days...cant even get protein online that fast hahaha
anyone ever used his orals??? i want to do another order soon and wanted to pick up some of his anavar and dbol.
he also has cyp now that i want to try
Does he have a website I can order from?

read the rules , no asking for sources.
He is not big enough to have IP or Alin counterfeiting his gear yet :) so all of it should be legit
I'm in my mid 30's never cycled before I'm not allowed to ask for sources but is there any helpful hint how I can find a UG lab? I've been working out 7 years occasionally do prohormone from M.MUSCLE but I want to try the real thing now. Any advice would be appreciated
I'm in my mid 30's never cycled before I'm not allowed to ask for sources but is there any helpful hint how I can find a UG lab? I've been working out 7 years occasionally do prohormone from M.MUSCLE but I want to try the real thing now. Any advice would be appreciated

Hi Nine!

Try not to hicack other peoples threads, it annoys some people. Do not ask for sources in the open it pisses of DADAWG and he will track you down and bite you! trust me on this

Your best option is to stick around the site for a while and post. Get to know the guys and make some friends. Eventually when people trust you they will help you. Until then just kick back and research things and be active around here. That is the best advice I have for you
Ok I just joined today guess I jumped the gun lol thx for the advice
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