Letro Log - Gyno b gone.. I hope


New member
So I've had some gyno in the left nip for a year or two now... post prohormone (improper pct). Anyway, got some letro and nolva.. Gonna do the letro taper up to 2.5/day till its gone or till i notice its not working... then taper back down and run nolva 20mg for a week then 10mg for week to prevent a rebound.

I've had my blood ran... had 33ng/dl estro... low test... the works. Just want this jellybean behind my left lip that hurts to get the fuck outta there.

I'm not optimistic... Expecting it to only come out with surgery, but what the hell... thought i'd do a run of letro/nolva before thinking about dropping three grand on a surgery i wont be able to afford any time in the near future.

Tonight was day one. I got GP Letro so its a triangle with a line down the middle 2.5mg/ea... I split it, then cut a corner off one of the halfs and put it on my scale and it came out to .273mg so damn close... following the protocol posted on here and gonna ramp it up in a weeks time and stay at 2.5mg/day and cross my fingers for something to happen.

Anyway, this is more for my personal observation and to track at what point i notice any sides, dropped water weight, libido crash, dry achy joints, etc...

Also taking about 3000mg/day combo of glucosamine/chondoitrin/msm to aid the joints (been on this for a couple months as my joints hurt anyway.

I'll run labs again at the end do see my estro numbers and see if it free'd up any test that was suppressed from my high E levels.

Feel free to tune in for the ride

Sorry no pics as it would be worthless, you can't really see the gyno, its a painful lump in my left only and my nip only looks slightly puffy so that i am the only one that notices when it warm and my body temp is up. I've noticed if I'm walking around in the freezing house and my nips are shrunken and cutting glass that they actually seem to sink in a little lol.

Well not like 24 hours would result in anything noticable, but thought i'd note last night that after I posted that I went back and ready the gyno protocol:

Day 1: .50mg Letro
Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

Realized I underdosed the first dose so I took a razor to my chunks and cut off another pieve weighing roughly .25g and took it.

Tonight I took another chunk of it (didn't split that evenly) 1.14mg

That said, since the half life is like 4 days from what I read, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just spread the doses EOD with a half pill to start...

Something like:
half tab day one
none day two
one tab day three
none day four
one tab day five and so on

remain at full tab/day until gyno melted, then taper down slowly?

one tab last day
wait a day
one tab
wait a day
half tab
wait a day
half tab
wait a day
quarter tab
wait a day
quarter tab

Just confused on the ramping and splitting of such a tiny pill to start with, probably easier with RUI's liquid, but for us using pills to try to get .25 or .5 is a nasty bitch... the overall amount in the blood would remain similar

.5 day one +1mg day two
1.25 mg day one and none day two
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Like I said I'm not optimistic but for what it's worth I had to give it a shot, plus I may free up some natty test that's got it's balls in a deathgrip by estro the way I stand...

On another note for an update (prob in my head) but I had fractured my right index metacarpal in November and I noticed it being more sore than normal this morning when I woke up...
Day 4

Took a half a pill today 1.25g, will start full pills tomorrow I suppose... I know the ramping in wasn't spot on but the ramping down is more important anyhow.

No noticeable difference of course yet in feeling, body, or lump
Hi mate, keep us posted how you get on.. I'm have currently just been on letro for just over a month now, i have lumps under both nipples, with my left side be slightly bigger.. So far I have noticed that my left side has came down in size and my right side has bassically gone. I'm going to carry on till I finish my second bottle of Letro and then using Novla to get my levels back to normal. With taking this a month already, I have noticed my joints aching a little bit but no all the time, now and again.. But the main one is that just feeling tired most of the time and feel like i have got that much engery. Just cant wait till am off this stuff lol... Hope this helps anways and good luck!

Also my was due to anadrol...
Sorry my laptop crashed an my data plan was used up!

Anyhow, been taking one full 2.5mg pill per day since 2/25 and haven't noticed much difference. My finger I fractured continues to be more soar than normal and I'm noticing a little stiffness maybe especially knees and back. I feel ya on the lethargy, been very tired lately but also not getting as much sleep, but when I do sleep it seems to be without so much interruption and fuller sleep...

Not noticing any libido decrease but then again my sex drive was low in the first place.

Haven't dropped any water weight either, I remain at 190
Im in the exact situation your in and was gonna take femara which is the same thing as letro I think but after im done with the month would arimidex be ok to run instead of nolva?
3 days later... still on 2.5mg a day taken at 9pm

Noticing slightly worse joint pain it seems in the mornings... its not bad mid-day and there on...

192lbs tonight so not shedding water

lump seems like it comes and goes... kinda wierd... like it has flares throughout the day/night...
Lol ok...

194 at the gym tonight.. Up two lbs.. Metacarpal extra sore today, knees feeling it a little...

Not much change if any since starting 2.5mg a day

Backs starting to feel better since monday
Watch your damn tendons and joints on letro bro!! That shit will wreck your elbows and knees when heavy lifting during a course of letro. Still all depends on what caused the alleged gyno.. You know most guys that just work out naturally get cysts under the nipple usually just calcium deposit. I tried letro to no avail so must be progesterone/prolactin gyno. So pramipexole and cabaser/dostinex(cabergoline) is the only defense in dopamine.
Pinga, I drink well over a gal a day, the nice thing about my boring desk job is that it really helps me regulate my food and water intake my 9 hours of sitting on my ass! I piss every hour or more and it's always crystal clear lol

As for the gyno, my story is a cycle of 1AD with 6oxo for "pct" which had no I'll effects exept my low t maybe... Then pheraplex a year later with the same 6oxo "pct" (this was nearly 5years ago)... Shortly after the pheraplex I noticed my left nip constantly being sore, then a jellybean size lump developed, then very slight fat tissue increase around the nipples more so to the left. I had blood tests done (there's a thread on here) t was 246 total and estradiol at 34, I went to my personal physician whom confirmed the gyno in the left nip and tested my free test and shbg which were all sub par...

Anyway, my buddy thinks the gyno is in my head not my nip and my gf thinks I'm nuts too but fuck, it's my nips, had them since before I an remember lol
Day 14

really feelingethargic despite two nights of great sleep. I feel the gyno lump like it's trying to surface as of last night, it feels more like a big ass zit that's well under the top layer now and harder/smaller than before where as it was more like a sensitive mass... Hard to explain but it's like it got smaller in size and harder and is coming up the layers of tissue...

Is that the norm when on letro to reduce size? If it continues it's almost like you'd be able to see a cyst like bump the size of a jelly bean or large zit at the surface soon. It's not as sensitive anymore which is nice but way more obvious and when I flex my pec I can feel it through my shirt very clearly.
Sounds about right. That is exactly what happens when I use letro too. Works on cycle but doesn't do shit for me off cycle. I've got aromasin and nolva almost at my door now, so I'm trying the aromasin and then the nolva when the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) runs out. My lumps are rather evident right now, gotta pull this shit together already!

I suggest keep on the letro til it runs out, if by the end your satisfied with the reduction start nolva to assist with the estrogen rebound that's inevitable to happen in these circumstances. At least 2wks-1month after the nolva has been finished get to an endocrinologist and check everything
Day 16

Nip sensitivity still decreasing, still hovering at 194

No noticeable changes otherwise

Forgot to mention I've been taking joint health pills with Glucosamine msm and chondoitrin two weeks prior to the letro and all the way through
Day 17
Last day of my split at the gym this week and I'm wrecked, safe to say it's in full swing... Lots of lethargy, sore joints, losing water weight.. Gyno is down to a small zit like cyst instead of a large tender sore still, getting smaller each day which I was did not have high expectations of given te length of time I've had it! Can't wait to taper down and hop on nolvadex for a few weeks

Any input on how long to run nolva post letro discontinuance? Was thinking two weeks... More?
I think the standard month is compliant in this situation. Nolva wks1&2 40mg/daily, wk3 20mg, wk4 10mg perhaps. Or get it in 60mL and have left overs