I would think the drugs at the beginning would look better than the ones at the end, at least as far as efficacy goes. For example, say you started with short acting gear first, and ended with longer acting gear.
Dbol...ox...winny...tren...test...deca...eq, something like that. The dbol results are going to look fantastic, but how many pounds are you gonna gain before your gains slow down regardless of gear? What dosages are you going to use to try to keep all of these comparable?
I think in the end, you might as well jump feet first, if you get sides, you get sides, but not as much benefit as a real cycle would give you. Plus you are basically just fucking around for a year.
Try the basics and go from there. I would recommend a test/eq or test/deca (or test/npp) cycle for any novice. And you just go from there. Add dbol, or add Winstrol (winny), or try deca instead of eq, or eq instead of deca, etc., etc.
It would be nice to have first hand experience for all gear, but that's just not realistic. I know people bitch and moan about some people who will answer without having real world experience, but as long as they are relating what somebody else experienced, what's the big fucking deal? If I told you anadrol will most likely bloat you, does it matter much that I've never done anadrol, nor do I plan to? Or if I tell you that if you take test, most likely your sex drive will go up?
That's exactly what these boards are here for, so you don't have to take a year or two off just to find out what works or what doesn't.