Throwing Cookies
Ok. So I started cycling about 6 years ago and I've ran T3 along with various cycles for approx the last 3-4 years. Some cycles as basic as 750mg Test E/week with 120mcg T3, but my best results came from Test E500/Tren e 500mg/week with 120 T3. In the latter cycle, I dropped nearly 15 pounds of almost exclusively fat, dropping 2 pants sizes. My maxes plateaued but I looked great. Mission accomplished. While cycling off, let my diet slip back. Even though I've heard all the stories of muscle wasting if not taking t3 along side test, I tried it. I ran 120mcg for about 3 months with almost no results. No running 750 mg test e per week and t3 at 120mcg/ week and arent seeing any results. What's the deal? Thanks for your responses in advance!